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III. A woman's fears .... 36
IX. A lady's glove 105
Hugo Alexis Brentwood gave his assent to Agar
Halfi, his right-hand man, to pitch their little camp
by the side of the stream at the foot of the moun-
tain. Just for one moment, the Hindoo looked at
his master with half-closed eyes ; his consent had
been merely a mechanical inclination of the head,
and Agar Halfi was quite sure that the Sahib was
not listening.
Still, it was sufficient ; such matters were always
left in his hands, and really it was more a matter
of form than anything else that he had asked.
So without more ado he swiftly gave his orders
to the half-dozen servants and carriers, and then
busied himself in superintending the preparations
for the evening meal. That, to his mind, was an
important thing, for no man could work unless
he were properly fed.
Meanwhile the leader of this small party leaned
thoughtfully on his rifle and continued to gaze
absently toward the western horizon, as though
fascinated by the vivid sunset. He was in reality
reviewing the past eight years of his life, spent in
rough travel, and contemplating with some satis-
faction the knowledge and experience which he had
acquired thereby.
When he left England, those who knew him best
— they were not many — regarded him as a man who,
having given great promise as a psychologist, had
discarded most Western theories, and side-tracked
into occultism ; which of course, from a Western
scientific point of view, was mere superstition.
His colleagues had put it down to the Eastern
blood in him, concluding that his environment had
not been strong enough to overcome his hereditary
traits of mysticism.
But their point of view did not trouble him greatly.
He had drawn his own conclusions, and having
plenty of means at his disposal, had decided to
make research, and gather facts for himself. His
measure of success was more than he had hoped for ;
some of his theories he had proved up to the hilt ;
others had not been so satisfactory, but in any
case, he now knew that psychology as understood
by Western thought was a mere drop in the ocean,
such a puny feeble creature, that it was a wonder
it had any life at all.
Thus it was that at present he happened to be
situated in wild Afghanistan, a country in which
he had experienced many weird and strange things,
not always to be found even by those who seek
At the present time he was not many days'
journey from the Persian border; and when at
Herat, he had heard a lot of whispered talk concern-
ing a cave in the mountains about forty miles
further on. From what could be gathered, the
place was stigmatised as haunted ; but the people
spoke of it as if half afraid to do so, and the infor-
mation he could gather was meagre.
It appeared that at irregular intervals the Ufe-
less bodies of people had been found there. This
in itself was sufficient to give the place an evil
repute, but it could hardly have accounted for
the firmly implanted idea that the cave was under
the influence of the Evil One. All the bodies had
been mutilated in the same manner. In each case
the throat had been torn as though with a sharp
instrument ; but the wound was a jagged one, such
as no known weapon could inflict ! No doubt it
was this latter fact that caused the natives to
condemn the cave as under the spell of the super-
natural. At any rate, that was all he could get to
know, so he had determined to go a little out of
his direct course and examine the place.
It was the crackling of the fire and the chnk of
tin pots that brought him back to his present
surroundings. It then immediately occurred to
him that Agar Halfi had asked for orders to
pitch camp. Remembering that, he turned his eyes
to see what sort of a spot they were in, and after a
cursory glance, nodded with approval.
The position selected by the Hindoo was a
good one, being sheltered on two sides by the
rocky base of the mountain which formed a right-
angle, and flanked on a third side by a stream
which bubbled swiftl;j^ down to the plains below
in a northerly direction.
Satisfied, he took up his glasses and care-
fully surveyed the rugged Afghan landscape. At
length his eyes rested on a portion of it which
seemed to be of particular interest, for he looked at
it long and steadily ; then dropping his glasses,
he gave a low exclamation of satisfaction. There
could not be much doubt that this was the place
he had set out to visit.
He was disturbed in his meditations by Agar
Halfi informing him that supper was ready.
Yawning, he slung his rifle on his back and stretched
his tired Umbs ; then looking keenly at the wiry
supple figure of the Hindoo, said :
" Agar Halfi, to-night we will rest ; to-morrow
you and I will visit yonder cave, and if there is a
demon there, we will exorcise him."
He laughed a little grimly as he spoke. He
was barely thirty-five years old, and had not
yet reached that age when men do not talk too
confidently about those things which they have to
tackle, however certain they may be of the issue.
But there was some excuse for his confident tone.
During his eight years' sojourn, he had nearly
always been successful in clearing up to his own
satisfaction — if not always to the satisfaction of
those concerned — the many weird cases that had
come across his path, and he did not think then
that a day would dawn when he would be baffled,
and indeed narrowly escape with his life.
Agar Halfi — forty years if a day — shook his head
gravely, and did not reply immediately. He was a
mystic of the Eastern school, and once had been
within the shadow of death, when probing too far
into the mysteries of the underworld. There was
a note of warning in his voice as he answered :
" Maybe, Sahib, we shall exorcise him, maybe
not — maybe he will exorcise us ! Who knows ? "
A shght smile flitted across the white man's
handsome face at the Oriental's quaint way of
rebuking him, but it died almost immediately as on
second thoughts he replied :
" True, my friend, you did well to chide me for
my self-assurance. It is time experience of these
things had taught me not to speak lightly of them.
Still, let us eat and drink, then rest, or we shall be
no more fit physically to do battle with this evil
thing, than these poor natives are mentally."
Saying which, he led the way to their rough
repast, which they made mostly in silence, except-
ing for occasional question and answer regarding
their equipment, their stores, and things in general.
When they had finished, the explorer brought out
a pipe, which he carefully filled, and IjHing back on
his elbow, began to smoke. The Hindoo, who did
not indulge in the narcotic weed, rose and went on
his usual evening mission to see that aU was well
for the night. When he returned, he piled fresh fuel
on the fire, and squatting down — Eastern fashion
— sat staring at the flames.
Brentwood, smoking retrospectively, watched
him lazily for a time. At last he knocked the
ashes out of his pipe, and stifling a yawn re-
marked :
"The worst of this sort of case is, that one can
get so little information — ^has to take so much on
Without moving his eyes from the fire, the
Oriental replied :
" That is true, Sahib — the fact is, ignorance strikes
terror into the hearts of these poor devils, and they
think that if they speak too loudly, or say too
much, the hobgoblin will lay in wait for them."
*' Unfortunately that is so," answered his com-
panion. " Also unfortunately, it has been the
means of putting us more than once into a very
tight comer."
The Hindoo grunted emphatically. " A man
can only die once. Sahib, and he will not die until
his time comes."
*' True, my friend, but he can precipitate his end
by acting rashly."
" Also true, Sahib, but then, his time has come,"
replied Agar Halfi with finality.
Brentwood yawned again ; he was too tired to
argue upon those lines, so getting his blanket, he
rolled himself up, and with a lazy " good-night "
prepared to settle down.
But sleep did not come to his tired eyes ; his
active brain would not rest, and try as he would,
he could not shake off a dim feeling of depression.
At last he raised himself on his elbow, and looking
across the fire at the set face of his companion, said :
" What do you make of this cave business, Agar
Halfi ? "
The Hindoo, who had not moved since he sat down,
raised his head mechanically, and looked at the
speaker with vacant eyes. He had the blank ex-
pression of the somnambulist, whose mind — occupied
with the internal workings of the brain — is dead to
external influences. At length the Ught broke into
his eyes, just as if his soul — being at a distance — had
heard a call, and returned swiftly to its house of clay.
" Ah, Sahib, the time is inopportune ; evil direc-
tions of the stars work against you, and, as I said
when at Herat, we should have done well to have
forgotten this place,"
" You are pessimistic," replied Brentwood, in a
tone of slight irritation. " Even if the stars are
against us, it does not follow that their rays are
fatal or that we cannot overcome the trend of
their influence. Surely, Agar Halfi, you are
falling back to the old fatalistic fallacy of your
people ? "
The Oriental's eyes flashed a little in the fireUght,
as he answered in his grave voice :
" Now for certain the Sahib knows that Agar
Halfi is no fatalist ; he eradicated that doctrine
from his soul long ago. But although the evil direc-
tions of the stars may be overcome by the wise and
the good, does my friend think that the way to
counteract them is deUberately to walk into the
danger zone ? "
" Perhaps I am over-confident," replied the other
meditatively ; " but then I think differently to
you. My English blood gives me thoughts of which
you are unconscious. It is quite possible that one
may enter the danger zone and still overcome the
opposing forces."
The Hindoo slowly shook his head. " Is it wise
to risk the jaws of the tiger, when you can kill him
from a safe distance ? "
" StiU, Agar Halfi, for better or worse we are here
now, and we will make a bold bid to uproot this
mystery. Once again, what is your opinion about
it? "
" That we shall not come to grips with it ! " he
answered bluntly.
At this retort, Brentwood sat upright and stared
surprisedly at his companion, who returned his
look steadUy.
" Do you mean that we shall not succeed in this
matter ? "
" I shall be satisfied if we both escape with our
lives ! "
The explorer looked at him closely for some time,
and his face grew stern as the thought flashed through
his mind that possibly the Hindoo would like to
shirk this task ; but he discarded it almost as soon
as it was bom, and said quietly :
" Agar Halfi, I have known you ever since I set
foot in India over eight years ago. Since then, we
have travelled together constantly, and, during that
period, I have never known you to shrink once.
Speak, what is in your mind ? "
" You say. Sahib, that you have never known
Agar Halfi to shrink once ; true, neither will he shrink
now ; but he knows that there are forces at work
here which are more powerful than the Sahib thinks,
and — well, friend Brentwood, we are not Mahatmas."
A grim smile turned up the comers of the white
man's mouth.
" Well, suppose I take your advice and turn back
now ? "
" Why waste words. Sahib ? you know you will
not turn back."
Brentwood laughed in a low voice.
" That is true, my friend — I shall not turn
" Nor will Agar Halfi," replied the other stolidly.
" Where the Sahib goes his friend and servant will
go also. For he remembers that once, when fleeing
from the wrath of the priests, into whose secrets
he had dared to look too deeply, a white man gave
him refuge, food, and clothing, and saved his life.
Some day, perhaps, Agar Halfi will repay that debt
— who knows ? "
A long silence followed the Hindoo's last remarks,
and they both looked at the fire, neither desiring to
speak. At length the Oriental raised his hand, and
said gravely :
" Listen, Sahib, and I will tell you a legend of
these mountains."
Brentwood incUned his head in assent, and the
Hindoo continued :
" Far away in the bygone past, there once lived a
wizard, who practised his rites under the shadow
of one of the great Persian kings. This man was a
very wise and good one, who lived a clean, upright
life, and always strove to do his best to uplift the
people of his country. So great was his power,
and so well-beloved was he of the people, that they
said he was the far-famed Zoroaster come back to
earth again.
" He was strong and handsome, and though barely
forty years of age, he had guided the councils of the
king for many years with his wisdom, and they were
close friends. But his hfe was not fated to be a
smooth one, indeed it was to end in pitiful tragedy.
" Now there resided in the palace a sister of the
king, who was a sorceress. Through her brother,
she wished to rule the kingdom, and no doubt would
have done so but that the power of the wizard barred
the way. Several times had she tried to thwart him,
but her arts and spells were impotent against the
white magic which he used. She was evil as well
as beautiful, this sister of the king, and, in her great
jealousy, she determined to encompass the downfall
of the one man who stood in the way of her ambition.
" One day she made excuse to her brother the king,
saying that she wished to retire for a period from the
court, in order to seek sohtude to enable her to gain
strength in the magical arts. She obtained his con-
sent, and for a whole month no one saw nor heard
of her. What happened during that period is not
written, but when she came back she had changed.
There was more magnetism in her eye, more subtle
power in her voice, and, what was more, she returned
not alone ! DweUing in her private chamber which
she used for magical ritual was a familiar demon,
in the form of a huge vulture-like roc, that had evil
gleaming eyes, and followed her about Uke a shadow.
Such, Sahib, had been the fruits of her sojourn in
the wilderness.
" With the aid of the familiar, the sorceress found
means to enforce her wicked will. She caused the
wizard to fall in love with her, knowing that thus
she would deprive him of his control of powers which
enabled him to hold his high station. At first, being
long estranged from things of the flesh, he resisted
the influence ; but gradually the spell worked into
his system, and at last he fell a victim to the passion
she had created in him.
" Now she knew that his doom was sealed, that
she had him in her grasp. Gradually his control left
him, he lost his power and fell into disgrace. Too
late he realised that he had been duped. In the
bitterness of his downfall he changed visibly ;
black evil rose up in his heart, and he craved for
" But in the midst of her triumph the sorceress
was to taste the bitter cup. Unwittingly she had
wrought her own ruin, for, in making the wizard
fall in love with her, she had discovered too late that
she really and truly loved him. Now she could not
undo the spell she had set in motion, and things
must perforce take their course.
" One night, longing to see him, she sent a message
asking him to meet her alone. That was just what
the man wanted — an opportunity — and while he said
he would come, he wondered at her rashness. They
met, and so great was her passion for him, that she
forgot all else ; but revenge was uppermost in the
wizard's heart, and he strangled her. Then he fled
across the border to these mountains, where he knew
he would be safe from the pursuit and vengeance
of her brother the king. Safe indeed was he on that
score, but he reckoned without the power of the Evil
One with whom the sorceress had made the compact
in the wilderness. The Master of Evil had not cast
his nets in vain.
" One morning, just before the dawn, the wizard
awoke in his cave, with the uncomfortable feeling
that he was not alone, that another presence was
near him. As he opened his eyes, he saw dimly
outlined the shape of a great bird, perched on one
of the rocks, staring triumphantly at him with malig-
nant eyes.
" He trembled with fear, for he realised now that
his doom was sealed ; that his time had come.
With a hoarse, chuckling shriek the monster drew
near to him. He tried to rise, but the power of the
demon embodied in that dreadful shape held him
terror-stricken. Nearer and nearer it drew, its
cruel merciless eyes gloating over the hideous work
it was about to perform.
" At length it reached him. There was a terrible
cry as of one in the death throes, followed by a
horrid mocking laugh, and all was silent."
Agar Halfi paused, then continued :
" Such, Sahib, is the legend of these mountains,
that has been handed down in the mystic schools
of the East, and it is said that the soul of the sorceress
haunts the caves, seeking her lover. At these
periods her familiar appears in the form of the roc,
and kills human beings who are unfortunate enough
to come within the zone of its evil influence. And
this will go on, until sometime in the dim future —
as it is said — ^the wizard will again come to earth,
and slay the demon which was let loose from the
world of darkness by the sorceress. Then, and not
till then, will these two unfortunates be released
from their earth-bound condition, and be able to
unite once more on the higher planes of the spiritual
Brentwood sat silent for a while, thinking, and
the Hindoo relapsed into himself again, his eyes fixed
absently on the fire.
When the explorer spoke it was in a subdued tone :
"That sounds very much Hke the antics of the
hobgoblin we have come to lay, Agar Halfi ? "
The Hindoo shrugged his shoulders, which was
characteristic of him ; beyond that he gave no reply.
At length the explorer settled himself down once
more, and this time he slept. Little did he know
what would transpire before the sun rose over the
eastern rim. Far less did he guess that he would
never set foot in the cave he had come to explore,
or of the manner in which they would meet the hob-
goblin they had set forth to lay.
For a time Agar Halfi sat motionless, staring into
the flames. He was far from easy. He knew that
his companion was Uable to a violent end from
weird and unnatural causes, under the influence of
the evil directions from the planet Neptune, which
were now beginning to operate in his life. Particu-
larly was this so at the periods of the conjunction
and opposition of the lights in the angles, and this
very midnight they would be conjoined in the north
angle, below- the earth !
What could have possessed the Sahib that he
should court danger at such a period ? He shook
his head gloomily. It would have been well, as he
had said, if the explorer had forgotten the existence
of this place. Moreover, he felt that a powerful
influence was around, over which he had no control,
and there was something sinister in the atmosphere,
hke the deadly silence that foreshadows the tropical
The Hindoo had determined that sleep should not
close his eyes that night. He knew instinctively,
as well as from experience, that evils of this kind
struck at the moment when least expected, and that,
when the world was wrapped heaviest in sleep, just
before the dawn. Yes, he would remain on guard
through the night, and prepare for an attack, as far
as he was able. To his mind there was no question
that instead of being hunted, the evil — whatever it
was, and he had made a good guess as to that — was
going to hunt them ! How far in his judgment he
was wrong, subsequent events will show.
Moving quietly, he deftly drew the signet ring
from the little finger of the sleeper's right hand,
and, resuming his seat, began to slowly roll it be-
tween his palms, while, in a subdued voice, he chanted
strange words. With his eyes staring fixedly at the
fire, he continued this curious ritual for neariy
fifteen minutes, and then, extracting a small packet
from the bosom of his garment, he carefully emptied
some of the contents into the fire.
For some seconds a thin, straight column of dark
green smoke ascended into the air. Then it burst
into lurid flame, the tongues of wl^ich darted fiercely
outward, enveloping the man in a blaze of light.
Agar Halfi never moved,- but continued to chant
in a monotonous tone, still rolHng the ring in ttis
hands. Gradually the flames sank back, and the
fire resumed its normal proportions. Then, and
not till then, did he cease his ritual.
For a moment he glanced at his sleeping com-
panion, then stealthily replaced the ring without
disturbing him. Building up the fire afresh, he had
one look around to see that all was right, and settled
down to his night watch.
How long Agar Halfi sat thus he did not know ;
for the very thing happened which he had deter-
mined to prevent — ^he slept. The next thing he
remembered was being wide awake, staring into the
darkness. The fire had sunk low, and it must have
been somewhere near the dawn.
He had a dim idea that some sound had awakened
him, and while he sat trying to recollect it, his eyes
rested on the sleeping form of the explorer. He
looked at him mechanically for a moment, then
suddenly he noticed that his face was not a natural
colour ; it had a pale, gre5n[sh hue, and the features
were drawn as though in suffering.
The Hindoo moved, with the intention of rising
and going over to examine him ; there was something
which was not quite as it should be. He had, how-
ever, hardly reached his feet when a horrible chuck-
ling sound, which made his flesh creep, caused him
to turn quickly, his hand on his yataghan. Nothing ?
He could have sworn that he saw a huge dark shadow
receding into the night. He looked keenly into the
gloom, trying to follow it, when once more that
uncanny sound caught his ear, causing his gorge to
rise, and this time it subconsciously awoke some dim
memory in his mind. But that had no time to come
to the surface, for immediate action was required.
The cry came again as if from behind him. He faced
around, and this time there could not be any doubt
about it ; a monstrous shape was hovering over the
sleeping white man, who lay with his left arm out-
stretched, as if to ward something off, and his right
hand firmly grasping his throat, while a look of
intense horror transfixed his countenance.
Agar Halfi stood as though paralysed, his eyes
riveted on the scene, and great drops of perspira-
tion broke out all over him. Surely, he thought,
the evil death is upon us ? Then a faint hope began
to filter into his mind — the Fire Charm which he had
wrought ! Ah, but would it avail ? He could only
wait in mute agony and see, some unknown force
held him impotent ; he could not move.
Look ! A great shadowy beak, beneath two awful
orbs, was slowly drawing near to the explorer's
throat. The Hindoo shook in his fear, as he help-
lessly waited for the end. He had resigned himself
to the inevitable, when once again that horrible
chuckle smote his ear, this time swelling into a
hideous screech, half-laugh, of baffled rage, dying
away into a plaintive^wail.
Then the spell broke ; the shadowy shape seemed
to melt into thin air. With shaking hmbs Agar
Halfi stepped across the dying fire, and, dropping on
his knees, gazed into the death-like features of his
companion. He moved the right hand from the
unconscious man's throat, and started back in amaze-
ment. Across it was a jagged blood-red line, but
no blood flowed from it. Surely, thought the Hindoo,
this is the evil of the legend ! And as he gazed
horror-stricken, the first faint shafts of sunlight
heralded the coming dawn.
There are villages like flowers in the combes of Somerset,
There life moves in ordered measure like an old-world minuet.
Life replete with scented blossoms, honest work and well-earned
With the inn where you may tarry when the sun sinks to the
And there's one where I would linger, near the pilgrim path to
For its name is like a poem set to song — the " Ring of Bells."
On a bench near the doorway you may watch the dreamy dusk
Fall on gardens sweet with roses, lady-lilies, stocks and musk.
You can hear the cows' home-coming and the dogs far down the
And the evensong of thrushes, or the lisping speech of rain,
While the cider laughs alluring with its piquant apple smells,
As you drink to teeming orchards clustering round the " Ring
of Bells."
In a valley fair as this is 'twere no hardship to grow old.
Mellowing as an apple mellows, homing like the sheep to fold,
With the deep peace of the valley like balm upon the soul.
With the faith that earth awakens ripening as the seasons roll.
For 'mid beauty Death comes softly, like the tale that autumn
Like a song with finished cadence, like the last soft Ring of
Rose E, Sharland,
At the Sign of the " Ring of Bells."
Far away down the Bristol Channel, lying snugly
under the north-west wing of an ever-growing seaside
resort, is an ancient rustic village, which for centuries
17 B
has slept, deep in the valley between the hills and
the western sea.
Cut off from the inland by a fine range of hills,
which, sweeping round from the north almost in a
semicircle, also encloses the great town of Westsea,
this quiet village of Worlstoke dreams on in its
rural simplicity.
Although so near such a busy centre — it is only
separated from Westsea by three miles of hilly woods
— Worlstoke would lie practically undisturbed, but
for the few visitors who, deserting the more exciting
pleasures of a seaside town, walk to it through the
shady paths of the Westsea Woods.
And there, after partaking of tea at one of the
cottages, nearly all who wander that way visit the
tiny, picturesque church, with its squarely-built,
' eleventh-century Norman tower ; and, if so in-
clined— ^and the door is open — cUmb up the narrow
stone steps to the belfry, thence to the roof, and
revel in the glorious view to be obtained there.
To the west lies the mysterious sea, stretching
across to Cardiff and Barry, while south-west it rolls
away down the channel in an ever-increasing flood
to the Atlantic Ocean. To the south, over the tops
of the trees which form the great woods, the church
spires of Westsea are just discernible, and to the
north stands out the little headland which, running
down to the sea, forms the northern portion of the
bay in which the village Ues.
About a stone's-throw further down the main road,
and on the opposite side to the church, are some
broad steps, rough-hewn out of the rock. These
ascend to the brow of that portion of the hill forming
the end of the woods, and are continued by a path
which leads down the other side, to the hamlet of
They are known as the " Monks' Steps," and it is
said that in the years gone by the fathers used this
rough road from Storton to Worlstoke to bring their
dead for burial.
The steps are many in number and uneven ; but
the climb up them, though toilsome, is worth the
trouble, if only for the truly magnificent view of the
surrounding country which is obtainable at the top.
To the north, directly at one's feet, is a green and
fertile valley, stretching right up to the base of the
barricading hills, the one end of which fades away
in a misty blue, not far from a great seaport town
about twenty miles away.
For miles and miles this range of hills runs in a
great semicircle, and at last sweeps down to the sea
by a small bay, just below Westsea. And there,
looking white and beautiful, lies, in panoramic view,
this popular seaside resort, as though in the grasp
of a giant hand.
But the church and the " Monks' Steps " are not
the only items of interest at Worlstoke. If visitors
care to take the north road running on a level with
the seashore, half an hour's walk will bring them to
all that remains of the old priory of Melsea.
The tower is the only part now left of the original
priory, but it will well repay those who take the
trouble to inspect it.
Other parts of the building are now modernised,
and used as a farm, but there is sufficient interest in
the surroundings to justify the walk.
It was in this priory that the monks mentioned
above used to flourish, from about the eleventh to the
fifteenth century. Rumour has it that they had
communication with Worlstoke church by means of
an underground passage, though no trace of such a
thing has ever been brought to Hght.
Now it happened that one sunny Sunday morning,
in the spring of 19 — , the population of this almost
hidden village received a shock, so sudden and so
unexpected, that it not only for some time afterwards
awoke the inhabitants out of their lethargic dream-
ings, but brought the eyes of the surrounding dis-
tricts to bear upon the place.
The shock was caused by the disappearance of the
Vicar, the Rev. Henry Thornton ! It was " Jarge "
Wride, the milkman, who brought the first news on
his way from the Vicarage. As he said to the next
customer he called on :
"Mrs. Galsby " (Mr. Thornton's housekeeper)
" she be in a fine way. The Vicar he been an' went
oot for a walk las' night, about seven o'clock, an' he
idn't come back ! "
Such important news, and through such a good
medium as the milkman's customer happened to be,
spread quickly ; and the whole village was very
soon discussing the pros and cons of the matter,
forming all sorts of conjectures — mostly irrelevant.
When, toward evening, there was no sign of the
missing man, the excitement grew, and eventually
a search party was formed, which sought fruitlessly
far into the night.
On the Monday the poUce were called in, but days
passed without so much as a single clue to the
mysterious disappearance ; not a trace of Mr.
Thornton could be found. So things went on, until,
a month after the catastrophe, and after the police
had retired baffled, the Rev. Henry Thornton was
given up for lost.
The Powers-that-Be appointed a new vicar, and
the village began to settle down once more to its
ordinary humdrum life.
But the people were not to be left in peace — there
was worse in store for Worlstoke. Things went well
for a fortnight, and then the inhabitants had a further
shock. A second disappearance occurred ! This
time it was the twenty-four-year-old daughter of the
people's churchwarden, and although every effort
was made, no clue could be obtained. The Westsea
Woods were scoured from end to end, but all to no
purpose. She had, Uke Mr. Thornton, seemingly
de-materiaUsed, and vanished completely.
The minds of most of the people now bordered
upon consternation. What did it mean ? Who was
going to be the next victim ? Having no explana-
tion of the mystery, several almost instinctively flew
to the conclusion that it was something supernatural.
People refused to go about after dark, unless they
were in twos or threes. Anxious mothers breathed
sighs of rehef when their children returned home
safely from the village school, and even the bolder
spirits of the men were affected.
All sorts of weird tales were raked up, told and
re-told, and it is quite possible that if an earthquake
had swallowed up London Town, the inhabitants of
Worlstoke would have made little comment, so
centered were they all upon their own particular
trouble. To them, one thing only really mattered,
and that was what had come to be known locally
as the Worlstoke Mystery.
But that by some strange chance, the new vicar
became entangled in the trouble, it is difficult to
say what would have happened. His presence
brought others into it, and upon them rests this
What actually did occur constitutes a strange
drama, as the following pages will reveal, if the
reader has by now found sufficient interest to seek
a Uttle further.
The Rev. Philip Alletson, Vicar of Worlstoke, in
the county of Somerset, walked slowly and easily
along the main path of the great wood that bordered
his parish.
Occasionally he stopped and absently contemplated
the hard stony path, or unconsciously plucked a leaf
from a bush and slowly tore it up, then went on again.
It was evident, from the slightly contracted brows,
that he was deeply considering some question of
grave importance — ^at least to him — and as he walked
with head bent, a first impression of his rather tall,
yet slenderly-built figure, and iron grey hair, would
be that he was middle aged. Moreover, a slight
stoop of the shoulders — a habit he had when in
thought — tended to confirm it. But to see him
face to face would shatter that first impression, for
the clear skin, keen nose, and full though firm mouth,
denoted youth ; besides, one was conscious of energy
and power when meeting the steady grey eyes.
He might have been fifty ; possibly thirty ; pro-
bably he was nearer forty — no one could say, and,
after all, it did not matter.
His thoughts troubled him, owing, perhaps, to
his extremely sensitive temperament — one might
almost say with truth, " supersensitive." Be that
as it may, there is no doubt that the average man,
with steady nerves (as it is said), would not have
thought twice about the matter which troubled the
vicar. He would simply have dismissed it from his
mind as ofie of those strange, inexphcable coinci-
dences that do happen in life.
Mr. AUetson had only been installed at Worlstoke
a month, but that period had been sufficient for him
to learn much of which he had been ignorant before
he accepted the living. Had he known then what
he now knew, it might have affected his decision ;
but indeed only a very weighty consideration would
have caused him to refuse the offer, for at the time
when it was laid before him, the strain of an arduous
curate's life in the East End of the great City had
all but wrecked his health. When his rector had
intimated that there was a small country and seaside
living, with a fair stipend and a comfortable house,
at the disposal of the Bishop of Bath and Wells,
and that he (the rector) had been able to secure for
him the refusal of it, the Rev. Philip AUetson had
not, under the circumstances, taken long to make up
his mind. For who could tell ? such another offer
might not present itself for years.
He had certainly accepted the living " in haste,"
but the " repentance at leisure " stage had hardly yet
arrived, though an extraordinary incident that hap-
pened about a week ago had gone a long way to make
him feel that he had acted without forethought, in
not inquiring into things before he had finally settled.
It was this incident, coupled with one or two things
that he had learned, which perplexed his mind this
cool spring evening, for it looked as if the quiet rest
which he sought was not to be.
Briefly, the points were :
1. The late vicar, the Rev. Henry Thornton, a
mild, good man, if a httle weak and easy-going, of
forty-five years of age, bachelor, had suddenly and
unaccountably disappeared, leaving no trace what-
ever, and in spite of exhaustive efforts by the police
and other people interested, no rational clue had
been discovered.
The only light that had been shed on the matter
was contained in the detective's report after the
search at the vicarage. It tended to show that no
premeditated flight had been thought of. All his
papers were found in order, and practically every
article of clothing he possessed had been sworn to
by his housekeeper, with the exception of one suit
of everyday clothes and a soft hat. He had gone
out on the Saturday evening in the usual way, and
had never returned.
2. It had been mooted that Mr. Thornton's ghost
had been seen by someone in the village close by the
ruins of the old priory of Melsea, and there had been
a lot of small talk about ghosts.
3. A small farmer at Melton-Storton had sworn
that when coming home through the Great Wood
of Westsea one evening, he had been suddenly con-
fronted by two apparitions, one that of a woman,
and the other that of Mr. Thornton, both of whom
had looked at him in a most evil and threatening
way, and then vanished.
4. A fortnight ago, Elsie Hobson, the twenty-four-
year-old daughter of the people's churchwarden, had
disappeared as mysteriously and suddenly as the
Rev. Henry Thornton.
Now it was the coincidence of points i and 4 that
caused Mr. Alletson to give the matter grave con-
sideration. Point No. 2 could be accounted for in
various ways, and as to Point No. 3, well, Farmer
Joicey had not the best of reputations for sobriety,
particularly when returning from Westsea late at
What concerned Mr. Alletson was that two people
should disappear in so remarkable a manner. True,
there was a lapse of six weeks between the events,
but they bore such a resemblance that it made him
feel the same cause had probably accounted for both.
But what cause ? He smote the air with his fist in
perplexity ; there was no apparent cause. Neither
Henry Thornton nor Elsie Hobson had any enemies ;
both were well hked, in fact the former, from all
accounts, was popular, and there was no intelligible
reason for either of them to " clear out."
Poor Mrs. Hobson, who had been prostrated with
the shock, had not yet recovered. Her husband, a
hale man of fifty-five, had grown old in that week
of trouble ; and Arthur Shepperton, to whom Miss
Hobson was engaged, had worn himself haggard in
tiring but fruitless search. The surrounding coun-
try had been scoured, and the wood beaten from
end to end ; but all in vain.
The Vicar sighed, and paused in his thoughts. A
cool breeze from the north-west blew in his face
and brought him suddenly to himself. For a
moment he hesitated, surprised, not quite knowing
where he was ; then he uttered an audible " Oh ! "
He found he had passed out of the wood, down the
gentle slope that adjoined the White Worlstoke
Road, passed the church and vicarage a quarter of
mile further on ; in fact, was quite two miles beyond
them, and within a stone's-throw of Melsea Priory.
The sun was setting in gorgeous hue, over the
sea to his left, and the last Ungering rays, striking
the grey stones of the tower, threw out in bold relief
the remains of the once beautiful building. He
turned and looked at the ruins, with silent admira-
tion, for it was the first time he had seen them.
The tower stood out in sentinel fashion, high and
commanding ; but the sunlight softened the cold
look of the stones, and dispersed the otherwise grim
appearance which they usually had. Just behind,
the thick ivy clung protectingly to the crumbling
walls. In the background were ploughed fields,
while far in the distance could be seen the dim out-
line of the Mendip Hills.
He walked a little nearer, to gain a better view,
and again stood, drinking it in. Gradually the last
bright ray disappeared, leaving the ruin in dull
twilight, grey and old-looking.
The evening was very still ; hardly a sound broke
the silence. Once or twice the distant barking of a
dog came across the fields, and the murmuring echo
of voices. Occasionally, from the west behind him,
the sad voice of the sea caught his ear.
The dusk deepened, and in that calm period just
before darkness sets in, a space of time which no
language can adequately express, but which the
heart and mind alone can feel, the man lost himself
in reverie. The night was gently casting a veil over
a troubled world before it slept.
Gradually the coming darkness seemed to lift,
then a faint silvery light, playing on the walls of the
priory, betrayed the new crescent moon, soon to
follow the sun over the western rim.
The man breathed deeply ; it was exquisite.
Forgotten for the time was the pitiful tragedy that
had absorbed his thoughts but an hour ago. He
was entranced by the unspeakable grandeur of the
closing day.
All at once he felt strangely and completely alone ;
a quaint, eerie feeling, as though he were cut off from
all humanity — a curious sense of abandonment and
desolation seized him. It was as if he only were left
in a great universe.
Shaking himself, he smiled. Why, of course he
was alone ; but although he passed it over, that
feeUng of loneUness was not merely the absence of
living flesh and blood, as he well knew. Still, the sen-
sation had turned his thoughts into another channel.
He was back in London, fifteen years ago, a young
and healthy man, eager for the work before him, and
with that remarkable faith in his heart which carries
some people through the most arduous struggles.
Ah ! how he worked in those days. His heart
was great as well as his faith, and he used to carry
out his duties with a vigour that had won for him
a name.
And then, slowly but surely, doubts began to
trickle through the armour of his beUefs ; and while
reason began to coldly drive him one way, he clung
with a tenacity almost desperate to his early teach-
ings. They had wound themselves into his life,
and it was hard and bitter to even have to think
that they were a mere nothing. But he was not
satisfied, and he read — ^heavens ! how hungrily he
read, hoping without hope, all types of works ;
striving to obtain that for which many others have
sacrificed their lives : aye ! and perhaps their souls
He shuddered, for in his searchings he had studied
and practised Magic ! And yet, why should one
exclaim ? for what will a man not do when his very
self-conscious existence seems to be in the balance,
and the long and stem struggle within gives no light ?
Let us not forget that there is a period in everyone's
Hfe when the real self demands that the vexed ques-
tion of purpose in the universe shall be settled. It
is one of our lessons — part of our evolution.
Until we either consciously, or sub-consciously,
realise or perceive ultimate good in the nature of
things, how can we set ourselves to work for good ?
Unless, indeed, in the evolutionary process we are
forced to travel that path, and are not free to choose
the ultimate end, but only to retard or quicken it.
If we coldly examine our behefs with critical
reason, as we undoubtedly should, we receive rude
shocks ; and if we pursue the process, most of us
get landed in an impasse, where we arrogantly
flounder, declaring that we have reached the extent
of man's rational capabilities.
We treat condescendingly the many who have
" faith without reason," and, in our bhnd ignorance,
unjustly include with them the few who, after
weary battUngs, have struggled out of the man-made
cul-de-sac of logic, and found, through intuitive
knowledge, knowledge which is in us all, but to which
man's artificial reasoning does not lead, some of the
great truths of existence.
But let us not be too harsh. The traps into which
logical reasoning allures us are many and deadly.
For instance, if we come to analyse the conscious
desire which is in humanity for prolonged life, the
desire not to be swept into oblivion, where are we
landed ? Our process of reasoning will not explain
to us whether that desire is inherent merely as a
heritage from primitive man, or is something else
which at present we cannot understand ; though its
tendency is to convince us of the former. Neither
can logical reasoning explain many of the truths
which we already know — remember that we can
know things without reasoning to them. So let us
beware ! Though logic is part of truth, truth is not
necessarily logic ; for logic is a part of a thing, and
truth the whole of it.
Based upon such premises had been the struggle
within the Vicar's self ; and he wondered now why
he had not then gone mad ; it must have been a
very near thing. Perhaps he was on the verge when
the crisis came, and his health broke down. Maybe
that saved his reason. No doubt the particularly
hard position that he held, combined with the pro-
longed struggle within, had been too much. He
had not actually been ill, but after a week of violent
headache (neuralgic the doctor called it), a kind of
dull, lethargic spell came over him. He went about
as if crushed, and was rapidly sinking into an old
man, when the offer of Worlstoke came to his rescue.
The young moon sank over the horizon in the wake
of the sun, and the sudden change from the dim
mystic Ught to darkness aroused him to a sense of
his present environment.
It was chilly. Buttoning his coat across his chest,
he turned to go ; when once more that queer, lonely
feeling crept over him.
It was uncanny ; more, it was extraordinary,
and puzzled him not a Httle. He could not in any
way connect it with anything he had experienced
before. It was as though that part of him which in
the evolution of things is always striving for better-
ment, struggling to uplift, had been wrenched away,
leaving his body a hulk of clay, helplessly adrift.
He hesitated, trying within himself to understand
this newly-born sensation, and, as he strove to grasp
it, he was forewarned that all the old doubts (which
had not troubled him since he came to Worlstoke)
were slowly beginning to rise.
Could it be that he was again going to suffer all
the agony of mind to which he had been exposed
in London ? He trembled to think of it. Such an
ordeal as that could not again be endured without
calamity. No human reason could twice sustain
what he had passed through during those long,
wretched years of trial.
With an effort he controlled himself, overcame the
paralysing sensation which gripped him, and once
more started off home.
But it was only momentarily. Those doubts,
once roused, could not so easily be quelled. More-
over, they were taking definite shape ! Something,
he could not comprehend what, was actually forcing
his mind to accept there and then that not only was
there no hope of God, and Good, but that the reverse,
evil (so-called), was the only real force or power that
existed. That so-called God, or Good, was merely
a phantasm of the disordered brain of man. That
the whole universe was one mighty, struggUng mass
of individual atoms, each seeking to destroy the
other. That — that — but enough ! He stopped
dead, mentally and physically, and a cold perspira-
tion broke over him. What was happening ? Was
he really at last going mad ?
He gazed dully through the darkness, trying to
disentangle his thoughts. His legs felt heavy and
weary, as though the weight of his troubled mind
had been materially added to his body, and they
could not support the double burden. He almost
sank to the ground, and probably would have done
so, when something happened which drew him up
taut, every muscle tense and senses alert.
Borne on the cool night wind, a long, low, plain-
tive cry came fretfully calling over the fields, hke
the whine of a creature in pain.
The man's breath came and went rapidly, in short
fits and starts, and irresolutely he strained his ears
to catch the sound.
What was it ?
A short deadly silence followed, during which he
was conscious of a dual desire. He wanted to go
away from that cry — to run, anything, so as not to
hear it again. He was aware of a feeling of loathing
and repulsion, while something within said " fly."
Simultaneously, he was aware that the hideous
cry appealed to him in some way, drew him in a
mysterious manner ; and he had a strong impelling
desire to go in the direction from which it came.
In spite of his usual outward calm, he trembled,
though not knowing why ; for it was not physical
fear that held him.
Hark ! Once more it broke forth upon the still-
ness, whimpering and waiHng through the night ;
and in it there was a blood-curdling note of wicked
The Vicar gasped ; it seemed unnatural ; in-
stinct told him that no human voice could make
that sound. Then it must be an animal — ^but what
animal ? What beast could produce a cry of that
description ? It was most improbable ; for there
was a distinct intelligible note in it, which appealed
and called, of which surely no animal was capable ;
but what other explanation was there ?
Moreover, he was keenly sensible of that subtle
note, supplicating in an alluring manner to some-
thing as yet unknown.
Once more it penetrated the darkness, long drawn
out, mournful, and this time — O God ! the appeal,
the call, was to him. Something in him stirred
and responded to it, holding him fast, although
he fought hard, in palpable fear and disgust, to
overcome it.
Slowly, slowly, impelled by he knew not what, he
began to move, as though drawn by invisible hands
toward the ruined priory ; and as he stealthily
gUded over the ground, the feeHng of horror which
had been so acute became less so, until it gradually
but surely left him.
His pace quickened, and with it his blood circulated
more freely, until a warm glow suffused his body.
All at once he felt joyously elated, as though
treading on air — a buoyant feeling of awful glad-
ness dominated him.
Tiny patches of green mist began slowly to
twist and twirl in the gloom, now at a distance,
now close, not more than a couple of yards away.
Faster and faster they danced, in a never-ending
maze, until the pace became bewildering, and he
watched them fascinated.
They seemed to be leading him, but where he
did not know, nor did he care much just then,
his one desire being to follow, though there was a
dim idea in his mind that they would guide him
to some place where he anxiously wanted to go.
He was walking quickly now, and the heat en-
gendered by the sharp physical action, caused him
instinctively to want to open his coat. He tried
to lift his hand to do so, but some force seemed to
hold it down.
Absorbed in watching the dancing mist, he
steadily followed in its wake. But the heat be-
came almost intolerable, and involuntarily he
again tried to Hft his hand to release the buttons,
and ease the hot choking feeling at his throat.
Once more that same hidden power held it back ;
but this time, the strong, overbearing desire to
obtain relief from the heat compelled his atten-
tion for a moment, not consciously, but instinc-
tively, and the resistance irritated, half-angered
him. Natural obstinacy resented it, and with a
violent jerk, he brought his hand to the top of
his coat and literally tore it open.
And now a strange thing happened. Practically
at the same time that he released the buttons of
his coat, his fingers by accident (?) came in contact
with the little gold cross that he always wore round
his neck, and clutched it . . .
Snap ! Something seemed to part asunder in
his brain with a report. He came to a sudden
halt, and stared about him fearfully, as one
would when first waking from a dreadful dream.
He gave a little exclamation of wonder, then
started to laugh, but the laughter died away, as
suddenly he remembered that abominable cry.
As the thought of it came surging into his
brain, he was for a space seized with an over-
whelming nausea, followed by a sense of revolting
For half a minute he might have stood thus, and
then he regained control of his muscles. With a
gasp of real fear, he turned and blindly ran as hard
as he could run, as though all the powers of Hell
were let loose upon his track.
Over the uneven ground he fled, over the hedge
at the bottom of the field, and up the road, heedless
of all and everything but the fear in his heart, until
he fell, exhausted and trembling, but with his fingers
still clutching the little gold cross, on the floor of
the summer-house in the garden of the quiet old
Vicarage. For a short space he lay thus, perhaps
sixty seconds, and then he felt himself plunging
through black voids, falling, falling into empty,
bottomless nothingness. He had fainted.
A woman's fears
The morning following the Rev. Philip Alletson's
extraordinary experience found him rather pale, and
in a decidedly nervous state of mind. The shock to
his system had been severe, and he had contracted a
slight cold through being exposed in the sunmier
He got out of bed with difficulty, feeling very
seedy, and had to use an effort of will to take his
cold bath. He felt a little better after the effect
of the water, but he was longer than usual dressing,
and once or twice narrowly missed cutting him-
self whilst shaving.
However, he finished his toilet at last, and went
down to breakfast fifteen minutes late — a very
unusual occurrence.
Beyond drinking some coffee, he scarcely touched
the meal ; instead, he sat toying with his knife and
looking out of the window.
His sister Constance surveyed him with troubled
eyes. She was used to his silent ways, but she
could see that this morning he was not his usual
self ; and the fear immediately arose in her mind
that the " old doubts " — which had not manifested
themselves since they came to Worlstoke — were
again weighing upon him.
" Are you all right, Philip ? " she asked doubtfully.
" Hardly ; I'm afraid I've caught cold, and I feel
rather out of sorts."
She sighed with a sense of relief, feeling glad it
was apparently nothing worse,
" Do try and eat something ; you have almost
regained your normal appetite since we came here,
and I don't want to see any signs of it falling off.
It makes me think of those dreadful days after
your ilbiess, when I had to beg and entreat of you
to take anything."
Raising his eyes, he looked at her smilingly, and
then managed to swallow a few mouthfuls ; but
it was a poor attempt, and clearly done to please
He had a great affection for his sister; indeed,
although but twenty-eight, and ten years his junior,
she was his closest companion, and had lived with
him ever since the death of their mother some eight
years ago.
In contrast to her brother, Constance Alletson
was rather below than above the medium height,
though well-built, with an upright carriage. Her
hair was of a fine rich brown, with an auburn tint ;
and it well matched her fair skin and intelligent
dark blue eyes. She was undoubtedly attractive,
without being exactly beautiful, though, hke her
brother, she was reserved and possessed of the same
nervous disposition.
She critically watched her brother's forced attempt
to eat, and then exclaimed :
"That's better, though it doesn't seem to go
down very well, and it is fish too, which I know
you hke."
He looked apologetic : " No ! I'm afraid I must
give it up ; I did not sleep at all well last night,
" Now that's strange, Philip, / could not rest. I
kept dreaming in a jumbled-up sort of fashion,
though now and again quite vividly. Once in
particular, I remember it plainly : I had been
running away from something, as you do in dreams,
though I didn't know what it was, and had just
reached the Vicarage gate, exhausted. I had not
even strength to lift the latch to pass through into
the house, and all the while this terrible something
was approaching nearer and nearer. I had given
up all hope and was preparing to be seized, when
you suddenly stepped in front of me, between
me and the monster. All you seemed to do was
to hold up that Uttle gold cross I gave you, which
you wear round your neck, and it seemed to be
possessed of magical powers. The something gave
a horrid cry of baffled rage and fled, and as it went,
it turned into Mr, Brentwood !
" Ridiculous, wasn't it ? " she added laughingly.
Philip nodded his head in unconscious assent and
eyed her curiously. He was well aware that his
sister possessed certain psychic powers — they used
to have private sittings together when in London
— and he could not help wondering whether she
knew anything about his own experience. That
reference to the gold cross seemed strange. How-
ever, it was unlikely, as she would almost surely
have mentioned it before now.
Constance noticed his silence, and misreading it,
continued :
" Of course, I know I don't like Mr. Brentwood,
he seems to be such a cold-blooded and unsociable
man — ^and I expect that is why he became the
bogey of my nightmare. I apologise, PhiHp, for
mahgning him — ^I know that you and he are good
She drew herself up in mock dignity, and laughed
" I think you are rather hard on our neighbour,
Constance — ^I don't find him unsociable, and I
don't think you would either, if you knew him
better. But why should you think he is cold-
blooded ? "
" Well, do you remember when you told him
about the disappearance of Miss Hobson ? "
" He never even altered his countenance — it
didn't affect him a Uttle bit. I know, because I
was looking at him."
" Rather thin evidence upon which to judge him,
" Well, not only that, but I always had the
impression, from the first time I met him, that
there was something wicked at the back of his
mind. Really, Philip, I don't think I could trust
The Vicar laughed in amusement ; he had no
answer for such reasoning. There was silence for
a few minutes, during which Constance finished
her breakfast, while her brother watched her.
Then he remarked :
" Ah ! dreams are queer things."
" Yes, PhiHp, I know some of mine are."
" I suppose they all arise from stomach troubles ? "
"I'm sure they all don't, and you know they
don't," she retahated.
" Well, at least so we are told by our medical
Constance laughed. " Now you are teasing."
Suddenly she became serious :
" Have you heard anything more concerning
the mystery ? "
Her brother looked graver than usual, and shook
his head.
" No. I called at the farm yesterday afternoon
to see how Mrs. Hobson was, and then learned
that no clue had been alighted upon. I am sorry
for them — Hobson seems quite an old man, and
his wife is still unable to leave her bed."
" Do you know, Philip, I think there is some-
thing unnatural about this place." She had
lowered her voice, and was bending over the table,
her blue eyes gazing steadily into his grey ones.
Just for a second the Vicar's face betrayed
surprise ; then he said quietly :
" Well, go on."
" These two extraordinary disappearances, which
up till now have baffled everybody — surely, if
they had been "
Her brother shook his head and frowned :
" You know, Constance, it is the usual thing to
fly to the ' supernatural ' to explain a problem when
it baffles the reason."
She gave a little gesture of impatience :
" Siurely, Philip, you know me better than to
think I should "
" Yes, yes, my dear," he interrupted. " 1 am
quite sure you would not jump to wild conclusions.
I merely wanted to emphasise the point, as it
is important."
" Well, my impressions on more than one occa-
sion lately have been exceedingly queer, and I am
quite certain that there is something more than
unhealthy in the atmosphere."
She spoke so forcefully that he could not help
being impressed.
" Ah ! " he exclaimed, rising, " I hardly know
what to think. Still, I must be getting on, I have
a heap of work to do this morning."
As he reached the door, she called him :
" Philip ! "
He half turned, and she was by his side with her
hand on his arm, looking earnestly into his face.
" Something teUs me that you are going to try
and probe this mystery ! "
He smiled and nodded. It was not the first time
she had known things in that way.
" Well, promise you will let me know all that
you do. I am not easy about it ; I feel — er —
that something may happen to you."
He laughed reassuringly :
" Don't worry, Constance, I will tell you all I do,
and I won't attempt anything desperate. But I
must do what I can to try and help clear the
thing up ; it is my duty."
She did not answer him, instead she turned to
the table and busied herself with the breakfast
He watched her for a few seconds, then open-
ing the door, went to his own little room — where
he did his indoor work — ^and sat down at his
desk. His mind was a little easier now ; it was a
rehef to find that Constance had not any know-
ledge of the fainting fit which overcame him in the
garden. That would have needed some explanation,
and he was not prepared to say anything at present.
Had he been found, there would have been no
alternative ; for he had a plain, straight way of
dealing with things, and never paltered with the
truth. He would not have countenanced any
idea of misleading anyone with regard to the cause
of his swoon, least of all his sister.
But he was very far from being tranquil. He
was really obsessed with the uncertainty of the
whole matter, and, contrary to his natural reserve,
he had a desire to put the details before someone
Instinctively he thought of Constance, but im-
mediately shook his head. It might ease him to
tell his sister, but it was more hkely to upset
her, and further, he failed to see how it could help
The only other person he could think of was
his neighbour, the Master of Storton. If accounts
were true, and to some extent he knew they were,
Mr. Brentwood was the very man before whom
to put such a case. But there were difficulties in
that direction. Although they were on fairly
intimate terms, the Vicar was not quite sure that
he could trust him with such a personal matter.
His neighbour was not a Churchman, of that he
had no doubt ; in fact, he was fairly sure that.
Mr. Brentwood, if anything, was opposed to the
Church. How then would he be Ukely to treat
such a matter coming from a clergyman ?
Mr. Alletson was sensitive, extremely so ; and he
had no desire to encounter the " sceptic's smile."
He was quite well aware of the average sceptic's
idea of clergymen, and although he knew it was not
true, any suggestion of it was Hable to irritate, and
he had no wish to cause friction.
But there was the other side to it. His neigh-
bour would perhaps take him seriously, and really,
so far as he knew, he was a man of broad
mind, and one not Ukely to dismiss the matter
with ridicule.
Then again, why should he ask advice, particu-
larly from a layman ? Why not go to the Bishop ?
The Vicar's eyes twinkled, and he dismissed his
Lordship. No ! he would let the thing keep, at
any rate for the present. So far as he knew, no
actual harm had been done. He would wait and
As the morning advanced, he recovered some-
what from his indisposition. His nervous system
assumed a more normal state, and the depressed feel-
ing with which he had begun the day evaporated.
By lunch time he had almost forgotten the in-
cident, in fact his mind was busily occupied with
parish matters.
Taking these things into consideration, it was
curious that immediately after lunch he went to
his escritoire, opened it, took up pen and paper,
and wrote the following letter :
" Dear Mr. Brentwood, — Please excuse my im-
portunity. I am taking the liberty of calling upon
you on Thursday morning next, at eleven o'clock,
and shall be very glad indeed if you will spare me
an hour.
" The notice is exceedingly short, but as you
know, my time is much occupied, and I am anxious
to see you immediately upon a matter which is of
grave importance.
" I feel sure you can help me, and you will do so
when I have put the case before you.
" I must add that I would not have troubled
you in this abrupt manner, if I did not feel that
immediate action should be taken. — Believe me,
yours sincerely, Philip Alletson."
Every action connected with the writing of it
was deliberate, from the putting in of the date
to sending the maid to the post. It looked as if
he had done it in spite of his recent decision, and
this occurred to him shortly after, when it was too
late to retract.
He felt annoyed, it was not usual for him to go
back on a decision, once he had made up his mind.
Why had he done it ? He tried to think it out,
and failed to satisfy himself.
It was not very comfortable. Could it be that
he was losing his grip on things ? " Umph." Pass-
ing out into the hall, he put on his hat and cloak.
Really, he must dismiss it from his mind for the
present. He had a big afternoon's work before
him and time was getting on.
That evening, at the District Visitors' meeting,
the disappearance of Miss Hobson was dwelt
upon at some length. During the discussion,
something occurred to the Vicar which had not
entered his head before. What if his strange
experience had any connection with it ? At first
he rather ridiculed the idea ; there seemed to be
no Unk. But before he went to bed that night
the thought grew stronger and stronger, until he
began to take it seriously. If such were the case,
then it no longer remained a personal matter, and
it would be his duty to consult someone else.
Finally, he made up his mind to put the whole
facts before Mr. Brentwood on Thursday morn-
ing, irrespective of his personal feelings. He was
bound to do all all he knew to try and clear up the
extraordinary mystery surrounding Miss Hobson
and Mr. Thornton.
Clang ! clang ! clang ! clang ! clang ! The mellow
tones of the church clock of Worlstoke, striking
the hour of five, floated slowly and distinctly upon
the still morning air.
As the last chime died away in the distance,
Hugo Alexis Brentwood, the Master of Storton
Manor, became suddenly and acutely aware that
he was fully awake, staring blankly into the dark-
ness !
Not a sound, not a movement — everything
around was wrapped in absolute calm. He was
the only spark of life there, quite alone, seemingly
suspended in space.
It did not appear to him at all extraordinary,
nor did he feel in any way uneasy. To be quite
clear, he had no definite thoughts. He was simply
there, keenly alert, without any of that drowsiness
usually experienced when awaking from slumber.
Physically unconscious, he had no sense of things
external, but there was a far-away vague idea that
he was floating in the ether ; beyond that nothing
except this very real mental wakefulness, as
though his whole entity was concentrated on some-
thing that was going to happen.
He tried to think, to reason, but his efforts
failed completely ; some force seemed to have
taken control of his mind and was holding it in
There was something oppressive about the silence
which enveloped him, yet he could not bring his
thinking powers to analyse it, try as he would. He
knew it, knew that he was in it ; further his mind
refused to take him.
Nightmare ! Of course, that's what it was.
Mechanically he went to switch on the electric
light by the side of the bed, but his hand merely
passed up and down through the air. In a vague
way this startled him, though he did not for the
moment realise that he should have touched the
switch, if he had been in bed.
Oh ! well, he must get out and find it — the
darkness was irritating, and nightmare was not
agreeable. He made as if to rise, and then some-
thing jolted in his mind and set the currents of
thought running. There was no bed !
A sudden feeling of fear gripped him. Where
was he ? What had happened ? He had a great
desire to stand on something soUd, and instinc-
tively his hands went forth to grasp — anything,
just to hold on.
Almost immediately he had a swaying sensation,
and felt that he was being propelled in some
curious manner. This was followed by a feeling
that he was being compressed, bound tightly in a
small space. Simultaneously he was conscious of
standing in his night attire, at the east window
of his study in the tower, looking intently across
the fields at the approaching dawn.
A puff of cold air blew in his face, making him
shiver ; and with this return of physical con-
sciousness, he discovered that he was half leaning
out of the open window, with his hands tightly
gripping the casement on either side.
Even now he did not fully comprehend the
situation. Somehow his faculties were not working
in unison ; as one manifested itself the others seemed
to become dormant.
Perfectly still, without any visible sign of breath-
ing, he might have been a statue as he thus
stood, while consciousness slowly filtered into his
He was not yet able to grasp the fact that the
last thing he could remember was getting into
bed the previous evening, and that under ordinary
circumstances he should be there now.
To all appearances he looked as if he had gone
through an awe-inspiring ordeal, which had bereft
him of power to think or move. His dark-skinned
face, with its ordinarily firmly-set features, was
drawn with pain, while the bloodless Ups, tightly
set in a straight line, were those of a man holding
back a cry of agony.
Gradually the tension relaxed ; he was able to
think in a normal manner, and as he became fully
cognisant of the circumstances, he drew in a sharp,
quick breath.
For a few seconds, which seemed hours, the shock
of the reaction seemed to paralyse the heart's
action; then that organ, beating with hammer
strokes, sent the blood pulsing over his body in a
rushing stream. This continued for fully half a
minute, until the naturally strong, healthy body
of the man reasserted itself, and shaking off the
attack, resumed its normal state.
He was, however, perspiring freely, and, men-
tally, he felt anything but normal. The incident
had been extremely unpleasant, and, moreover,
this was the sixth or seventh time it had occurred
during the past twelve months !
Now, as on other occasions, it had left behind
a disturbing influence of something objectionable
having happened, though it was but vaguely con-
veyed to the mind, being merely a dim impression
arising from an unknown source. To be quite
frank, he could not remember anything that had
taken place between the moment of retiring and
the moment of waking.
Little by little he gained complete control of
himself, and with a shudder, silently closed and
fastened the window ; then, with uncertain gait,
he went heavily down the stairs to his bedroom
underneath the study. Hastily donning his dress-
ing-gown and slippers, he returned, and sinking
into a large divan chair, tried to collect his
It was some little time before he could settle
down to think consecutively, his mind would go
wandering off in various directions ; but eventu-
ally he became calmer, and began to sort things
out. So far as he could see, there was nothing
at all connected with these uncomfortable ex-
periences, excepting that every one of them had
happened about dawn. They came at irregular
intervals and at various times of the year.
To the ordinary way of thinking, it looked
merely a question of sleep-walking, and a case for
a medical man. That it was a question for a
doctor Mr. Brentwood was fully aware ; but what
doctor ? There he had come to a full stop, for
though not acting professionally, he was a
Bachelor of Medicine himself, and had, from a
professional standpoint, carefully diagnosed his
own symptoms, without success. He knew, none
could know better, that it was not a case of som-
nambulism. He was perfectly sound in mind and
body and had strong nerves. Probably at this
juncture he might have consulted a specialist, but
he was not yet at the end of his own resources.
During his younger days, when a medical
student, the enforced close study of physiology
had very soon led him into that of psychology,
which latter science he had tenaciously set himself
out to master — at least all that was known of it.
He had been instinctively drawn toward the
subject, partly, perhaps, owing to the fact that
Eastern blood was in his veins. Here, he thought,
he might find a clue to the strange malady which
afflicted him, but he had to admit to himself that
the chances were not great, for knowledge of the
science at best was meagre, and its ramifications
were many.
However, he quite saw that if he discarded this
course there was no allernative ; so slowly and
deliberately he decided to probe the mystery to the
bottom — partly because his position was far from
comfortable, and he foresaw that the strain of
such a complaint as this was bound to tell sooner
or later on the strongest constitution, and partly
because, being of a masterful, dogged nature, he
distinctly disliked to be baffled by anything.
During the thirty-nine years of his existence,
ever since he could remember, he had stubbornly
fought all obstacles that had come across his path,
and in the same way he would light this one.
Naturally, he desired to cure the complaint if
possible, but beyond that, the mind of the man,
trained in science, was keenly anxious to analyse
the problem. Research was second nature to him,
and the last fifteen years of his life had been spent
in that direction, nine of them in the East, the
home of his mother.
If there was one point more than another which
troubled him, it was that each time he had under-
gone the uncanny experience, he had for days
afterwards found himself trying to recollect what
had happened during the period between going
to sleep and the rude awakening.
To his cold, calculating mind, this was irrational.
He had no knowledge whatever that he had dreamed
about anything, and it was the more unlikely, as
he was a man who rarely dreamt.
He would at once have discarded the thought,
if it had not been for the possibiUty that he might
have dreamed, and failed utterly to remember
anything of his dream on the return to normal
Even then, he would not have seriously con-
sidered the point, but for the fact that he in-
tuitively had a strong impression he had dreamed.
Here again he appeared to be getting off the
beaten track — there was no evidence at all that
he had dreamed, but why that impression ? It was
so very strong, he could not utterly disregard it.
He smiled sHghtly, as he thought that if he had
discarded all such impressions he would not have
been alive at the present time. His experience
had taught him that some things which appeared
most unreasonable, were only so because they were
not understood.
One other point occurred to him as rather
curious. The tower-room (his study) had two
windows, one facing east and the other west.
Now, on each occasion when he had gone through
this strange experience, it had always been at the
east window where he had discovered himself !
There was no apparent reason why such small
points as these should be taken into serious con-
sideration. There was no basis even upon which
to formulate anything with regard to them ; only
the man had had too broad an experience of Ufe
to be "sure" of things, and he therefore reserved
his decision.
Still thinking, he at last fell into a quiet sleep,
and for the time being ceased to be troubled with
the pros and cons of the case. He breathed easily
and regularly, and his strong face showed little,
if any, trace of the strain to which he had been
subjected just over an hour ago.
That was not unnatural, for he had lived a hard
Ufe, and, as mentioned before, nine years of it in
parts of the East, where foreigners are apt to carry
their lives in their hands, so to speak, and get
accustomed to shocks and precarious positions.
During that long absence from England, he had
become imbued with Eastern lore, and his know-
ledge of it was radical and extensive. Being half
an Eastern, channels of learning were open to him
which are barred to the Westerner, and of that
he had taken full advantage.
His study of psychology, as understood by the
Western schools of thought, had left him hungry
for more knowledge. He had discovered that there
were great gaps in it, and he determined, if it
lay in his power, to fill them. So to that end he
gave the best years of his life, making exhaustive
research in the homeland of his mother's people,
often risking his life in obtaining results upon which
he could securely build. And he had not sought
and worked in vain. Later on, the value of his
research was recognised by Europe.
Incidentally, his knowledge was to stand him
in good stead before very long. The time was not
far distant when certain human lives, which seemed
to be at the mercy of unknown powers, were saved
mainly through the application of that learning
which he had acquired.
When he awoke it was past eight o'clock, and
the sunUght was streaming brightly into the room.
Rousing himself, he descended to his bedchamber,
bathed, dressed, and went downstairs to the break-
After ordering his morning meal, he proceeded
to open the letters. These he glanced through
rapidly, and placed them in a little heap on his
left hand, with the exception of one, which he
carefully read through again. It was that which
the Vicar of Worlstoke had written to him the
previous day.
Mr. Brentwood frowned and pinched his under
lip with his finger and thumb. What could it be
that would cause Mr. AUetson to come to him for
help ? In their different ways, the Vicar and he
were fairly good friends. They had one or two
interests in common, and had spent many a
pleasant hour together, after the ice had been
At first he had been incHned to think that the
Vicar had ulterior motives with regard to his
parish and church, and had been greatly surprised
to find that he never mentioned them. That was
just as he wished it to be, for he was not a Church-
man, and had no desire to take any part in Church
But that letter made him feel a Httle uneasy ;
it looked as if Mr. Alletson were at last going to in-
troduce "business." The Master of Storton looked
hard at the coffee-pot. If the Vicar did, it was
probable there would be an end to future pleasant
hours. Neither by money nor action would he
support the Church of England, or any other
Church ; and if the Vicar had any such idea in
his mind, well !
Here he began to attack his breakfast, with un-
usual vigour. The truth was not always agreeable,
and it was quite within the bounds of possibility
that Mr. Alletson would be offended.
Having finished his repast, he went into the
hbrary and wrote the following note :
*' Storton Manor,
2isi April 19 — .
"Dear Mr. Alletson, — I shall be at home to-
morrow, Thursday, at eleven o'clock a.m. If I
can be of any assistance, I shall be happy to help
you, so long as it does not clash with my principles.
I shall expect you to stay to lunch. — Yours sin-
cerely, H. A. Brentwood."
Before sealing the note, he carefully read it
over again, and after a few minutes' hesitation
decided it would do.
He did not wish to give offence in any way, if he
could help it, yet he was quite clear in his mind
that he must give a hint to the Vicar that he
would not help in a matter with which he was
not in sympathy.
Little did he guess into what strange paths of
mystery and evil the subject about which his
friend wanted to consult him would lead them
both ! Had he known then, what the next few
months were to bring forth, it is doubtful whether
he would have seen the Vicar at all.
But then, the future is seldom revealed, and
perhaps (who can tell ?) it is better for humanity
that most things are not foreseen.
Agar Halfi, the Hindoo, sat on the floor of the
living-room of his lodge, with legs crossed in true
Eastern fashion. The table on which he usually
had his meals had been pushed back against the
wall, and he sat on the hearthrug, looking steadily
into the fire. In his hand was a piece of paper,
upon which were drawn strange hieroglyphics.
At intervals he stared at them doubtfully, as though
trying to solve some problem, the key of which he
had mislaid.
In the right-hand comer of the fireplace, under-
neath a large cupboard fixed in the wall, a great
bull-mastiff sat, winking lazily at the flames. In
this he seemed to be at one with his companion,
though what was passing through his canine mind
is a matter of conjecture. Occasionally he opened
his tremendous mouth, and yawned indifferently,
as though to show his contempt for the trivial
thing that was perplexing the man.
No doubt, to him, men were always funny
creatures, but to see one of them — and above all
one for whom he had much respect — worrying over
strange characters on a bit of paper, was enough to
make even a grave dog like Hector smile.
Still, he had had his breakfast, and Agar Halfi's
peculiarities didn't really matter, so long as he
(Hector) could blink at the warm fire, undisturbed.
This kind of madness which sometimes came over
his friend had its advantages, for so long as the
Hindoo wasted his time soliloquising over the fire.
Hector knew that he could sit in peace. He pre-
ferred Agar Halfi's sitting-room to his kennel, and the
longer his friend brooded, the longer he could stay.
It was a dull, cold morning, and Agar Halfi and
the dog, who had both been out since daybreak,
were each in his own way enjoying the rest and
the warmth of the fire. Hardly a sound broke
the stillness, except the monotonous ticking of an
old grandfather's clock, and the occasional dropping
of the fire, as it gradually burned away.
The Hindoo might have sat thus for hours ;
he was almost dead to external things, but that the
grandfather's clock,after giving a warning whirr-r-r-r,
slowly struck the hour of ten. This interruption
broke his train of thought, for he looked up and
noted the time. Then turning his attention to
the dog, he gazed at him steadily for about half
a minute. The animal was too much absorbed in
the fire to be greatly disturbed by that, but the
restless movement of his eyes denoted he was well
aware of the attention that was being paid to him.
At length the man exclaimed :
" Hector ! "
The dog pricked up his ears, instinctively, but
beyond that did not move.
The Hindoo looked at him, half in sorrow, half
in anger.
" Hector, you lazy beast, there is going to be
trouble for you and me. What do you think of
that ? "
Except for a slight movement of his tail, which
indicated that he had heard, the dog did not stir ;
but continued to blink at the fire.
" Do you understand, son of a thief ? " con-
tinued Agar Halh impressively. " For all I know,
before this moon dies, aye, before it reaches the
full, you will only be carrion fit for the crows to
Even this startling outlook did not appear to
upset Hector ; he only wagged his tail a Uttle
more. What was going to happen in the dim
future was no concern of his. What no doubt
did trouble him, was the fact that now the Hindoo
had roused himself, it would soon be time to go
to his kennel ; and though clean straw and litter
were nice and warm, a fire — well, it was a luxury.
Agar Halfi glowered at him sternly :
" Sometimes you have the soul of a respectable
being, but get you near a fire, and you have the
soul of a pig. Do you understand — outcast ? "
Hector dropped his head a httle at the other's
reprimanding tone, but did not move.
"Come here!"
The dog yawned in a bored sort of fashion, and
slowly getting on to his legs, shambled rather than
walked over to Agar Halfi, and licked his cheek.
The Hindoo put out his arm, and seizing hold of
the loose skin of the animal's neck, pushed him
vigorously away.
" Lie down, idiot ! " he exclaimed.
In nowise disconcerted by this discourteous
treatment. Hector obediently stretched his great
length on the hearthrug, close by his friend, and
rested his muzzle on his two paws.
Agar Halfi again turned his eyes to the fire, and
for a long while he sat thus, motionless, except for
the sUght heave of his chest, and the occasional
movement of his lips as he whispered strange
words to himself.
At length he rose, and going over to the cup-
board, took from a shelf a roll of papers. Resuming
his seat, he began to look them through. The
first three he put on the rug after a cursory glance
at each, the fourth he stopped to look at a little
longer. When he had finished with it, he put it
on the dog's back, and said :
" That's yours, my friend, and a worse nativity
I've never seen — at least for some things." He
paused and looked into the animal's big brown
eyes, but the dog only bUnked at him uncon-
cernedly, so Agar Halfi continued :
" Do you know, dolt, that you will probably die
a violent death ? "
Hector wagged his tail as though the idea
pleased him. Perhaps he believed in the old
saying that a man (or a dog for that matter) can
only die once, so it does not matter how, when,
or where.
The Hindoo looked at him sardonically. What
was the use of talking to a brute, some would
say ? But ah, what he said to the dog he knew
would not be repeated, and he said a good many
things to Hector that he would not have trusted
to a man.
" If you only had sense enough, I might be able
to show you how to avoid it, but you haven't.
Still, the soul of you is better than the souls of
most men, for you are honest, and faithful, even
if you have weaknesses for a fire, and raw meat ;
and perhaps I may be able to help you out of that
hole, my friend."
Hector snorted indifferently, as much as to say,
" I don't know what you are talking about, and
I don't much care."
The Hindoo turned again to the roll of papers,
and at last pulled out one that he wanted. It
represented the horoscope of the Master of Storton,
for in the left-hand top corner was inscribed
"H. A. B., 17th January 18—." Underneath
was a square map of the heavens, divided into
twelve houses, showing the zodiacal signs, with
the places of the planets noted therein for the time
of birth. Below this was a Hst of computations,
probably the directions of the horoscope.
Agar Halfi ran his eye down the latter, until he
came to the following : " Zod. D.D. 39 years
5 months. )) 6 ^ a <? ! "
He studied the symbols closely. He had no
doubt about the calculations, he had compiled them
himself, and checked them twice. This was the
fortieth year of Mr. Brentwood's life, and these
aspects, especially the evil aspect of the moon
to Mars, had been active since the beginning of the
Slowly he read the rest of the directions, until
he came to the bottom of the page, and there
his eye was arrested by a note, which was as
follows :
" At the time of the new, or full Moon, should
the Sun enter the fifth house of the heavens, you will
be in danger of your life from four-footed beasts. In
your 40th year, when at that time the planet
Neptune throws its evil rays to the lesser luminary,
you will be subject to strange and weird experiences ;
and should the planet Mars cast an adverse ray, a
violent death will encompass you."
The Hindoo drew in a long breath. "That is
Fate," he muttered. "It is what is written."
Then he smiled a grim smile. "Strong men can
overcome Fate ! "
He turned suddenly, and eyed the dog intently,
at the same time exclaiming :
" And your master also will probably die a
violent death ! "
Hector received this piece of information quite
undisturbed, looking calmly at the man with his
big soft eyes. Agar Halfi returned the dog's gaze
mechanically, his mind being engrossed with the
paragraph at the bottom of Mr. Brentwood's
Suddenly Hector pricked his ears, jumped up,
and went over to the door. He sniiffed loudly at
the bottom of it, as though uncertain, and then
wagged his tail. The next moment footsteps
sounded outside, there was a low knock, and Agar
Halfi rose to face the Master of Storton.
For some moments the two men looked at each
other in silence, the Hindoo with solemn eyes, the
other with half-smiling sarcastic ones.
At last Brentwood said easily :
" WeU, is there anjrthing that is not quite as it
should be ? "
Agar Halfi shrugged his shoulders as he replied :
"I feel that the Sahib has been subjected to a
severe mental strain."
The Master of Storton laughed oddly as he
seated himself on the edge of the table, and nodded
his head by way of acquiescence.
" That is true, but surely I don't show it in my
countenance ? "
The Hindoo smiled at the remark.
" No," he retorted. " The Master of Storton
seldom shows anything by his face."
Brentwood looked amused, as he replied question-
ingly : " H my face did not show it, how did you
know ? "
"Surely the Sahib knows that as well as I
do," was the solemn answer. " You came here
to tell me something. When we met, that some-
thing was dominating your mind. We looked at
each other, my mind became attuned to yours
— ascended or descended to the same plane of
consciousness. WTiat you wanted to say was
being projected from your mind along this par-
ticular plane, and my mind being on the same
plane, the thought naturally came to my under-
"Not only that. Agar Haiti, but the thought
returned from your mind to mine, and I became
aware that you were cognisant of that which I
wanted to convey to you. It is what we in
England call telepathy, and it has recently been
fairly well estabUshed as a scientific truth."
The Hindoo laughed sarcastically. " Surely,
Sahib, the ancients used it long ago ! "
"I don't doubt that," returned the other; "at
any rate, it would be difficult to explain some
things that they accomplished, without the medium
of telepathy. I was merely saying that Western
thought had only just discovered it."
" And," added Agar Halfi, " will go on dis-
covering other things which are not new."
The Master of Storton acquiesced with a sigh.
"I'm afraid that Western civilisation is too much
absorbed in amassing worldly wealth at present
to get much more forward in things that really
matter ; consequently, the higher faculties of the
race can only develop very slowly. Still, what I
came to tell you is, that last night I had another
of those queer experiences."
Here the Master of Storton related, as far as he
could remember, what took place.
" What do you make of it ? "
The Hindoo slowly shook his head. " I cannot
grasp it, except that it seems to bear out that which
is foretold in your nativity."
" You mean, 1 take it, that concerning my being
in danger of a violent death about this period of
my life ? " remarked Brentwood coolly.
" Quite so," answered Agar Halfi. " Those
experiences of yours are psychic ones, which are
all traceable to the influence of the rays from the
planet Neptune, and it is that planet which is at
the present time evilly active in your life."
A silence followed the Hindoo's last remark.
At length, rising from the table with a grim sort
of "umph," the Master of Storton took from his
pocket the letter which he had that morning re-
ceived from the Vicar of Worlstoke, and handed
it to his companion. Agar Halfi read it through
carefully, then handed it back. " You will see
him, I suppose, Sahib ? "
" Yes, I have written saying I will. I am
rather curious to know what he wants to consult
me about so particularly. What do you make
of it ? "
" When I held the letter in my hands I had an
impression, but it may not be of any consequence,"
remarked the Hindoo indifferently.
"One never knows," replied Brentwood. "Tell
me what it was ? "
Agar Halfi characteristically shrugged his
shoulders, as he replied :
" Simply that it indirectly concerned you ! "
" Me ! " exclaimed the other. He looked
thoughtfully at the wall, then continued : " May-
be, but it is hardly possible."
" Do you require the car to-day ? "
" No ; 1 have to go to Westsea, but I shall walk,
and," glancing at the dog, " Hector may as well
come with me." Saying which, he called the
animal to him and went out.
For some minutes Agar Halfi stood looking
solemnly after his retreating figure, then once
more shrugging his shoulders, he resumed his
examination of the Master of Storton's horoscope.
On Thursday morning, at the appointed hour,
the Rev. Philip Alletson made his way to the Manor.
The maid who answered the door admitted him im-
mediately, and conducted him up to the tower study.
His host was not there, so he went and seated
himself upon the " Chesterfield " that filled the
recess of the west window. Considering the short
time he had been at Worlstoke, he knew the room
well. Many a pleasant hour had he spent in it
with his friend, over a game of chess, or in dis-
cussing mutually interesting subjects.
He always felt at home in this room, with its
comfortably arranged furniture. There was a sense
of Eastern luxury in it, conveyed no doubt by
the beautifully figured tapestry that draped the
north and south walls ; the thick, richly coloured
rugs that covered the well-poUshed floor, and the
heavily upholstered furniture. In fact, the only
article of modem appearance was a plain leather-
topped writing-desk in the east window, supple-
mented by a business-like swivel oak chair.
As he thought of these things he grew easier,
and the doubt he had about Brentwood's attitude
respecting what he was going to say, almost
He gave a sigh of rehef, and turning his head,
65 E
looked out of the window. Far away over the
rich fields he could see the restless changing sea,
sweeping across the Bristol Channel ; while to
the south he could just discern the end of the
low-water pier of Westsea. It was a beautiful
view, with the rich green fields running almost
to the edge of the bay. Here and there amongst
the green were farms and cottages, while splashes
of white at irregular intervals denoted the winding
road that ran from the shore through Storton to
the old priory at Melsea.
While thus absorbed, the door quietly opened,
and his host entered ^ noiselessly. Seeing that
his visitor was preoccupied, he took advantage of
the fact to contemplate him at his leisure.
" Yes," he thought, " the Vicar has a good
face, there is strength in it too, shown by the
firmly set mouth and jaw." Here he paused, sur-
veying him critically. "Eyes rather too closely
set, tending to narrowness, but that to some ex-
tent obviated by a fairly broad brow. Tempera-
ment nervous, very nervous," He almost said
"unfortunately so," but instead he only said
" umph," which observation caused the^ Vicar to
turn suddenly round.
He rose immediately, and crossing the room,
shook hands with his host, who, in his quiet way,
greeted him cordially enough.
The contrast between the two men was very
marked, as they stood facing each other. The
one tall and slender, with grey eyes set in a rather
stem face, almost ascetic, his temperament highly
strung and imaginative. The other, half Eastern,
with dark ' skin, deep brown dreamy eyes, and
closely cropped black hair, yet heavily built, de-
noting great physical strength, full-blooded and
healthy, and possessed of a cool and calculating
mind, that rarely lost its balance.
" I hope," began the Vicar, " you will forgive
this informality. Really, I "
"Oh, that is all right," interrupted the other.
" If the matter is so important as your note indi-
cates, there is no question of formality. Let's get
seated and then you can begin."
Alletson settled himself down in one of the
comfortable chairs, and then comprehensively and
concisely related his experience of the Monday night,
right down to when he lost consciousness in the
summer arbour.
Here he paused and looked at Brentwood, who
had been gazing out of the window while he was
speaking. The silence caused the other to glance
round, and for a minute he eyed his friend question-
ingly. Then he rose slowly, and approaching him,
said shortly, " Let me feel your pulse."
The Vicar drew in his breath and started forward
in his chair. This was just what he had dreaded. Was
he going to laugh at him ? However, he controlled
himself and held out his left arm.
The Master of Storton watched the second hand
of his watch, in silent ease. When he had finished,
he resumed his seat and, without saying an5rthing,
returned his gaze to the window, waiting for the
other to proceed.
There was a pause. The Vicar did not quite
understand. He was not aware that his host was
a doctor, and it looked as though he were joking.
Before he proceeded any further he must know in
what hght he viewed the narrative.
" Do you take me seriously ? " he asked rather
The other turned and slightly lifted his brows.
" Why should I not ? "
AUetson looked relieved.
" I hardly understood your testing my pulse."
Brentwood looked enlightened and replied :
" Oh, I see. I simply did that just to prove to
myself that you were normal. Will you please
proceed ? I take it that you have not told me all
you want to say ? "
" To be quite plain," continued AUetson, " I
believe there is some power at large in the neigh-
bourhood, something evil, and that it has caused
the disappearance of Elsie Hobson and Henry
Thornton ! "
Brentwood faced round with a jerk. He was not
necessarily surprised, but this conclusion seemed to
cause him to concentrate his attention.
" What should make you think it has caused the
disappearance of those two people, presuming that
such a power as you fiave mentioned is at large ? "
The Vicar shrugged his shoulders in despair.
Here he felt he might fail with his neighbour.
These scientific men were such sticklers for hard
facts, and he had none of those facts to give.
" I am afraid I cannot satisfactorily answer
that, but let me be as exphcit as I can. Inwardly
I feel quite sure about it. Somehow or other I
know; just the same as I know that there is a
sympathetic link between you and me, -though I
could not explain it."
Brentwood got up and walked to the window, and
for a space looked out silently. He felt he had
somewhat misjudged this man. He was almost
certain before he came that the matter he wished
to discuss was something to do with the Church,
and he regretted that even in thought he should
have wronged him. At last he walked back to
his chair and said :
" Cannot you give me any idea why you should
think such a thing ? Haven't you any train of
thought which leads up to it ? "
" To be quite frank, No ! But I ' sense ' it."
" ' Sense ' it ? " echoed his host. " Excuse me
cross-examining, AUetson, but it is necessary if we
are to arrive at a common basis. What do you
mean by ' sense ' it ? "
The Vicar thought for a minute.
" It would be very difficult for me to explain
that ; but really I think you understand what I
His friend looked grimly amused.
" You repose a lot of confidence in me. Do you
know how the scientific mind interprets that word
when it is used (or rather I should say ' abused')
outside its ordinary meaning ? "
" No, I don't."
" Imagination."
A hard expression came into Alletson's eyes.
Brentwood noticed it, for he added quickly :
" But I quite understand that that is not what
you wished to convey to me. What you mean, I
take it, is, outside your known five physical senses,
you have, through one or more as yet unknown
senses, become cognisant of this evil force. Is not
that so ? "
His friend looked relieved.
" That's exactly what I mean. It is a similar
sensing to that which one has when, say, going out
of an ordinary room into a cathedral. Do you
understand ? "
The other laughed. " Yes, I do understand,
although your analogy might easily be explained
away by the different structure of the two build-
ings. Remember that the vastness of a cathedral
and the ominous silence usually connected with it
naturally impress one with a feeling of littleness
and consequently of awe. But what made me
laugh was the fact that your explanation reminded
me of a so-called Eastern mystery which I came
across in Circassia. There are two caves in one
of the mountains of the Caucasus, very nearly alike.
One is called * Evil,' wherein the devil is supposed
to dweU, and the other ' Good,' where God resides.
The rogues who run this show invite guileless
strangers to see for themselves, solenmly warning
them not to treat the mystery lightly, as they are
in the hands of powerful influences.
" The effect is remarkable. You are shown firstly
into the cave ' Good,' and soon you are astonished
at the happy feeling that comes over you. Then
you go into the cave ' Evil,' similar in size, shape,
and appearance to the other, and in about two
minutes most people gladly come out, with a
feeling that their hair is standing on end. It is
merely a clever trick of Oriental magic. However,
to return to the main path ; I take it you seriously
want me to probe this matter ? "
" To that end I have come here with the fixed
intention of obtaining your co-operation, if it is
Brentwood thought seriously for a time. At last
he said :
" Have you had any practical experience of
things of this nature ? "
The Vicar hesitated somewhat.
" WeU, I can hardly say. I have studied hyp-
notism fairly closely, also magic, but I'm afraid
I know more of the theory than the practice of
His host looked interested.
" Have you had any results ? "
" In hypnotism, yes ; I've had some queer
results. When in the third, or trance stage, my
sister — ^with whom I conducted the experiments
— ^forewarned me of a serious breakdown in health
which came true. On one occasion she, apparently
without any effort, told me where to find my signet
ring, which I had mislaid some three months pre-
viously and given up for lost. That was done
when the matter was far from my mind, in fact,
almost forgotten. Another time she exclaimed in
a joyous voice that she was free and was going
away. For an hour or more I could not get her to
speak, and I was beginning to feel uneasy. All
the colour had left her face and her breathing
was hardly perceptible. At last, much to my
reUef, she began to come round, and then she
started to upbraid me, saying I was cruel to call
her back, and entreating me to let her go again.
Unfortunately she could not remember any-
thing of this episode when in the normal state.
These in particular, and some minor results, I
have had."
The Master of Storton opened his eyes widely.
He had no idea his friend had progressed that far
in such a study. He was really surprised, though
he did not say so.
" Have you had any experience of vampires,
werewolves, or anything of the kind ? "
The Vicar laughed.
" Of course I've read about them, if that's what
you mean."
Brentwood repeated his question, though this
time he emphasised the word " experience."
His friend looked at him in amazement.
" No ! certainly not. But surely you don't
mean to suggest that such things exist except in
legend ? "
His host surveyed him calmly, and there was a
suggestion of mockery in his eyes. How was it,
he thought, that so many folk jumped to conclusions
upon certain things, particularly of this stamp,
without attempting to verify them ? Here was a
man intellectually in the prime of life, well-
educated and well-read, who, while admitting that
he knew practically nothing about them — ex-
cepting what he had casuaUy read — ^was satisfied
that they did not exist ! It was irritating.
" Have you ever travelled in the East ? "
" No, I've never been further than Italy."
" You know that I have spent some years out
there ? "
" Yes."
" Do you know what I was doing ? "
The Vicar looked a little guilty. He was con-
scious that he had sought information about his
neighbour; not bluntly, but had taken oppor-
tunities when they occurred to obtain knowledge
of him.
" Well, I understand that you were engaged in
pyschological research . ' '
" Quite so. Incidentally, I had to investi-
gate other things closely connected with it, and
my experiences have led me to grave conclusions.
To be quite plain, I am convinced that the exist-
ence of 10-called vampires and werewolves is not
based on myth. Some of the extraordinary pheno-
mena I have witnessed and dealt with have settled
that point in my mind, beyond doubt ; though
there is of course a good deal of superstition mixed
up with the matter and its origin is obscure."
Alletson studied the carpet. His friend's tone
was serious and sincere ; besides, so far as he
knew, Brentwood was not a man to play with
words. But this was remarkable news ; it had
never occurred to him that there could possibly
be any truth in such things — ^it was generally
taken for granted that they were myth, and that
idea was so firmly implanted in his mind it could
not be eradicated at once.
"It is difficult to believe," he said, "though
I cannot contradict what you say; but it seems
" The tricks of the illusionist seem incredible
until we find out how they are done," was the
terse reply. " But let me remind you, as Shake-
speare said, ' There are more things in heaven
and earth than are dreamt of in our philosophy,'
We are too apt to take things for granted. The
tendency of the present age seems to be : We know
this and we know that ; what we don't know
is not. Could anything be more arrogant ? Is
it not more rational to allow that things which
appear to be impossible may be, than to assume
that what we don't know cannot be ? "
The Vicar smiled interestedly.
" If," he replied, " I am to take up the cudgels
for modem thought, I would answer that although
it is argued that what we don't know is not, the
analysis of it is that though a thing may exist,
it is unknowable to us, and therefore, as far as we
are concerned, it is not."
" Your answer is the one that is usually
put forward ; but do you take that view your-
self ? "
" I'm afraid I don't. Beyond a certain point, I
trust largely to intuition ; and no reasoning I can
bring to bear can affect that view."
Brentwood half closed his eyes.
" If I may say so, I take it that that applies to
you in your religion ? "
The Vicar was silent a moment, then, looking
straight at his friend, replied frankly :
" Certainly, no broad-minded cleric would attempt
to narrow down his religion to a creed."
" Quite so," said the other ; " and yet a few
minutes ago you did not make use of the same
principle when I mentioned werewolves and vam-
" That is true," answered the Vicar; " but is not
your analogy a little irrelevant ? There is a rea-
sonable basis for philosophy and also for rehgion ;
but I don't think you can say that much for
vampires, et cetera. Someone may have dreamed of
such things very vividly in the first place, and
believed they were actually real. Besides, there
is no evidence upon which to build."
Brentwood smiled a httle satirically.
" I'm afraid I must contradict you there, and
proof of what I say would make my analogy rele-
vant. But be that as it may, what strikes me
so very palpably is, that where a thing is bred in
one's blood and bone — ^like Christianity for nearly
two thousand years, and like the belief in vampires
and werewolves for a much longer period still —
no amount of antipathetic environment seems able
to entirely eradicate it ; and, consequently, edu-
cated people of all nationalities unconsciously give
themselves certain latitude with their own parti-
cular racial pecuharities, i.e. allow their intuitive
faculties to play upon them. But when it comes
to another person's national eccentricities, Oh no,
that is idle legend ! "
The Vicar, who had listened attentively, took a
long breath. There was undoubtedly reason in his
friend's argument, but he spoke in such a confident
tone that it slightly irritated him. Usually the
boot was on the other foot — it was the clerical mind
that adopted that attitude. He smiled amusedly
as he thought of the many times he had seen and
heard his colleagues speak thus.
" You are very confident," he said at last. " Are
you so absolutely sure of what you say ? For
instance, how can you speak with authority about
the hereditary instincts of the Eastern races ;
although you have studied them, you cannot
actually know what they feel ? "
" Perhaps the simplest way of answering," re-
plied the other, "is to tell you at once that I am
not an Englishman. There is Hindoo blood in me
from my mother, who was half a Circassian."
He paused to see what effect his words would
have on the Vicar, but the latter, if surprised, did
not give vent to it ; he merely nodded his head,
and his friend continued :
" So you see I'm fairly capable of judging
from that standpoint, as well as from a Western
one. However, to return to the subject of your
call. Do I understand that Miss AUetson is
mediumistic ? "
" Yes, she has power in that way."
" Is she aware of what you have told me ? "
" No. I have not mentioned anything to her.
I did not see that it could serve any useful pur-
pose at present. On the other hand, I concluded
that it might upset her peace of mind."
" Have you any other reason for withholding
this matter from her ? "
" No," he rephed, " but I see no reason why I
should inform her."
" Well, I think she could assist us in no small
" Indeed ! "
Their eyes met, and for a time they looked at
each other. He could not have said why, but the
first thought that entered AUetson's head was
one of resentment. No, he would not draw
Constance into it. But the thought vanished for
the time, almost as soon as it was born.
His host seemed to read it, for he said quietly :
" I think you may take my word for it that no
harm would come to your sister. So far as I am
aware, it would only be necessary for her to act
as the medium of one or two experiments, which
appear to me essential if we are to obtain any
clue. But of course, if you would rather not draw
her into the case, I will not pursue the matter
The Vicar was silent. There was really no good
reason to refuse, yet he could not help but realise
that he wanted to do so. While he hesitated, his
sister's words, " Promise you will let me know all
that you do," came back to his memory and decided
his answer :
" Very well, I'll put the position to her, but of
course she must decide for herself."
" I take it," said Brentwood drily, " that you
wish to keep things as quiet as possible, at any
rate for the time being, and the fact of your
sister being the medium would ensure secrecy.
Moreover, she is to some extent acquainted with
the case."
" Quite so, quite so," rephed the Vicar. " I
have little doubt but that she will be willing to
assist us."
" There is just one more thing I would like to
add," went on the Master of Storton. " I shall
want to take into my confidence, in a matter of
this kind, my chauffem:. Agar Halfi, the Hindoo."
Alletson looked up a little surprised as he
repHed :
" Certainly, if you think it necessary."
"Well," continued the other, "I do. He has
had great experience of such matters, besides the
fact that he was with me during all my travels.
Now, I don't think we can get much further at
present, and I am sure you must be hungry. Let
us go and have some lunch."
Arthur Shepperton held the position of managing
clerk to the firm of solicitors Dalby & Co., Westsea.
He was fully qualified in his profession, Mr. Dalby
having some six years back given him his articles ;
and the future held bright prospects of a junior
He was a business-like young man, and had earned
the confidence of his employer by industry and per-
severance ; added to which, he had, during the
twenty-eight years of his existence, led a careful
and regular life, if somewhat narrow and confined,
and bided fair to become a highly respected and
successful citizen.
From his point of view, Ufe's outlook was a rosy
one, and but for unforeseen circumstances j^he would
probably have lived the life of a respectable middle-
class person until his death — ^unconsciously ground
between the millstones of Capital and Labour, as
most middle-class people are.
Now unforeseen circumstances have a nasty knack
of upsetting the quiet trend of people's lives, par-
ticularly those people who least want their lives
interfered with. There is a certain section of the
community — ^probably the mainstay of the country —
which desires nothing more than to be able to work^;
honestly and live respectably in peace ; and yet it
is frequently from this class that " Fate " draws
individuals to play aggressive parts in the world.
The disappearance of Elsie Hobson (his fiancee)
had been a great blow to Arthur Shepperton ; in-
deed it seemed to completely daze him for a time.
Outwardly he had sustained it well enough, but
inwardly the effect was different. It seemed to have
awakened some unfortunate trait in his character,
long dormant, which would in all probability never
have manifested under ordinary circumstances.
The humdrum everyday life of the average person
does not tend to bring out true character — ^rather the
reverse ; nor does it help to make character. It is
the exceptional and violent incidents in our lives
that mould the real self ; whether for good or evil,
depends upon some law about which we know little
or nothing ; all we can say for certain is, that one of
these exceptional occurrences may strike an evolu-
tionary note in the individual, or, on the other hand,
may develop an atavistic tendency.
In this particular case the violent incident, instead
of encouraging the nobler tendencies, gave a fiUip to
the revengeful instinct ; and after the first effects of
the shock had passed away, Arthur Shepperton was
left in a rather dangerous state of mind. He bitterly
resented the fact that he should have to suffer as he
did for no apparent reason, and he strongly desired
to be revenged on someone or something, though he
was not clear on whom or what. If he had stopped
to reason, he would have seen the futility of such a
course ; but his mind was distorted and dominated
by the primitive ii*tinct referred to.
Mr. Dalby had shown him generous sympathy in
his trouble, and had released him indefinitely from
his business duties. Thus it happened that the
morning after the interview between the Vicar and
Brentwood, related in the last chapter, Arthur
Shepperton found himself by the old priory, after
a long and lonely walk.
He felt tired, and was much relieved to see an old
rustic seat under a tree. Making his way to it, he
sat down thankfully, resting his elbows on his knees
and his chin on his hands.
He was depressed, in spite of the bright morning
and cheerful sunshine, and stared at the ruined
building before him with expressionless eyes.
The whole problem of Elsie's disappearance baffled
him completely ; he had no clue whatever that
might lead him to a solution. That was the worst
of it, he was merely groping in the dark, with the
faint hope that he would soon be able to drop on
something which might lead to an explanation.
What a relief it would be to his brain if he could
only act, even with but the slightest idea that he
was on the right track.
Almost mechanically he once more began to go
over the few facts of the case which were known
to him, but his mind would not act normally, and
try as he would to control them, he could not get his
thoughts to run in sequence.
Somehow or other he found himself wondering, in
a dreamy sort of way, what the monks were like who
used to inhabit the priory. He was not the least
bit interested, it did not matter to him ; but the
idea would keep cropping up just v|^en he was trying
to connect one point with another.
Every now and then the question kept coming into
his head, " What could have happened ? " He
wished he could get rid of that query. It had been
hammered into his brain for the last fortnight and
had become wearisome.
Once (and he laughed derisively as he thought of
it) the idea had entered his head that the late Vicar
and Elsie had prearranged it all and gone away
together ! Eloped ! ! Why should he think of such
a thing ? He should be the last to entertain a theory
of that kind. He would have been ashamed to sug-
gest it to anyone, and as a fact had discarded the
idea as soon as it appeared. Yet he could not help
feehng that it was possible, and he was uncomfort-
ably aware that they had been great friends.
He sighed wearily ; why could he not forget all
about it ? Why should he have all this trouble ?
His face sank into his hands, and he looked restfuUy
into the blackness caused by the pressure of his
fingers on his eyelids. Tired out, he half dozed, and
again began to think about the monks. After all,
it was a relief to let his mind play at random, after
the last two weeks of mental storm and physical
He fancied he saw several of them walking slowly
along, chanting some mournful air. The prior, a
tall gaunt man with raven black curly hair, brought
up the rear of the procession. His hands were
crossed on his breast and he seemed deeply engrossed
in some weighty problem. Walking in double file,
they approached a door in the wall, through which
they gradually disappeared. He counted them as
they went through, and was just wondering whether
the prior would shut the door after him, when he was
aware that that individual had suddenly turned
round and was looking at him with a pair of fierce
dark eyes, that flamed like fire. Just for a moment
and then the vision vanished, and he started into
wakefulness, instinctively sure that he had heard
someone cough ! He looked up at the priory, the
direction from which the sound came, and listened.
Who could be there at that time of the day ? It
was barely seven o'clock. Quietly rising, he stepped
noiselessly across the grass to the doorway in the
waU, the one by which he fancied he saw the monks
disappear, and looked through. Seeing no one, he
walked cautiously on until, rounding a comer of a
ruined wall, his eyes came in contact with something
which brought him to a halt. , . . Seated upon the
floor of what onc^ used to be the chapel was a man
writing or drawing something upon the stone flags.
So deeply was he engrossed, that evidently he had not
heard anyone approach. Shepperton eyed him curi-
ously, and his interest aU at once increased as he
recognised who it was.
His first thought was to make known his presence ;
but something — probably his legal training — caused
him to alter his mind. For one thing, although he
knew Mr. Brentwood, the latter did not know him.
Besides, the situation rather appealed to the detec-
tive in his nature, and there was something so out of
the ordinary, that Shepperton was curious to know
what was going to happen.
He watched for about a minute, and then with-
drawing carefully, silently retraced his footsteps
to the door in the wall ; but instead of passing
through to the left, he went on along the path for
about six yards and turned sharply round the chapel
wall to the right. Here he would wait until the
gentleman had finished his early mass ! When he
had gone, it would be very interesting to go and
inspect his handiwork.
If it did occur to Shepperton that it was not quite
the thing to spy upon someone else, that was out-
weighed by his resentment towards this man, who,
ever since he came to live in the neighbourhood, had
shown quite plainly that he wished to be left alone.
That of itself was sufficient to cause resentment in
a nature like Shepperton' s. He judged the man to
be selfish ; moreover, he was conscious of the fact
that Brentwood had remained silent all through the
little storm caused by Elsie's disappearance — ap-
parently unmoved by the tragedy. Yes, it would
be interesting to find out what did have any attrac-
tion for this very reserved person.
He must have stood there quite ten minutes before
he heard Brentwood moving about. Just after, his
approaching footsteps resounded on the hard path ;
and Shepperton's heart jumped a little, as it all at
once occurred to him that Brentwood might possibly
come to where he was standing. It would not be
pleasant to be found thus ; at the very least it would
require some explanation. He breathed more freely
as he heard the door in the wall close, and when the
sound of the receding footsteps had almost died
away, he quickly made his way to the chapel.
To his surprise and disappointment he did not
discover anything. That was very strange ; surely
the man was doing something there, his eyes did not
deceive him about that. Very carefuUy, he scruti-
nised the flagstones round about where Brentwood
had been sitting, but could not make anything of
them. It was annoying, for he certainly was draw-
ing or writing when Shepperton saw him. He was
about to go away unsatisfied, when his eyes alighted
on something white, lying on the floor. Picking it
up, he discovered it to be a plain manilla envelope,
neither sealed nor addressed. There was, however,
something inside, which on examination proved to
be a photograph. Not an ordinary one by any
means, for it represented what was evidently a
human hand, and the impression of a bird's foot,
but the latter was more than five times as large as
the former ! The great difference in the relative
sizes was so apparent, that he could not help at once
noticing it. Shepperton looked at it intently for a
minute, then carefully putting it back in the envelope,
slipped it into his breast pocket. He stood for a
short space, thinking earnestly, then, turning sharply
round, made his way home as quickly as he could.
On reaching his apartments he went straight to
his sitting-room, and after locking the door — ^he was
very cautious in some things — ^took out the photo-
graph and thoroughly examined it. Having satisfied
himself that there was no name or mark on it, except
the initials " H. A. B.," he got an inch rule and accu-
rately measured the impression of the foot, which he
found to be nearly four inches long, whereas the hand
was barely one inch ! He thought of all the big
birds he had heard of, but could not call to mind one
that would have a foot anything like that. It was
a queer sort of thing. The photograph of the hand
had evidently been taken to show the size of the foot ;
but what the latter represented was an enigma. He
would very much like to know, particularly as there
could be little doubt about it having fallen out of
Brentwood's pocket.
" Yes," he thought, " still waters run deep," and
perhaps Brentwood had excellent reasons for not
wishing to associate with ordinary human beings.
Now what could he have been up to in the priory ?
It certainly looked as if he were engaged on some-
thing out of the way, at least. The more Shepperton
thought it over, the more he became anxious to
know what had happened ; and the more he thought
of Brentwood, the more his disHke of him seemed to
grow. From his own point of view, he had cause to
know that he was cold, callous, and selfish, and he
also felt that a man who secluded himself from his
fellow-beings must have a reason for it ; that, he
argued, was not likely to be a good one. Yes, he
would watch the gentleman ; it might be that he
would find something out very, very interesting.
Meanwhile, the photograph would not come to any
harm in his possession. He went and carefully
locked it up in his desk, and as he turned the key, it
struck him that perhaps the Vicar could enhghten
him a httle about Mr. Brentwood ? Yes, he would
go and see him.
Constance Alletson looked steadily out of her
bedroom window at the viola border of her own
flower patch, while she slowly buttoned on her
gloves. She was going to the Manor with her
brother, but did not feel quite at ease about it.
Philip had told her everything that happened at
his interview with Mr. Brentwood, not even with-
holding his own weird experience ; and after seri-
ously thinking it over, she had decided — more from
a sense of duty than anything else — to do all she
could to assist her brother in his endeavours to
clear up this strange case.
She was somewhat surprised that the Master of
Storton should have shown any interest in it. She
knew her brother well enough to believe that his
point of view would hardly interest Mr. Brentwood,
and she would have been quite unmoved if Philip
had told her that his friend had laughed at him.
From what she had gathered about scientific people,
and from her experience of the few scientific men
she had met, they were not the kind to look seriously
at anything outside cut-and-dried facts, and she
failed to understand why Mr. Brentwood should be
an exception.
But it was not that which made her feel un-
easy ; rather she would have enjoyed pitting her
knowledge and strength against the man. In this
she differed from her brother, who, being extremely
sensitive, would have taken pains to avoid such' a
measure. The fighting spirit was prominent in her
nature, whereas with her brother it was not readily
called into action.
No, it was a matter which, to her mind, was far
more serious. There was something about Mr.
Brentwood to which she was averse. She had
no tangible reason for this dislike ; so far as she
could make out, it was just instinctive. But that
did not alter the fact of its existence, and although
she would not even admit to herself such a thing,
it almost amounted to fear ! It would be useless
to explain things to her brother, because — ^manhke —
he would immediately want to know what reason
she had for it ; and she was only too weU aware that
men generally do not take account of woman's in-
tuitive faculties — " fancies " they usually call them.
So it was with mixed feelings that she finished
her toilet, and she half wished that her promise had
not been given. But she was no weakling, and now
that the first step had been taken, she would see it
through, whatever the result.
The Master of Storton was sending his car over to
fetch them ; and the hoot of the motor horn outside
the gate brought her soliloquy to an abrupt end.
Lightly descending the stairs, she met Philip in
the hall and they went out together.
The door of the brougham was being held open
by Agar Halfi, who saluted them respectfully.
Constance noticed that he was very good-looking
and had intelligent eyes. Evidently he was a
superior type of native, and she wondered how he
came to be in Mr. Brentwood's service.
As they drove swiftly along she chatted gaily,
being determined that whatever happened she
would not give her brother cause to think she was
at all uneasy.
He was very glad to find her in such an excellent
humour, and his own spirits began to rise a little.
He had entered on this quest with heavy misgivings,
and the whole-heartedness with which his sister
appeared to be taking the matter up was a great
" Do you know," she said, " I hardly like being
driven by this chauffeur of Mr. Brentwood's ; he is
such a grand, dignified person, and although he
saluted us so very respectfully, I am sure he con-
siders he is our equal — ^his manner conveyed it."
The Vicar looked a little sternly at the back of the
dark blue cushioned seat on the opposite side of the
brougham before he replied.
" Do you mean to intimate that because he is
dark-skinned he could not possibly be our equal ? "
Constance laughed outright.
" How you do misconstrue my meanings. Of
course I didn't mean to convey anything of the
sort. What I did intimate was that it seems a
shame he should have to act as our servant."
She paused, then added :
" I should rather like to talk to him ; I'm sure
he would be interesting."
Phihp glanced at her a little surprised.
" You are not usually so keen about talking to
men of your own race. Why such a sudden
fancy ? "
" Nothing strange about that at all," she said.
" One thing, he looks so intelligent, and another, I
cannot help feeling that he is a gentleman, in spite
of his dark skin, which I am sorry to say I cannot
state about all men of my own race."
Phihp nodded his head reluctantly.
" Unfortunately, that is true. But it is not by
any means easy to get Hindoos to talk, I under-
stand ; they are a mysterious, reticent race, and
very proud."
" I wonder how he came to get into Mr. Brent-
wood's service ? " she asked.
Her brother shook his head and smiled, then said :
" Probably he got attached to him during his
travels in India."
" Oh ! " ejaculated Constance, surprised, " I had
no idea Mr. Brentwood had been there."
She sat silently musing over it, and did not speak
again until the slowing down of the car told them
that they must be nearly at the Manor.
She had not been to Storton House before, and
as they went slowly up the drive, she could not help
admiring the well-kept grounds and beautiful flower-
borders. Everything showed taste and care, right
down to the grass edges, which were perfectly
trimmed and cut.
Mr. Blent wood appeared almost immediately
they crossed the threshold of his house, and Con-
stance felt that while his greeting to her was per-
fectly correct, his manner was slightly awkward and
certainly appeared to be cold. On the other hand
she saw that the two men spoke affably, calUng each
other by their surnames, which made her arch her
brows a Uttle ; she did not know they were on such
intimate terms — Phihp had never led her to under-
stand that. Still, it was a pleasant surprise, for her
brother was most unlikely to get very friendly with
any sort of person, he was so reserved.
Once inside the room which their host had had
prepared, Constance was more at ease. It was
ideally comfortable, but not luxuriously so, and
although the atmosphere was warm, it was fresh.
She was charmed, too, with the profusion of mag-
nificent flowers which seemed to be everywhere.
It was such a delightful surprise to find them at
that time of the year.
" Really, Mr. Brentwood," she exclaimed, " these
are beautiful. I envy you."
Her host smiled quietly in acknowledgment, then
answered :
" Flowers are one of my weaknesses ; I revel in
them. But I have to thank my gardener for the
luxury, he spares no pains to keep me well
Constance looked at him with interest. It was
not common for men to thank their servants in that
way for what they did. He seemed to regard it as
a sort of favour from the tone of his voice.
Brentwood noticed her look and added :
" He is an artist in his profession, and I never
interfere in his work, or I doubt if such results as
you now see would be forthcoming. I am not skilled
in the art of floriculture."
" Mr. Brentwood is too modest," laughed her
brother, " I myself have seen him hard at work in
his own conservatory."
" Quite true," explained their host, " but only
doing things under my gardener's supervision."
He is certainly different to other men, Constance
thought — moreover, he is modest, no doubt about
that. Further, it struck her that his remarks were
singularly just.
There was a short silence, and then, turning to
Constance and looking her fully in the face, Mr.
Brentwood said :
" I understand. Miss Alletson, your brother has
explained that what we are about to undertake is of
serious import ? "
It was the first time their eyes had really met,
and while he was speaking she felt that she could
not look away ; they were such fine eyes, and there
seemed to be no end to their deep brown depths.
She was conscious that a great restful feeling came
over her, such as she had never in her life experienced
While she paused to answer, she felt that she was
searching for something in his look, which was con-
cealed, but which she instinctively knew was there.
" Yes, I understand that."
She replied almost mechanically, her attention
being held by the involuntary desire to discover what
it was that lay hidden in the man.
" But I think you may rest assured that no per-
sonal harm will come to you."
Constance gave a short derisive laugh ! She did
not mean to do so, but the position to her just then
was so diametrically opposed to his assurance, that
she could not help it. She was beginning to feel
uneasy. She wanted to avoid finding this strange
hidden thing ; her whole being repelled it, and she
was aware that her uneasiness was fast amounting
to real fear ! With an effort she replied :
" It is very kind of you to be so thoughtful about
me, but what of yourself and my brother ? "
" Perhaps I can answer that, Constance," inter-
posed the Vicar, " if Mr. Brentwood will allow me
to speak for him, as well as for myself ? "
Their host looked at him and nodded assent,
and the Vicar continued :
" As you already know, Mr. Brentwood and I have
decided to get to the bottom of this matter if at all
possible. There are, however, certain risks, but we
are prepared to accept these, while we are both agreed
that you must not run any danger."
As the Master of Storton turned his eyes from
hers, Constance gave a sigh of reUef, for she almost
immediately became her normal self again.
" I don't know whether to thank you for your
consideration or not," she replied, a little reproach-
fully. " When I promised that I would help you,
I was then, and am now, fully prepared to take my
share of the responsibility. Moreover, why should
I not ? "
Brentwood raised his eyes with fresh interest.
This woman evidently had a mind of her own.
" I think," he said gravely, " there is hardly any
need to pursue this further. Miss Alletson, seeing that
you are so willing to do your share in the work."
The well-conceived reply pacified Constance some-
what, so she answered :
" Very well, let it rest at that. But before we
begin, I wish to make one stipulation " — ^here her
eyes challenged his — " and that is, that you inform
me of all that happens."
" Mr. Brentwood is quite wiUing on that point,
I'm sure," answered her brother.
Their host rose, and moving forward a large divan
chair, requested Constance to make herself as com-
fortable as possible. This, with the aid of one or
two cushions, she did, and soon found herself reposing
She felt at ease, strange to say, in spite of the un-
comfortable time she had experienced when Mr.
Brentwood had been looking at her, but so far as
she knew there was no other disturbing element.
In any case, she had made up her mind, and would
not retract now.
The Master of Storton was talking to her brother
in a low voice, and she lazily watched them. Casu-
ally she compared the two men and smiled at the
idea that they should have anything in common ;
they were so entirely different. Still, it appeared
that they had, and, after aU, it was not the strangest
thing in the world.
At last Brentwood turned to her, and taking out
his watch, said :
" I imderstand from your brother. Miss Alletson,
that you have experienced the trance stage before,
and that being so, I propose to conduct you there
straight away. During the trance I shall request
you to do certain things, which, if successful, will
have important results. I would therefore ask you
to please give to me the whole of your attention for
the next few minutes, so that I may the better be
enabled to produce the trance stage as nearly perfect
as possible."
Constance inclined her head in assent. One
thing she could not help noticing was, that there
was a marked difference in his manner, now that
he was about to proceed to business ; and she was
conscious there and then of having to deal with a
very strong personality, if not an extraordinary
" Please just look at me for a minute," he said
quietly. That was just what she did not want.
Why should he adopt that method ? She was
averse to again looking into his eyes. So instead
of doing as he asked, she looked at the ring on her
right hand, which was resting easily on the arm of
the chair, and answered :
"It is not now usual, I beUeve, to induce the
sleep by the power of the eyes."
" No," he replied, " but while other methods are
more popular, it is the best and safest, if properly
Constance thought his tone a little hard, as
though he resented her query. Still, she could not
repudiate what he said, so she answered, " Very well,"
and raising her blue eyes to his, looked steadily
into them. At first she wanted to pit her own
strength of mind against his, but as she continued
to gaze, once again that delightful restful feeling
came over her, and she gave a slight sigh of content.
Gradually his eyes seemed to grow larger and yet
larger, until she could see nothing but their dark
brown depths, and then it seemed that she was in-
stinctively warned that she was searching for some-
thing in his eyes — she did not know what — but
which, with a feehng of terror, she knew she would
find, and must find. What was it that was forcing her
to seek this unknown mysterious something behind
the visible man ? She was not doing it voluntarily.
Then came the reverse action, this unknown, un-
desirable thing was seeking her. She was conscious
of the fact, also that she was terribly anxious to
escape it. Oh ! — she must try to avoid it at any
cost, she dare not face it. What could she do ?
Which way could she fly ? Black despair seemed
to enter her breast. Would no one help her ? she
thought piteously ; was she abandoned in that de-
solate dark waste, quite alone with this shadowy
horror, helpless ?
Ah ! — ^it was there, it had found her, it was
clutching her — O God 1 . . . she shrieked the words
aloud to the loneliness around her, and then, with
a deafening crash and a roar like mighty rivers
suddenly loosing themselves into empty bottomless
caverns, the spell broke ! . . .
She was floating lazily, dreamily, so restfully,
amongst the sweetest scented flowers she had ever
Gently closing her eyelids, Brentwood turned
his head and looked at the Vicar, who had been
watching with deep interest. One glance was
sufficient to tell him that her brother was quite
unaware of the look of horror that had come into
his sister's eyes just before she lost consciousness.
Besides, he could see from the position which
AUetson had taken up — at right angles to the
operator and the medium — ^that it was improbable ;
but he had not been quite sure where her brother
was stationed.
The Vicar nodded his head approvingly and then
said in a subdued voice :
" I suppose you will let the sleep settle a little
before you proceed to sub-consciously awaken
her ? "
Brentwood absently inclined his head. He was
thinking of that look which appeared in Miss
AUetson's eyes, just before she passed into the
trance, and was asking himself whether or not he
should inform her brother of it, there and then.
He must have stood thus — ^with the first finger
and thumb of his right hand pursing his under lip
— ^for fully four minutes, and might have stood
longer, if his attention had not been arrested by
Alletson's voice suggesting that probably it would
now be safe to arouse the medium.
Drawing a deep breath, he quietly took up his
watch and put it in his pocket ; then turning to his
friend he said :
" Quite so, the sleep should now be sufficiently
deep." He then proceeded to arouse the sleeper
after applying one or two tests to satisfy himself
that the trance stage was in evidence.
He had to call her name three or four times
before she showed any signs of mental activity ;
then, slightly puckering her smooth brow, she
heaved a deep sigh and answered in a slow voice :
" Yes, I am here j why do you call me back ?
I am happy amongst the flowers."
They both watched her face intently, while Brent-
wood proceeded to question her.
" Are you free ? "
",No ! You hold me, otherwise I am — ^let me go."
" That I cannot do," he answered softly but firmly.
" Listen ! I want you to go to Worlstoke Vicar-
The Vicar looked at him inquiringly.
" I am there," she answered listlessly.
Brentwood turned to his friend and whispered
quickly :
" On which night did the Rev. Henry Thornton
disappear ? "
Alletson knitted his brows for a moment, then
replied :
" Saturday evening, twenty-first February last,
seven p.m."
The Master of Storton thought rapidly, then,
turning to the medium, said :
" Go back to seven p.m., Saturday, twenty-first
February in this year."
For a time the medium's face looked troubled,
as though there were some difficulty, but eventually
her countenance cleared and she responded :
" Yes, I am there."
" Is the Rev. Henry Thornton in the Vicarage ? "
" No," came the prompt reply.
" Go back to six-thirty p.m."
" Yes."
" Is he there now ? "
" Yes, in the study."
" What is he doing ? "
" Writing."
" Watch, and say what he does."
A long silence followed, and at last the Vicar made
as if to speak, but his friend stopped him with a
warning hand. The Vicar was keenly excited ; he
could not understand how Brentwood had so easily
obtained the conditions. But that was unimport-
ant compared with the revelations which appeared
He looked at the operator's cold, composed fea-
tures with fresh interest. He had never met a
personality hke this one, although he had come in con-
tact with many types. This man's intellect was far
above the average, and his will power was abnormal.
Evilly disposed, such a character would be a real
danger to humanity. What a blessing his tendencies
were for good ! He looked at Brentwood again, just
to satisfy himself that he had made no mistake, when
he had, not long ago, decided that the Master of
Storton was an upright man ; and his scrutiny con-
firmed that opinion. The features were refined, and
the firm mouth and delicate nostrils showed high taste
and strong control over the physical propensities.
His attention was recalled by his sister's voice
speaking slowly :
" He has finished writing — ^he rises and goes into
the hall — ^he puts on his hat — ^he is now speaking to
his housekeeper. Now he goes out of the front door
— ^he is standing by the gate hesitating — ^he turns
and walks down the road — ^he is now approaching a
ruined building "
The Vicar gave a short gasp as he thought of the
" — ^he looks at it hesitatingly — ^now he walks to-
wards it — ^he stops again — and there is a strange
look on his face — ^now he goes on again — ^he has
reached the wall ..."
The voice stopped abruptly, and a troubled look
passed over the sleeper's face. The two men waited
eagerly, the one trembling with excitement, the other
with set mouth and alert eyes. At last in a pained
voice she continued :
" I cannot go any further, something prevents
me ; there is something guarding the wall — it is all
round it."
Then she added in quick staccato tones :
" I do not want to go. No ! no 1 let me return ! ! "
Her voice swelled louder, and the Vicar half rose
out of his chair in response to the appeal, but his
host quietly and firmly put his hand on his shoulder,
and at the same time said in a clear voice :
" Come back to the present. Do not be afraid,
no harm can come to you."
Then he began to speak slowly and firmly in a
strange tongue. This he continued to do for fully
half a minute, and gradually the troubled look dis-
appeared from the medium's countenance and once
more she breathed easily and regularly.
The operator studied her face carefully before he
again spoke, and then, being apparently satisfied
that things were in order, he resumed :
" Now go into the ruins."
" I am there," she responded listlessly.
" Can you see the Rev. Henry Thornton ? "
" No."
" Tell me what you see."
After a pause she replied :
" Crumbling walls ; broken flagstones ; ivy ; old
rubbish heaps covered with weeds . . . nothing
but ruins."
" Have you been all over the priory ? "
" Yes."
" Are there not any vaults or chambers under-
ground ? "
" Yes " — ^after hesitation.
" Where ? "
" I am in a large vault now, under the refectory."
" Describe it."
" It is quite empty, except for dust and rubbish."
" Can you find the entrance ? "
" Yes, there are some steps leading up to a trap-
door in the floor of the refectory, but it is covered by
a large flagstone."
" Is there no other underground chamber ? "
" I think so . . . 'er — I'm in a passage."
" Where ? "
" About underneath the chapel."
" Can you find the entrance ? "
There was a long pause, during which the medium
looked much perplexed. At last the words
came :
" I have come to a wall, about twenty paces from
where I started, but I cannot pass it."
" Is there anything the other side of it ? "
" Yes."
" What do you think it is ? "
" I don't know."
" Why cannot you pass the wall ? "
" Some force prevents me."
" Follow the passage the other way."
" Yes, it is long, very long ... Oh ! Let me get
out of this dreadful place, there is something evil
and weird about it. I feel the presence of death in
some form all around. But that I am guarded by
your power, I should be lost."
She spoke in a voice agitated with fear, and
lifted her hands appealingly. Brentwood took hold
of them in his own, and spoke in a low firm
voice :
" Peace, forget, and awake in ten minutes."
He released her hands, and with a long drawn-out
sigh her head fell back, and to all appearances she
was just peacefully asleep.
When Constance awoke, it was to find the two
men looking steadily at her. As soon as she opened
her eyes, the Master of Storton immediately arose,
and going to a chiffonier poured into a glass out of
a decanter a liquid which looked like water, except-
ing that it effervesced at intervals, as it came into
contact with the air.
" Drink this," he said gently. His face was
grave, but his eyes smiled kindly, and she was just
thinking how nice he was, when that instinctive
dislike for him, which she had before experienced,
entered her mind. She took the proffered glass
hesitatingly, and he noticed it.
" Drink it straight away. Miss Alletson, it will
stimulate you without any after ill-effects."
She drank it slowly, and felt a faint tingling
sensation, as though the heart's action had been
slightly increased. It refreshed her, however, and
feeling better, she said :
" Well ! have you been successful ? "
The Master of Storton avoided her eyes as he
replied :
" I think we have learned of something which
may lead to success, Miss Alletson."
He then briefly told her all that had happened
during the experiment, while she listened eagerly.
" There is one thing certain," exclaimed the
Vicar, when Brentwood had finished. " We shall
have to closely inspect the ruins of the old
" Yes," repUed the Master of Storton, " and the
sooner we do it, the better."
They there and then arranged that the Vicar
should let Brentwood know by messenger, if he
could manage to go in the morning. All being
well, they would meet at the priory about 10 a.m.
" Of course you will go back in my car," said their
host. " I've given instructions for it to be ready."
They thanked him for his thoughtfulness and rose
to depart.
" I must say before you go," remarked Brent-
wood as they passed into the hall, " that you are
an excellent medium. Miss Alletson ; much better,
in fact, than many professional ones I have met."
To her own vexation, Constance blushed a little at
the compliment ; and she repHed rather hurriedly :
" Really I'm very glad I have proved satis-
factory, but perhaps it was more due to the skill
of the operator that I proved so."
The Master of Storton actually frowned as he
replied :
" You flatter me mistakenly. Miss Alletson. No
matter how good an operator may be, without a
first-class medium no experiments would be of much
use. It would simply be like a musician trying to
get harmony out of an instrument that was out of
Before they got into the brougham, Brentwood
did what appeared to be a strange thing. He
introduced his visitors to Agar Halfi, his chauffeur.
If either of them thought it curious, neither of them,
of course, showed it. As to Agar Halfi, he — ^not
at all embarrassed — murmured his pleasure at the
honour conferred upon him. He at least did not
think it curious.
When they arrived at the Vicarage, the Hindoo
jumped down to hold open the door. As they
alighted, Constance turned to him with a smile
and thanked him for bringing them home.
Agar Halfi's face lighted up, and bowing low,
he Said in his dignified way :
" I am always pleased to serve the friends of my
beloved master."
Which remark set Constance wondering what it
was that made her dislike the Master of Storton,
when everybody else (except Arthur Shepperton)
had such a good opinion of him.
Agar Halfi watched them with his dark eyes,
until they disappeared through the doorway. Then
he slowly turned round and studied the near front
wheel of the car. Eventually he gave voice to an
emphatic " umph," and shaking his head doubt-
fully, mounted the car, muttering in his own lan-
guage, and drove away.
A lady's glove
That evening Constance was alone, Philip having
gone to visit a parishioner who was sick. It was
chilly, and she drew her chair close to the fire.
A book lay on her knee, but she was not reading,
her mind being engrossed with the events of the
On the way home from the Manor, Phihp had
related to her all that had happened, and it was
evident from his remarks that he had no knowledge
of what transpired just before she lost conscious-
ness. She had almost there and then told him,
but checked the impulse, thinking it better perhaps
to wait a little.
It was satisfying to know that some progress had
been made, and that she had been instrumental
in it ; but the curious incident which had twice
occurred rather damped her spirits. The effect of
it — ^besides confirming her instinctive dislike for
the Master of Storton — ^was to arouse a suspicion
in her mind that he was a dangerous man !
She would very much like to know what had
caused that dreadful feeling of horror — ^she shud-
dered as she remembered it — but for that, the
progress that had been made would have given her
every cause for satisfaction.
What particularly troubled her was, that while
naturally she did not want to suffer another such
experience, she was aware of a distinct desire
within her to again look into his eyes 1 It was not
pleasant to be conscious of that fact under the
circumstances ; it made her feel just a little bit
helpless ; but having promised to assist all she
could, she did not want to go back on her word
without sufficient cause, yet just then she decidedly
felt that she would rather not go to the Manor
Had she been a man, she would probably have
come to the conclusion that it was a mere coinci-
dence, and have dismissed the matter from her mind,
on the ground that there was not any reasonable
basis upon which to assume anything, but being a
woman, she did not think that way. She instinc-
tively disliked the man, and that was sufficient iov
her to arrive at the conclusion that there was
something wrong with him.
Some men would laugh at such a decision, put-
ting it down to woman's illogical way of reasoning ;
but it is as well to remember that the feminine mind
intuitively arrives at correct solutions of things far
more quickly than the masculine mind does by the
slow and not always sound process of reasoning.
In the fading light Constance idly watched the
shadows from the fire silently playing on the walls
and ceiling. Outside all seemed peaceful and at
rest, in ironic contrast to her mind. Something
she would have to decide upon soon ; such a state
of indecision she well knew could not last for long.
But it was not an easy task.
Her meditations were interrupted by a ring of
the front-door bell, and shortly afterwards the maid
announced that Mr, Shepperton had called to see
Mr. Alletson.
" Of course, Martha, you told him the master was
out ? "
" Yes, miss," she repUed. " So he said he would
be glad if he could see you for a few minutes."
Constance frowned ; she did not particularly want
to see anyone just then ; but perhaps he had called
to see her brother about some Church work, and
in that case she felt it her duty to see him. So
rising, she lighted the gas and told Martha to show
Mr. Shepperton in.
As soon as he entered the room, Constance
noticed that he was unnerved. His eyes shone
brightly and his face was paler than usual, though
the colour kept coming and going in his cheeks.
She looked at him a little startled, not quite
knowing what to do ; at last he exclaimed :
" I've found a clue ! " and then dropped into a
chair, breathing irregularly.
She looked at him in mute surprise for a moment,
then it suddenly occurred to her that he looked
ill, and she said :
" Can I get you anything, Mr. Shepperton ? "
He nodded, then answered gratefully :
" Thanks, I should like a glass of water."
When she left the room, he rose and com-
menced to walk quickly backwards and forwards.
He gazed restlessly around him and said half aloud :
" By God ! if it is he, I'll " — but he did not finish
the sentence, for at that moment Constance re-
entered the room.
He drank some of the water eagerly, and put down
the glass with a sigh of relief.
She looked at him sympathetically. Her dis-
position was a kind one, and she was very sorry
for him in his trouble. It is hard to lose one who
is dear to you, and she had extended her sympathy
to Mr. Shepperton beyond the ordinary, and she
felt that he had been grateful to her.
When he had recovered himself somewhat,
Arthur Shepperton put his hand inside his coat,
and without a word, drew forth a kid glove, which
he carefully placed on the table. For a short time
he looked at it despairingly, then said :
" Do you know to whom that belongs ? "
Constance looked at him questioningly.
" Look inside it," he continued.
Constance silently picked it up and read on the
lining the initials " E. H."
She trembled a httle, in spite of her determination
to keep cool.
"And where did you find it ? " she half whis-
He expected her question, for he answered im-
mediately :
" In the priory ruins ! "
Constance's heart jumped ; she at once thought
of Philip's adventure.
Shepperton noticed her start, and looked at her
During the pause the door opened and Philip
entered. Neither heard him, they were so ab-
sorbed, each in their own thoughts.
The Vicar looked at them wonderingly, Shep-
perton leaning forward in his chair, staring at
Constance, while she stood gazing at him, with
one hand on the table, supporting her body, the
other holding up the glove.
" What is the matter ? " he said quietly.
They both turned suddenly, and Constance ex-
claimed :
" Oh ! I'm so glad you have come. Mr. Shep-
perton has found Miss Hobson's glove in the
The Vicar uttered an exclamation, and taking
the glove from his sister looked at it intently ;
then turning to Shepperton, he asked :
" Of course, there can be no doubt about it ? "
The other man laughed mirthlessly, and an-
swered :
" Not a shadow of a doubt, I could swear to it."
" Where exactly was it ? " asked AUetson.
" I went for a walk this afternoon, and coming
back I wandered into the ruins. I don't know
them very well, so I thought I would have a look
round. Now you know the part which used to be
the chapel ? "
" — m — yes," answered the Vicar.
" Well, up at the top end, where the altar would
have been, the wall is crumbhng away in parts,
and I had just stepped across one of these places,
when my foot dislodged one of the loose stones.
This fell on the ground outside the wall and
knocked away another stone, which had been lying
there goodness knows how long. Naturally I
looked to see what had happened, and there, where
the stone had been lying, I found the glove."
Alletson drummed his fingers on the table, while
he gazed into the fire. Then he said :
" What do you intend to do ? "
"Well, I shall of course inform the police,"
he replied, then added, " I came here first
though, thinking you would like to know at
" I'm glad you did," answered the Vicar.
Shepperton looked at him wonderingly.
" Because," he continued, " I don't think I
should go to the police."
" Not go to the police I " he echoed.
" At any rate, for the present," said Alletson.
" Let me explain. There is, I am sure, more in
this case than at first appears. Certain things
which have happened led me to consult Mr. Brent-
wood. He is now investigating the matter, and I
have great hopes that he will be able to solve the
" Mr. Brentwood," ejaculated Shepperton, with a
half -sneer. " What's he got to do with it ? "
A pained look came into the Vicar's face ; the
man's tone was so bitter. Constance noticed that
her brother was hurt, and turning to Shepperton,
she said coldly :
" Mr. Brentwood has been good enough to pro-
mise to give his time to a subject which hardly
concerns him, and I think, Mr. Shepperton, we
really ought to be grateful for his help."
Her tone hurt him — ^he was siuprised to find —
more than he thought it could have done, and he
remembered it afterwards ; but at the time he was
" I would rather he had nothing to do with it,"
he said stubbornly.
They both looked at him in surprise, then the
Vicar said sternly :
" Surely, Mr. Shepperton, that is unreasonable.
If Mr. Brentwood has offered his help when asked
to give it, why should you want to refuse ? "
The other man looked sullenly at him before he
answered, then said irritably :
" To tell the truth, I don't like the gentleman,
and I don't want any help or favours at his hands."
A cloud began to gather on the Vicar's face, but
almost immediately his expression changed and he
said kindly :
" Mr. Shepperton, you are upset, or I'm sure
you would not have spoken thus. Let me assure
you that in my opinion, if Mr. Brentwood cannot
assist us in this extraordinary case, the police
certainly cannot."
Shepperton was surprised into silence, and for a
time did not speak. Then he asked in a more
subdued manner :
" Do you really think that ? How can he help
in any particular way ? Is he an amateur detective ?
Really I don't understand."
Alletson smiled slightly.
" No," he replied, " but " — ^he hesitated and looked
at Constance, then said to her :
" Perhaps we had better tell Mr. Shepperton every-
thing ? "
Constance nodded — there seemed no other
way. So quietly and carefully he related all
that had happened, while the other man listened
with open eyes and occasional interruptions of
" Now, Mr. Shepperton, I don't think you will
think it advisable to go to the police just yet."
Shepperton rose and held out his hand.
" Please forgive me if I spoke hastily just now,
Mr. AUetson," he said ; "I'm grateful for what
you have done, and I'm quite wilHng to let matters
take their course for tl.e present. You may depend
upon me, of course, to assist in any way possible."
The Vicar was pleasantly surprised at his frank-
ness and grasped his hand heartily. But Constance
was not so sure that he was sincere, the change was
so sudden. However, she did not say anything.
-' Perhaps we had better go and make a careful
search as soon as possible ? " said Shepperton.
" Yes," replied the Vicar, " it would be just as
well. I could manage to-morrow morning, if not
too early. How would ten o'clock suit you ? "
" Oh, any time will suit me," replied Shepperton.
Then, turning to Constance, he added : "I hope
you will be coming too. Miss AUetson ? "
She hesitated a moment, then replied slowly :
" Yes, I think I will come, if I shall not be in the
" No question about that," he answered em-
" Very well," said AUetson ; "I will send a note
round to the Manor, asking Mr. Brentwood to meet
us there. I know he will come."
" That will be excellent," repUed Shepperton
brightly. " And now I think I had better be going.
Good night ! "
As he hurried along the road, Arthur Shepperton's
mind was busy sorting things out. Being a very
practical young man, he was half inclined to laugh
at the Vicar's statements. He did not believe in
that sort of thing, and if certain people liked to go
wandering after will-o'-the-wisps, that was not his
business. On the other hand, he would have a good
opportunity to watch Brentwood. A man who
had in his possession photographs like the one he
had found in the priory could not be up to much
good. He still resented his being introduced into
the matter, he so disliked the man, and the fact of
finding Elsie's glove in the priory ruins increased
his desire to watch Brentwood. He could not exactly
say why, but it seemed somehow to connect him
with the case.
He wondered why AUetson had not confided in
him in the first place ; it hurt his pride, and he took
it as a snub. Surely he should have been the first
one to have known. However, he would dismiss
the matter for the present, and see what the morn-
ing brought forth.
Just before he arrived at his apartments, he
suddenly remembered that Constance Alletson's
retort had hurt him, more than he expected, and
it then occurred to him that he liked her. Yes,
he was pretty sure about that. He recollected that
she had been particularly nice to him since Elsie's
disappearance. He wondered, in a vague sort of
way, whether she liked him, and was still musing
on the point when he reached home.
Meanwhile the Master of Storton, after the de-
parture of his visitors in the afternoon, went up
into his study, and stood with his hands in his coat
pockets, looking out of the west window for quite
a long time.
To see him standing there, one would have been
inclined to think that he was idly viewing the land-
scape stretched out before him • but as a fact he
was thinking about the identical thing which occu-
pied Constance's mind later on in the evening,
though from a very different standpoint.
His disposition toward the opposite sex was in-
different, if not cold ; but, all the same, it was not
particularly pleasant to become suddenly aware
that something about him should cause a look of
horror — and no doubt the feeling with the look —
to come over one of them, the first time he had
practically had anything to do with her. He could
not sum it up.
He knew that animals were susceptible to the
power of his eyes — or rather the hypnotic force be-
hind them — but that could not explain the pheno-
menon. No animal or human being he had used the
power upon had, he was quite sure, shown horror,
fear, disgust ; all of which symptoms Miss AUetson
plainly exhibited before she passed into the sleep.
It might possibly have been nervousness on her
part, through the strangeness of the circumstances
— he understood that she had never experimented
excepting with her brother — but, against that, he
had not noticed any abnormal state, or he would
not have proceeded with the experiment ; indeed
she seemed to be quite cool and collected ; and, as
far as he could judge, she was of strong character,
above the average.
No, it was not that, but then, the thing was a —
he stopped abruptly as he thought of the word
" mystery," and bit his lip in perplexity ; it had
such a resemblance to superstition, and all his Hfe,
while he had been instinctively drawn toward such
things — so-called mysteries or superstitions — ^he had
really only concerned himself with such matters to
analyse and expose them.
And yet, what other word could he use for that
which is not understood ? Another thing, why
should he let it bother him ? He could let the inci-
dent drop, and it would be done with. Yes, that
might be all right for some people, but to him it was
not possible; his habit of research would not let
him do it.
Again, there was only one so-called mystery he
had tackled, of which he had not been able to get
to the bottom, so surely he should be able to over-
come this one ?
He felt that he would very much like to know
Miss Alletson's version of it, but he hardly felt
justified — at present — ^in approaching her. Still,
there was another way to get at the thing; he
would experiment on someone else, and see if the
same phenomenon exhibited itself.
Though a man of deep thought, he was practical
and of quick action, so he straight away put on his
hat and walked across to Agar Halfi's lodge.
As he approached the door, he was greeted with
a growl of pleasure from his huge bull-mastiff, which
came leaping up at him, and nearly knocked him
down in its dehght.
" Down, Hector ! Down ! " he exclaimed, as
he patted the dog's head, " Where is Agar Halfi ? "
The animal ran to the door, sniffed at it, and came
back, wagging his tail, as much as to say that the
door was shut.
" Not in ? " queried Brentwood ; " well, I'll wait.
Come along ! "
He walked into the living room, and sat down on
the table, swinging his legs. Agar Halfi, he knew,
could not be long, as it was only five minutes' run
to the Vicarage.
He looked casually round the room, and started
to whistle, when a thought flashed across his mind
which caused him to stop abruptly.
" Why not try the experiment on the dog ? "
Calling the animal to him, he took its great head
between his hands, and looked steadily into its eyes.
Hector wriggled, and made as if to get away, but
his master silenced him with his voice, and the dog
obediently returned his look with its big honest
For fully half a minute he concentrated the power
of his mind on the animal, and then, with the second
contraction of the pupils, Brentwood began to be
satisfied that the experiment — as he expected it
would do — ^had passed off satisfactorily. All at
once the dog, who had almost passed into the sleep,
whimpered, and, breaking away from his grasp,
backed away from his master whining with
The animal's action was so sudden and so strange,
that the man momentarily let go the mental hold he
had of it. In that instant the dog's eyes flamed,
and, with a deep, savage bay, he made as if to
spring. Recovering himself immediately, Brent-
wood shouted in sharp tones :
" Lie down ! "
His master's voice of command had the desired
efiect. The dog — ^habitually used to obeying it —
lay down, though apparently ill at ease, giving vent
to occasional suppressed growls.
The Master of Storton took a long breath, and,
pulling out his pocket-handkerchief, wiped small
drops of perspiration from his forehead. He was
keenly awake to the fact that he had had a narrow
escape of his life. No man unarmed could stand
against the attack of a dog like Hector.
However, it was not the first time he had faced
death and probably it would not be the last.
But the fact of the dog turning on him set him
" furiously to think." It looked as if the animal
had been affected in the same way as Miss Alletson.
If that were so, he wondered what sort of a nerve
Miss Alletson had, because it would have to be
something extraordinary to make Hector attack his
His head sank down on his chest as he tried to
unravel it. The animal without doubt showed fear
and horror, whilst under the spell of his eyes. He
also noticed that the thing happened just about the
time when the sleep was in evidence.
He was still musing over it when Agar Halfi entered
the room. On seeing Brentwood sitting there, the
Hindoo waited for him to speak. This for a time
he did not do, but instead looked absently at him, as
though debating in his mind whether or not he would
say anything at all. At last he broke the silence.
" Agar Halfi, I've a problem I want to discuss with
Without a word the man crossed the room, and,
squatting on the hearthrug — Eastern fashion — ^began
to stare at the fire.
Brentwood watched him and smiled. It was one
of the Hindoo's peculiarities that he never spoke
unless it was absolutely necessary, and what he had
done was simply his way of stating that he was ready
to listen, and all attention.
" I don't think there is much known about
hjrpnotism with which I am not acquainted ? "
The other man nodded.
" On the other hand," continued the speaker,
" as far as it is possible I know that you are a master
of the science, as you are of most things occult, and
I am going to lay before you a phenomenon which I
have to-day discovered. But before I do so, I want
you to test my hypnotic influence."
" Why waste time. Sahib ? Your powers in that
direction need no testing."
" I have good reason for it. Agar Halfi. It will
make all the difference to what I have to lay before
" Then we will test it," replied the man laconically.
" What I want you to note is, what you experience
while I am using the power, before you lose con-
Agar Halfi made no reply, but getting up from
the floor, sat in a chair and got ready for the
To Brentwood's surprise, everything went off
without the slightest hitch. No disturbing element
at all manifested itself. The Master of Storton
whistled softly under his breath ; this complicated
He awoke the Hindoo almost immediately, who
at once resumed his seat on the hearthrug and
gazed calmly into the fire.
"So you experienced nothing out of the common? "
" Nothing, Sahib," was the reply.
The Master of Storton looked vacantly at the
ceiHng, and then, without " beating about the
bush," related what had occurred during the after-
noon's experiment, and what happened later on with
the dog.
" Now, my friend, what do you think of it ? "
The Hindoo did not reply, but instead rose from
the floor, and going over to the dog, swiftly put
him into the sleep, without the slightest trouble.
Brentwood watched while he did it, with interested
eyes ; not the slightest action escaped him, and he
noticed that there was not any sign of trouble at all
with the animal.
When he had finished. Agar Halfi resumed his seat
and studied the fire with half-closed eyes. At last
he remarked :
" When did the Sahib last use the power ? "
" Really, I forget, but I think it was well over six
months ago."
" 1 once saw a man who was possessed with a devil
shrink with the fear of death when I cast out the evil
" What do you think caused the fear ? "
" Ah, Sahib, who knows ? Possibly the unfortu-
nate one, when on the borderland above the world,
caught sight of his tormentor before he flew away.
Possibly the poor man saw its reflection in my eyes ?
But still, who knows ? "
Brentwood laughed Ughtly as he replied :
" I don't think the lady has a devil, even if the
dog has. But it is possible that they both saw
a devil in me."
" Then why did not Agar Halfi see it ? " was the
terse reply.
"Exactly, my friend, that is the curious point,"
answered the Master of Storton.
" Besides," continued the Hindoo, " if you had a
devil, you would show signs of him, and there are
no such signs to my knowledge."
" It is perplexing," replied the other ; " but still,
I don't doubt that we shall unravel it. There is
nothing which we have yet tackled which we have
not conquered, is there ? " Brentwood paused,
then continued, "excepting" — he again paused,
and looked at the Hindoo, who, without turning his
head, said :
" Excepting that one great mystery. Sahib, which
nearly cost you your life."
The Master of Storton looked thoughtful, then said
in a low voice :
" Yes, I had almost forgotten. Let me see, how
long was I in that trance ? "
" Six weeks and two days. Sahib ; and at times
I did not know whether you were alive or dead. You
never moved nor spoke a word, and although I did
my best, I could not rouse you. You were in the
grip of some force stronger than any Agar Halfi
"And but for your charmed ring, my friend, I
should not be here now ! "
The Hindoo slightly shrugged his shoulders as he
answered :
" Who knows ? "
" Yes," continued the Master of Storton, " if I had
been wise I should have taken your advice and for-
gotten that such a place existed ; then I should not
have got this," and pulling down his coUar he pointed
to a jagged white scar about three inches long.
" And yet there was no wound. Sahib ! "
*' Still, Agar Halfi, I will be quits with that ghost
yet ! For that reason I am glad you photographed
for me those footprints." He paused, and whistled
softly, then went on :
" My word, each one fully three times as big as a
man's hand ! And, as we have proved since, no
known bird has got a foot like that. But the
strangest part of all is, that there were only two
of them, and those close together, barely three
yards from where I was lying."
"That was so. Sahib, and, although I searched
closely, I discovered no others."
Brentwood thought silently for a time, then
remarked :
" It is very extraordinary, but look here, Agar
Halfi, if it had not been material, how could it have
left footprints ? Answer me that."
" And if it was material, Sahib, how could it have
not left its tracks ? "
They both looked at each other and laughed. Then
Brentwood closed his eyes and said quietly :
" Presumably, being of the bird type, it could have
"True, Sahib, but Agar Halfi did not see it
" It was dark, my friend."
" True again, but Agar Halfi could see the Sahib
plainly enough, and he could also see the great
dim shape of the hobgobUn, it being hardly three
strides away from where you were lying."
"My face is white, besides I was lying close to
the fire, and could easily be seen by you. But the
night was dark, you said, there being no moon, and
if the thing was sombre in colour you could not
have seen it any more than to think it was a
" Also true. Sahib ; but again, if it were material,
and did not walk away (and it must have left its
tracks if it had done that), it must have flown away
as you said. But Agar Halfi did not hear the rustle
of its wings ! "
Brentwood smiled at the Oriental's arguments,
the subtlety of which proved to him that there was
reason in the Hindoo's make-up, and what was more,
common sense.
" Quite so. Agar Halfi ; but then you were horror-
stricken, and all your attention was apparently
turned to me, and in that case you may not have
heard it fly away."
" If the Sahib judges the size of the evil one from
his feet, does he think it possible that Agar Halfi
would not hear him fly away under any circum-
stances ? I have ears, and should have had to be
unconscious not to have heard him."
"Even then," continued the Master of Storton,
" you may have been oblivious to all external things
except the one. Remember the state you were in ;
all sorts of things may happen under such con-
The Hindoo shook his head as he replied :
" You can find an answer to all things, but Agar
Halfi was not deceived."
"Well, we will leave it at that," continued the
Master of Storton ; " and now, I want to tell you
that probably I shall be visiting the priory ruins
to-morrow with the Vicar and his sister, and I want
you to come also. It is possible that there may be
work to do there."
In the morning Arthur Shepperton called for the
Vicar and his sister, and they went together to
the priory. Brentwood had not arrived when
they got there, so they sat down to wait, on
the same seat that Shepperton had utilised a few
days ago.
Alletson, under his outward reserve, was excited,
being keenly interested in the exploration, in view
of what he had himself experienced at the priory.
Shepperton seemed sullen and taciturn, and Con-
stance appeared indifferent.
For a time none of them spoke, the two men
being apparently absorbed each in his own thoughts,
whilst Constance was occupied in studying the out-
side of the ruin.
Occasionally, each would look in the direction
from which Brentwood should come. At last the
Vicar pulled out his watch and broke the silence by
" It is barely ten yet ; I don't think there will
be any doubt about his coming."
Shepperton yawned in a bored sort of fashion,
and answered, in a way which seemed to imply that
it didn't matter whether the Master of Storton
turned up or not, " I hope not," and then lapsed
into silence again.
" I believe these ruins are very old," said Alletson,
addressing himself to Shepperton.
" Yes," replied the latter. "They date back to
the fourteenth century." He paused, then added :
"There are some queer stories connected with
their history, and, as is usual with such places, it is
of course haunted."
The scorn in his voice drew Constance's attention ;
it irritated her a Uttle, so she said :
" Don't you think it probable that some of these
old places really are haunted ? "
"Certainly not. Miss Alletson," he replied em-
phatically. " It is merely superstitious belief, which
has been, and I believe is now, used in some countries
by the Romish priests to frighten the ignorant into
"That may be true," retorted Constance, "but
it does not prove that houses are not haunted, and
there are some very intelligent people who agree
that they are ! "
Shepperton smiled in a confident way, and
answered :
" You may take it from me. Miss Alletson, that
modem science has exploded all such theories."
His reply roused Constance. Her whole indi-
viduality resented his take-it-for-granted attitude
that women do not and cannot understand these
things, and must accept, like a questioning child,
what a man says as right.
" Do you mean to imply, Mr. Shepperton, that
you know absolutely that such is the case, because,
if so, I should like to be enlightened. I am rather
under the impression that modem science has not
yet arrived at a stage when it can satisfactorily deal
with such problems."
He was a little bit nonplussed, not expecting such
an answer from a woman, and, while he sought for
a suitable reply, he glanced uneasily at her brother,
who was looking at the floor, listening in grim silence.
At last he said :
" Well, so far as I know, every case that has been
investigated has been traced to spiritualistic trickery,
or something of that kind. Besides, no one has yet
been able to prove to anyone else that he or she has
seen a ghost, which I think is fair proof that so-called
apparitions are mental disturbances, traceable to
physical disorders."
" And if you could not prove that the quack's
patent medicine was not a cure-all, would you ad-
vance that as a proof that it was ? "
Shepperton looked at her a little mystified. Her
counter-question rather puzzled him, so he answered :
" I fail to see what bearing your remark has upon
what I said."
" Well, to put it in another way, Mr. Shepperton,
because you cannot prove one thing, that does not
prove another, and the fact that no one has proved
to anyone else that he or she has seen a ghost, does
not prove that there are not any ghosts, any more
than the failure to prove that a patent medicine is
not a cure-all proves that it is one ! "
" Still," he answered doggedly, " the fact remains
that people who are suffering from mental and physi-
cal disorders do see visions "
" Which again," interposed Constance, " does not
prove that healthy people do not see them, and if
you will look up the records of the Society for
Psychical Research, you will find distinct proofs of
the latter."
There was a brief silence, during which Shepperton
slowly formed a different opinion of the Vicar's sister.
He had an uncomfortable feeling that Miss Alletson
was better grounded than he in that particular
subject at any rate.
Discretion warned him to let the matter drop
there ; but that feehng of being beaten egged him on.
It was not likely that she could have had any per-
sonal experience of such things, so he returned to
the attack.
" I've had practical experience of these matters,
Miss Alletson. I attended for six months what was
called a * Public Circle,' which used to be held in
Westsea once a fortnight. I went purposely to find
out for myself whether there was anything at all
in what so-called spiritualists claimed."
Constance looked interested.
" Well ? " she said.
" Well," he repeated, " at the end of that time
1 came away satisfied that the people who went
there were merely their own dupes. Not one shred
nor atom of rational evidence did I find. Ghosts and
messages from ghosts innumerable were supposed to
have appeared and been received, but as for proof
of either — ^well, it was not forthcoming. The people
simply worked themselves up into an emotional
state and just believed."
" And was that the end of your investigation,
Mr. Shepperton ? "
" Well," he rephed, " do you think it was neces-
sary for me to go any further ; surely the thing
condemned itself ? "
" You seem to have been unfortunate in your
endeavours," she answered.
" Unfortunate ! " he exclaimed. " How ? "
" When investigating psychic phenomena, public
circles are not conducive to good results, Mr.
Shepperton. The conditions created are very
mixed and unharmonious. Besides, such inves-
tigation requires preparation. It is necessary for
all the investigators to be in mental harmony ;
a specially prepared room must be used ; proper
clothing worn that is kept for the purpose ; ab-
stention from stimulants and meats is desirable ; and
above all, perfect bodily cleanliness. Under such
conditions, investigators may get a lot more than
they expect, after a fair trial."
Shepperton listened with the growing conviction
that the Vicar's sister knew something about the
matter under discussion, but somehow he could not
bring himself to accept defeat, so he remarked :
" Do you beheve in such things ? "
" I can't say that I actually believe, but evi-
dence points to there being something in it."
" What do you think about it ? " he said, turning
to the Vicar.
The latter, who had been greatly amused at the
httle battle, roused himself.
" Well, I am bound to say that there are many
things connected with the soul and the spirit which
are not understood, and as far as I know, modem
research on psychological lines tends to show that
we are on the verge of strange discoveries. I have
no settled views either way. But perhaps Mr.
Brentwood could tell you something if you are
anxious to get information ■ he has made a Ufe-
long study of such problems."
" Oh ! " exclaimed Shepperton. He paused, then
went on : " So I suppose it is only natural to ex-
pect that he thinks these strange disappearances
are due to some occult agency ? "
" I don't think so," repUed the Vicar coldly.
" Anyhow, it was I who first put it to him that
this might be the case."
" Oh ! " exclaimed Shepperton again.
At this juncture their attention was arrested by
the appearance of a great dog, which had evidently
arrived unnoticed while they were talking. Con-
stance uttered an exclamation, and both men visibly
started. As for the dog, he seemed quite uncon-
cerned. After a cursory glance, he approached the
seat and sniffed at them ; then he deUberately
went back to Constance, placed his great head
on her lap, looked up into her face and slowly
wagged his tail. Overcoming her first sense of
fear, she patted his head and his tail wagged
" I see he wants to make friends with you, Miss
Alletson ! "
They all turned from studjring the dog, to
^find Brentwood standing about a dozen paces
" Really," said Constance, with a httle laugh,
" I can hardly say whether or not I appreciate
his overtures ; I'm not sure I'm not afraid of
" No one with whom Hector makes friends need
be afraid of him/' was the quiet answer.
" I shouldn't care to have a row with him,"
remarked Shepperton satirically.
"No," replied the Master of Storton. "They
are very formidable enemies, but, on the other
hand, excellent friends, Mr. — er."
" I'm sorry," interposed the Vicar. " Allow me
to introduce you to Mr. Brentwood, Mr. Shep-
The Master of Storton bowed gravely, while
Shepperton curtly inclined his head.
" I'm sorry to be a little late," continued
Brentwood. " Something went wrong with my
motor-car, and I had to walk. However, I don't
think there is much the matter, and in all proba-
biHty it will be here shortly and we can drive back
" Have you decided upon any mode of pro-
cedure ? "
The Vicar shook his head smihngly, as he re-
plied :
" I'm afraid not ; in fact I rather think we had
aU left it to you as a matter of course."
" Perhaps," ventured Brentwood, " Mr. Shepper-
ton has some suggestion ? "
" Oh no," was the indifferent reply. " Person-
ally I'm not skilled in such matters, and shall be
glad if you will direct our operations."
" Very well. First of all, we will try to get the
trail of Miss Hobson from the glove by the aid
of Hector."
They entered the ruins by the door in the wall,
Brentwood and Shepperton leading the way, fol-
lowed by the other two a short distance behind.
" By the aid of the dog, I think we can prove
whether Miss Hobson " — ^he paused, and added in
a lower voice — " or her body, is in these ruins ! "
" You may find her body," exclaimed Shep-
perton bitterly, " but it is surely impossible that
she could be alive after all this time ? "
" It is not impossible," responded Brentwood
" Well then, improbable," returned Shepperton,
with shght irritation.
Brentwood's face hardened a little as he replied :
" I have no wish to be pedantic, but there is a
distinct difference between impossible and impro-
bable, as you must know, and in a matter of this
kind we cannot be too careful."
" Very good," replied Shepperton. " But I may
as well tell you frankly that I have little, if any,
faith in your theory ; on the other hand I wish to
be fair, and am willing to see it through."
The Master of Storton made no reply to the
last remark. He had had too much experience to
be drawn into a desultory argument, unless it was
forced upon him. But the unconscious egotism
displayed by his companion in practically stating
that he was willing to let the theory have a fair
chance, amused him not a little.
But Shepperton was in an antagonistic mood,
and continued :
"I'm not afraid to face a ghost when I meet
one, a thing which I have not yet done, and as
far as I can judge, never shall."
" I'm glad that you will not be afraid," returned
the other.
Shepperton flushed. " Your words imply that I
probably shall meet one ? "
Brentwood did not answer. He very nearly said,
" I hope so," but thought better of it. Instead,
his mind drifted to a similar remark he once made
to Agar Halfi, some years ago, the evening before
he nearly lost his life in Afghanistan.
His reflections in that direction were interrupted
by his becoming aware that Shepperton was eyeing
him curiously, awaiting a reply. " If you follow
this case through, as you say you will, it is more
than probable that you will modify your views on
such matters."
" Well, I'm open to conviction," was the reply,
in a dogmatic tone.
" So was I once ! "
Shepperton stared hard at him, the remark was
so easily and coolly made that he hardly knew
how to take it. At last he said :
" Then you have seen a ghost ? "
Brentwood returned his look calmly, and a very
faint smile appeared in his eyes as he answered :
" Not in my normal state."
Shepperton gave a gesture of contempt, as much
as to say, " I thought he would wriggle," then
replied :
" Plenty of people have seen them hke that."
" You mean phantoms of the mind, don't you ? "
" Certainly ; isn't that what you mean ? "
" No ! "
Shepperton waited for him to continue, but was
disappointed. It is probable that the Master of
Storton would have explained there and then and
set at rest the other man's doubts, had not an en-
tirely new circumstance intervened and stopped an
explanation which would have saved much pain and
trouble for some people, and very nearly a tragedy
for others. Such a happening is what we call
" The Hand of Fate," which is simply a name for
things which we do not understand, and therefore,
over which we have no control, unless we hit upon
the solution by blind luck, and then some people
call it " Providence." Others less susceptible say
nothing, but wonder.
Just when he would have replied, Brentwood
had a distinct feeling that Constance Alletson was
not only looking at him, but thinking about him,
and as he became cognisant of the thought a strange
trembling passed through his body. He felt that
she was trying to analyse something in him, and
was mistrustful about it.
This at once recalled to his mind what had
happened during the experiment at the Manor a
few days ago, and he did not feel at ease. A
sudden impulse — ^which he promptly suppressed —
urged him to ask her about it there and then. No,
it would be better to wait. Perhaps, after all, it
was but the strangeness of circumstances which
had caused it, and if that were so, he would be sorry
to have spoken. But what about the dog ?
The sound of quickened footsteps caused both
Shepperton and him to turn. Just behind were the
Vicar and his sister, and with them Agar Halfi.
" We heard your car coming along just as we
were about to enter through the door in the wall,
so waited," explained Constance.
To Shepperton's surprise, Brentwood introduced
him to Agar Halfi, and then explained to the Hindoo
what they proposed to do. Whereupon the latter
silently leashed Hector, and the Master of Storton
gave the dog the scent from the glove, while they
all watched in silence. After momentary hesitation.
Hector started off in a northerly direction along the
outside of the ruined wall. He travelled the whole
length of it, then rounding the angle to the east,
continued at a brisk pace until he reached that
part of the wall which used to form the back of
the altar. Here he stopped, and whined, then
making straight for an opening a little lower down,
got into the chancel, and walked restlessly all
round, at last coming to a stop at the altar. Here^
he pawed the ground, whining fretfully. They all
looked at each other, perplexed.
" Underground ? " queried Shepperton, in a low
Brentwood nodded, and motioning to the Hindoo
to hold back the dog, carefully inspected the stone
flags. But not a sign of anything having been
disturbed could be detected. So far as could be
seen, the floor was as it had lain for centuries.
It was Alletson who solved the difficulty. \\Tiile
the others had been intently examining the flags,
he had been looking at those parts of the wall
which still remained intact, and had alighted on a
secret door, which by accident he had pushed open.
It was part of the wall, fitting exactly into the
pattern of the stone, and was on the inner side of
one of the outside buttresses. When opened, it
revealed stone steps leading down from the back
of the buttress, underneath the chancel.
Lighting one of the motor lamps which he had
brought with him. Agar Halfi descended after the
dog, and the rest of the party followed.
They discovered themselves in a chamber or
vault, which apparently ran under the full extent
of the chancel.
Straining at his leash. Hector made straight for
the west side of the vault and started scratching at
the wall, sniffing and growhng alternately. Here
they came to a dead stop, for seek as they would,
no sign of any way through the wall could they
Baffled, they turned their attention to the vault
itself, and almost immediately a discovery was
made. Before they had proceeded many yards,
the Hindoo stumbled, and uttered something which
sounded like a curse, at the same time the dog
bayed wamingly, and Constance clung tighter to
her brother's arm.
Bringing the lamp to bear on the spot, they
found the obstacle over which the Hindoo had
stumbled, and Shepperton gave an exclamation of
consternation as he stooped to look.
No, it was not Elsie Hobson. Lying with arms
outstretched, a look of intense horror on his face,
lay Henry Thornton !
The Master of Storton bent silently down to
examine the body, and when he rose, they all
noticed that his face was very stern, and his mouth
shut in a straight line.
He looked across the vault into the darkness,
and before his mind rose a vision of a wild spot
in Afghanistan, for across the throat of the un-
fortunate clergyman was a jagged wound about
two and a half inches long, and on either side of
the body was the imprint of a huge bird-shaped
As was to be expected, the Coroner's Jury re-
turned a verdict of " Murder against some person
or persons unknown."
From the medical evidence it transpired that
death was caused by heart failure, due to shock,
though it was stated that the wound in the throat
would have been sufficient to kill. As to what
caused the wound, there was no clear indication,
the evidence merely stating, " some blunt instru-
ment of a peculiar nature."
The discovery was, of course, the central topic of
the neighbourhood for days, and did not subside
until some time after the remains of the Rev. Henry
Thornton had been decently interred in the church-
The police made a thorough search of the priory
ruins, and hopes ran high that some clue to Elsie
Hobson's disappearance would be found ; but in
spite of all their efforts, nothing of any consequence
occurred, and gradually the general excitement
During this period Shepperton, although he gave
the police all the help he could, deliberately with-
held from them the one item of information which,
had he chosen to give it, might have at once brought
matters to an issue. The photograph which he had
picked up was probably the key to the mystery j
but he had determined that until he had sufficient
evidence to condemn the Master of Storton he
would work alone. There was no doubt in his
mind that Brentwood knew all about it, and he had
every reason to beheve that the crimes had been
perpetrated by him. If the photograph had not
been sufficient to indicate that he knew something,
the start which he gave (Shepperton remembered
particularly that he uttered no exclamation) when
he examined the body, and saw the wound in the
throat, was sufficient to show that the Master of
Storton was deeply involved in the case, if not
actually guilty. Further, the whole circumstances
pointed to the conclusion that the wound had some
sort of a connection with the footprints.
He pondered over it almost daily, and the more
he thought about it, the more the idea gained
strength that Brentwood was the culprit. In that
case, if he were going to bring the crime home
to his door, he would have to act very carefully.
It would not be easy to circumvent the subtlety
of a man who, evidently guilty, had the cleverness
to be one of the first to come forward to help clear
the matter up. Shepperton saw that such a course
served a double purpose. It not only enabled the
criminal to know what the genuine investigators
were doing, it gave him every opportunity to mis-
lead them ; and, of course, it was hardly likely
that anyone would suspect the man, when working
in co-operation with him.
One consideration which caused him to adopt
this course was, that he determined to leave nothing
undone likely to bring the criminal to justice — ^he
had no doubt that Elsie was dead.
While deUberating, it occurred to him that per-
haps it would be as well to put the Vicar and
his sister on their guard against Brentwood. It
would not be just on his part to let them get too
far involved with the Master of Storton, when it
lay in his power to warn them. But they would
have to faithfully promise to keep his secret of the
photograph. Be it to his credit, that he should
thus think of others during his own hours of
After further thinking it over, he decided that
the only thing to do would be to take the Vicar
and his sister entirely into his confidence. If he
must tell them an3i:hing at all, he might as well
tell them everything. No sooner had he made up
his mind than he decided to act upon it. Accord-
ingly he went straight to the Vicarage that after-
noon on leaving his office.
Alletson welcomed him in his kind way, and
Constance invited him to join them at tea, which
was ready on the table. During the meal they
conversed on ordinary topics, and it was not until
Martha had cleared the table and quietly closed the
door after her that Shepperton mentioned he had
something of grave importance to impart to them.
The Vicar's face grew stem, while Constance
poked the fire uneasily, and for a short time there
was silence. Seeing that he hesitated, Alletson said
kindly :
" Well, Mr. Shepperton, what is the trouble ? "
The remark seemed to enable Shepperton to pull
himself together, and leaning his elbows on the
table, he answered deliberately :
'•' To tell you the simple truth, I've come to warn
you against the Master of Storton ! "
Constance stared at him curiously, and the Vicar
uttered a surprised " Oh ! "
" I'm sorry to startle you, Mr. AUetson," he
continued, " but I'm so sure of my ground. If
I had had any doubts, I should not have come.
All I ask is that you will both respect my confi-
dence ; further than that, I do not want to bind
you in any way. The missing links in the chain
I will seek out myself."
" Surely, surely it is not possible that Mr. Brent-
wood can be the perpetrator of such abominable
crimes ? " exclaimed the Vicar in a pained voice.
Why, he did not know, but turning suddenly to
Constance, Shepperton asked :
" What is your opinion, Miss Alletson ? "
To the surprise of both men, Constance did not
reply. She simply shook her head and turned her
gaze to the fire.
During the interval of silence that ensued, her
brother looked at her in pure astonishment. He
could not understand her not agreeing with what
he himself thought ; being, of course, quite inno-
cent of what had occurred during the experiment
at the Manor.
" Well, after you have heard all I have to say,
I think you will agree that there is radical ground
upon which to suspect Mr. Brentwood ; and,
further, that it will take little more to bring the
crimes home to him."
Whereupon, producing the photograph, Shepper-
ton related all that he knew.
There was a painful interval after Shepperton's
story, which did not tend to make him feel very
comfortable, and he glanced uneasily first from the
Vicar to his sister, then back again. Alletson had
risen and was pacing the room with short, nervous
steps ; he was clearly agitated. Constance re-
mained looking dully at the fire. She was thinking
about that weird experience she had gone through
a fortnight ago, and the very thought of what she
had suSered tended to unnerve her.
Unable to bear the suspense longer, Shepperton
turned to the Vicar and asked in a doubtful voice :
" Don't you think my grounds of suspicion
satisfactory ? "
Alletson clenched his hands as though something
hurt him.
" Certainly, certainly, Mr. Shepperton, they seem
at first sight only too clear. It is not that I ques-
tion things in any way, but — but " — the words
seemed to be forced from him — " you see, we have
been friends."
The expression on the Vicar's face made Shep-
perton feel sorry that he had had to hurt his
Constance looked at her brother sympatheti-
cally, and half rose as if to go over to him ; but
remembering that they were not alone, sat down
Her movements attracted Shepperton's attention
to her, and he said :
"It is fairly clear, don't you think, that Mr.
Brentwood is pretty thoroughly mixed up in this
matter ? "
" There hardly seems to be any doubt about it,"
she replied slowly. " And further, I think I had
better tell you that — ^that — " Her sudden hesi-
tation caused both men to look at her significantly,
eager to hear what she had to say, but no words
came from her lips. Instead, she sat with open
mouth, staring hard at the wall, the colour coming
and going in her cheeks, and her bosom heaving as
though she were suppressing some undue excite-
ment. Shepperton stood up, and looked at her in
amazement, while her brother glanced askance at
the wall, thinking that he could see something
there. Then jumping up, he quickly crossed the
room, and taking her hand exclaimed :
" Constance, Constance, what is the matter ? "
But for a minute she did not move, and con-
tinued to stare at the wall, as though it fascinated
" Speak, Constance ! " But she did not seem to
hear his voice. At last, heaving a deep sigh, she
lay back in the chair and smiled faintly, while her
face went very white.
" Fetch me some water, Philip," she whispered.
He hurried to carry out her bidding, and during his
absence Shepperton, evidently embarrassed, said :
"I am so sorry. Miss Alletson; I hope you are
not ill. I sincerely trust that what I have said
to-night has not upset you ? "
She looked at him vacantly, and then despair
came into her eyes. Raising her hand to her head
in a bewildered manner, she ejaculated :
" I cannot do it ! "
" Do what ? " he queried, not understanding.
But she did not answer. Instead, she rose
slowly from her chair, and going to the window,
looked out into the twihght which was fast
She must have stood there several minutes gaz-
ing into nothingness, and her brother, who had
meanwhile entered the room, had, at a warning
glance from Shepperton, come to a standstill,
watching her. Shepperton noticed that his hand
trembled, and sat vacantly looking at the water in
the tumbler quivering from side to side, until a
little of it splashed on the carpet. Involuntarily he
looked at Alletson's face, and his expression told
him at once that something further had occurred.
Turning quickly to the figure at the window, he
noticed that Constance was standing with her hands
over her ears, as though to shut out some sound,
and her face — ^which they could see in profile —
was ashen colour, and set with an intensity almost
All at once she dropped her hands, and turning
round to her brother remarked, in what seemed quite
a rational manner :
" Phihp, I am going out for a little while ! " and
calmly walked towards the door. Almost instinc-
tively her brother determined that she should not ;
she was evidently not her normal self. From being
nervously excited, he suddenly grew calm — ^men of
his particular temperament usually do when con-
fronted with danger — and quickly walking over to
his sister, quietly led her into a chair, and gently,
but firmly, made her sit down. Then proffering
the glass of water, said kindly :
" Drink this."
She looked at him rebeUiously, as though she
bitterly resented the course he had taken with her,
and at first it seemed as if she would violently
resist him. Indeed, he was greatly surprised at the
fierce strength she showed in her eyes. But the
more she struggled, the more determined he grew,
and gradually, the great power of his pure and
noble mind, developed to a high degree by a life
of inward growth and self-sacrifice, overcame the
strange abnormal manifestation of his sister's will,
though she fought to the last in a way that he knew
was not natural.
When she had ceased to struggle, he put the water
to her lips, and she drank mechanically, then ex-
claiming, " Oh dear 1 " she closed her eyes, and
lying back in the chair, seemed to rest peacefully
Gently loosing her hands, Philip put the glass of
water on the table, and looked at Shepperton, who
asked in a whisper :
" ShaU I fetch Dr. Trestlewood ? " He did not
look at all comfortable, and felt that in some way
he had been the cause of this strange scene.
" No, thanks, I don't think it necessary at present
at any rate," repUed Alletson. " If she should get
worse, I can send Martha."
" I do hope that what I have said this evening
has not caused "
" No, no," interrupted the Vicar. " I don't for
a moment think that, Mr. Shepperton."
He looked much relieved at the Vicar's
" Is there anything I can do ? " he asked.
" No, thank you, Mr. Shepperton, I think she will
be all right shortly."
" Then I think I will be going."
They walked silently into the hall, and AUetson
quietly opened the front door.
" Good night," he said kindly.
" Good night," returned the other. Then he hesi-
tated for a moment, drumming his fingers on
the door post, with a troubled look on his face.
The Vicar eyed him tentatively, and at last he
spoke :
" You will keep my secret about that photo-
graph, Mr. AUetson, won't you ? "
" Need you ask ? " returned the Vicar. " You
gave me your confidence, and I shall respect it."
Shepperton looked apologetic, and then, with
expressive thanks, shook hands and took his de-
Carefully closing the door, AUetson quickly re-
turned to the dining-room, and, glancing at his
sister, satisfied himself that she was resting peace-
fully enough by the fire.
" Do you feel better, Constance ? " he asked in
his kind voice.
She sighed, and did not answer at once. At last
she said emotionally, " Yes, Phihp, thanks to you,"
and her eyes filled with tears.
" All right," he answered soothingly. " Don't
worry, my dear; sit quietly while I write two or
three letters."
He saw that she was distressed, and, much as he
wanted to know what it was that had upset her,
he refrained from asking questions.
Obtaining ink and paper from his own room, he
settled himself down, and for nearly half an hour
nothing was audible but the occasional scratching
of his pen and the falling in of the fire, as it gradu-
ally burned away.
He had barely sealed the last envelope, when
a sort of scratching noise on the French window
caused them both to turn suddenly.
" What's that ? " queried Constance in a startled
She had hardly spoken, when a mournful howl
came from outside, followed by the unmistakable
whimper of a dog. With a frown the Vicar rose,
and, walking straight to the window, dehberately
opened it. He had no sooner done so, when, to his
surprise and annoyance, a great dog pushed past
him, and, going up to his sister, put his muzzle in
her hand, and started wagging his tail with evident
" Good gracious ! " she exclaimed. " Why, it's
Hector ! "
Alletson's astonishment was so great, that for a
moment he could only look ; then he made a remark
which the average person would be shocked to hear
from the lips of a clergyman.
" Good Lord ! " he exclaimed irritably, and then,
sitting down, he started to laugh heartily as the
comical side of the thing appealed to him.
He was brought to a sudden halt in his merriment
by Constance remarking :
** Philip, it may appear funny, but what on earth
has brought the animal to me ? "
Her brother assumed his usual gravity, and, after
thinking a moment, shook his head.
" Anyway, he can't stay here."
Rising, he opened the door, and said in a loud voice :
" Here, get out ! "
The dog, who had settled himself down by Con-
stance's chair, raised his head for a moment on
hearing the Vicar's voice, and eyed him contemp-
tuously, as much as to say, " Put me out, then," and
resumed his previous position.
Crossing the room, Alletson seized the dog's collar,
and started to pull him toward the door.
" Come out of it, you brute ! " he said sternly.
Hector, with a shake of his great head, freed
himself, and coolly lay down again by the chair.
The Vicar sat down, an amused look in his eyes ;
then he said :
" Perhaps he will go for you, Constance ? "
" Possibly," she replied. She rose and walked
to the door ; the dog immediately followed, so,
opening the front door, she made as if to go out;
and as soon as the animal crossed the threshold,
she slipped back, and shut him out. But she had
hardly got back to the dining-room before a loud
howling was heard outside. They Ustened for a
time, hoping that he would go away, but he kept
whimpering and scratching the door, and even-
tually made such a row that Martha appeared with
a scared look on her face.
" Don't be frightened, Martha," said her mistress ;
" it is only a dog."
Martha went back to the kitchen doubtingly.
" We had better let him in, Philip, and send a
note to the Manor to ask Mr. Brentwood to fetch
him away in the morning."
Her brother nodded, and reached for ink and
paper, while she went to the door and opened it.
Hector immediately stopped howling, and, following
Constance into the house, went and resumed his
old position by her chair in the dining-room.
" It is quite beyond my comprehension, Phihp."
" It is extraordinary," he replied, without ceasing
to write.
" Wherever shall we put him ? "
" He cannot stop in the house, that's certain,"
responded the Vicar.
But Hector decided that problem for himself.
He slept on the mat outside Miss AUetson's bed-
room door.
"Agar Halfi, I've lost that photograph of the
footprints ! "
A surprised look entered the Hindoo's eyes as he
gazed at the Master of Storton, who was leaning
easily against the mantelpiece of the breakfast-
" It may be awkward. Sahib, if some people
find it."
Brentwood smiled.
" The worst of it is, I have lost it outside some-
where. I had it in the pocket of my shooting
jacket on the morning I first went to the priory,
and it is not there now. I know for certain that I
did not take it out when I returned home."
" You have the original, Sahib."
" True ; but what I am concerned about is, that
whoever happens to find it may take it to the
police, who, you will remember, took great care to
have copied exact impressions of the footmarks
that were found beside the body of the Rev.
Henry Thornton, and, as we only too well know,
they are the same 1 "
" If anyone had found it, you would most pro-
bably have heard something before now."
" That seems reasonable enough. Still, I wish I
had it safely here."
He stood thinking for a time, and then, dis-
missing the matter from his mind for a moment,
said :
" I expect, hke me, you have been wondering
how this evil thing got over here ? "
The Hindoo folded his arms and shook his head
" What concerns me more," he replied, " is that
we do not know how to cope with it."
" I'm afraid it baffles me," returned Brentwood.
" Has it, then, exhausted all your powers ? "
" No, Sahib, I cannot say that, because a man
does not know the limit of his power until it is really
tested. But up to the present it has mj^stified me."
" It does not appear to correspond in principle
to anything we have met," said Brentwood medi-
" If I speak my mind. Sahib, I feel that this evil
thing is impervious to any attack by man from
the physical plane."
The Master of Storton looked at him thought-
fully, as he replied :
" If that is true, Agar Halfi, then there is only
one possible way to deal with it, at least to our
knowledge, and that is "
" With an almost certain risk of death," inter-
rupted the other.
Brentwood nodded slowly, then remarked :
" Well, we shall see. Now, to go back to my
original question. Why should it be here where
we are ? Remember that, so far as we know, you
and I are the only two people in England who have
met with it. Has it followed us ? "
" I do not know about that, Sahib. It is five
years and more since we encountered the hobgobUn
in Afghanistan, and surely if it has followed us, why
did it not do so immediately ? "
" That argument seems reasonable enough, my
friend, but it does not necessarily follow that it is
" Your Western theory of astronomy is accepted
because it is the most reasonable, but it does not
necessarily follow that it is right."
Brentwood laughed outright, and then replied :
" I don't think your analogy is quite right. Agar
Halfi. The alternative to your argument is not a
very feasible one, whereas in my case it is quite a
probable one. The thing may have followed us
here directly we came ! "
" Then why has it not manifested before ? " re-
turned the Oriental quickly.
" That, of course, is the natural answer to my
remark," rephed Brentwood, " and it constitutes
the doubtful point in my theory. However, we
shall see how things develop."
Having spoken, the Master of Storton looked
down at the curb, and started kicking it with the
toe of his boot. At length he remarked :
" Agar Halfi, why don't you go back to India
and found a school of your own ? You know
very well that you have control of a force
which, so far as you are aware, no one else but
myself possesses, and yet you are content to stay
here, masquerading as the chauffeur of a well-to-do
" If you wish your servant to depart, he will do
so. Sahib, but otherwise he is satisfied to stay here
for the present."
" Don't misunderstand me," returned Brentwood
quickly. " So long as you want to stay with me,
you know you can ; I am honoured by your pre-
sence, and I do not wish to inquire into your
reasons for so doing. But life is short, at least on
this plane, and I sometimes feel that you are wasting
valuable time."
" There are certain things which I have got to
do," he answered slowly. " When they are ac-
comphshed, perhaps I shall go back to my own
country. But for the time, Sahib, I will stay with
" That is entirely for you to decide," replied
Brentwood. " You know my mind on the matter."
" For one thing," went on Agar Halfi, " you are
my friend, and I wish to be near you. A man is
not dishonoured because he serves those he loves.
Far better to be a man's lacquey than eat the
bread of idleness in his house."
The Master of Storton's face softened as his com-
panion spoke, and there was a warm ring in his
voice as he said :
" Your high devotion belittles me { it is greater
than any white man's that I know. Though you are
the only one, I am rich in friends."
There was an awkward pause, neither man having
anything to say. At length Brentwood broke the
silence by asking abruptly, " What do you make of
this ? " whereupon he produced a letter, and handed
it to the Hindoo.
Agar Halfi read it with an expressionless face.
"The Vicarage,
WoRLSTOKE, Somerset,
May 19—.
" Dear Brentwood, — You will no doubt be sur-
prised to hear that Hector arrived here to-night
about 7 o'clock, and, in spite of all efforts to the
contrary, will not leave my sister ! No doubt you
will be relieved to hear where he is, and perhaps you
will send for him in the morning.
" Yours sincerely,
*' Philip Alletson."
" I will fetch him. Sahib."
" Yes, but what do you think about it ? "
The other shrugged his shoulders.
" One thing," continued Brentwood — " I noticed
that he seemed to take a great fancy to Miss Allet-
son the first time they met ; but beyond that I fail
to understand the animal's action."
" Dogs are particularly susceptible to mental and
psychic influences," returned the Oriental, " and pro-
bably something in the lady attracts the dog to
her. It is doubtful if it could have any bearing
on the mystery."
" Perhaps not, but still it will be as well to note
what takes place in the future. You see more of
the dog than I do, so perhaps you will watch him."
" Very good. Sahib, and now I will go and fetch
him." Saying which, he saluted in soldier fashion,
and, turning on his heel, went through the doorway.
The Master of Storton followed him with his
eyes as he went out, and there was a strange smile
on his face as he remarked half aloud :
" Probably the most highly developed mind I
have ever met, and undoubtedly the truest man."
As Agar Haiti strode along the road to the
Vicarage, his mind was full of ominous forebodings.
He felt depressed, and his Oriental intelligence,
which interpreted things in a different way to a
European's, warned him that trouble was not far
away. He had read it in the stars, could detect
it in the aura around him, and, indeed, he knew
from his master's horoscope that a dangerous period
was at hand. Probably it was for that reason he
was not going back to India just yet. In any case,
he did not mean to leave his beloved friend at a
time when trouble was looming.
It was not for nothing that the evil death which
he had once faced in Afghanistan had come to
the neighbourhood of Storton. In some way he
gathered that it must have some connection with
what happened to them five years ago, and until
the mystery was cleared up he would remain.
But how were they going to encounter it with
success ? Ah, that was another matter, for, deeply
as he was learned in mystic law, he felt that he was
powerless to overcome this horror at present.
If it had been a vampire, a werewolf, or any
other evil thing that emanated from the mahgnant
rays of the planet Saturn, he could have dealt with
it, for his knowledge held the key to the forces
which sprung from that great sphere to plague
humanity. If it had been an elemental, or any evil
from the astral plane, governed by the planet
Uranus, he might have hoped to cope with it ;
but the fire charm he had wrought that night,
five years ago, had not availed, except to ward off
death. And such a charm as he had fashioned was,
as he knew, sufficient to neutrahse any astral evil.
Deep down in his mind, he was conscious that
this weird thing was a psychic manifestation, under
the rule of the adverse rays of Neptune, the forces
from which star were now slowly beginning to
become active in the affairs of humanity. Little
was known of the power of its rays, except that the
results were evil, and, although the occultists were
studying it closely, so slow was its progress through
the heavens, that years must elapse before its effects
could be understood to any apparent degree, let
alone mastered.
For that matter, it was doubtful if there were
a dozen men who held the key to the planet
Uranus and the astral plane ! So what could he,
a simple seeker after truth in the mystic arcana,
hope to accomplish against the forces of the un-
known psychic plane ? It were doubtful if the
powers of a Mahatma would avail.
And yet, as he walked quickly along, this strange
man resolved that he woufd combat this dread
thing, though he knew it would be at the risk of
his Hfe. And the unselfish reason that caused this
resolution was —
Well, that is Agar Halfi's secret for the present.
In the meantime, he had reached the Vicarage.
To his enquiry for the Vicar, Martha said that the
master was out, but that Miss Alletson would be
pleased to see him. The maid showed him into
the drawing-room, and her eyes never left his face
once. Besides the fact that the Hindoo was a
curiosity to be stared at, the presence of this
dark-skinned man fascinated Martha, and for a
space she stood looking at him as though glued to
the carpet, probably wondering whether he was an
ogre, who would eat her. All sorts of fearful things
flitted through her rustic mind. Visions of knives,
pistols, and implements of torture. Meanwhile,
Agar Halfi, who had taken a seat, turned his eye
toward her, as she stood in the doorway. That
settled Martha ; suppressing a * shriek, she turned
and fled. And, as she confided to her best friend
the next time she saw her, " he must be a dreadful
man, his eyes looked through and through me, and
I'm sure he knew all that I was thinking about."
Constance entered the room just after, and greeted
her visitor with a pleasant smile, though her pale
cheeks and hollow eyes bore evidence of the strain
she had experienced the previous evening.
On her heels followed Hector, who no sooner saw
the Hindoo than he stood stock-still and looked at
him dejectedly, as though uncertain what to do,
while his tail traversed a descending arc.
Agar Halfi considered him for a moment grimly,
then in his deep voice he exclaimed, " Come here ! "
With a spiritless look, the dog went over to him
and lay down.
Constance could not help laughing as she re-
membered her brother's futile efforts to turn him
out the night before, and compared them with the
simple victory that Agar Halfi had achieved.
" Until you came, he simply would not leave me,
and last night he lay on the mat outside my bed-
room door."
" And what do you think about his behaviour ? "
asked the Hindoo in his grave way.
Constance, who had dropped into a chair, was
talking quite easily to her visitor, whom she natu-
rally treated as her equal. Further, she felt quite
comfortable, and sub-consciously noticed that there
was not present any of that instinctive reserve
which intuitively a woman is aware of when talking
to a man who is practically a stranger.
A smile parted her lips, showing her excellent
teeth, as she replied :
" That is the very question I was going to put
to you. Still, as you have anticipated my
inquiry, it is only fair that I should answer first.
Frankly, I cannot dismiss the matter from my mind
as a mere trifle. There must be some reason
for the dog's conduct. When first we met, he
seemed to take an extraordinary hking to me,
but I can hardly think that that would be the
" It rather points to it, Miss Alletson."
" Can you suggest any other reason ? "
" No," he replied, " I cannot, yet I do not think
that what you have intimated will explain the dog's
strange behaviour."
" Is not that what is called ' woman's logic ' ? "
she queried, with a sparkle in her eyes.
Agar Halfi looked steadily at her as he answered :
" I submit to the rebuke contained in your remark.
Miss Alletson — we men deserve it. But, if I may
say so without arrogance, I would answer that I
know emphatically there is another reason for the
animal coming to you, but what it is I am at
present quite ignorant. Some day I may be able
to tell you."
She looked at him in genuine surprise.
" Do you know, that what we called an educated
white man would blush to make such a statement,
Mr. Agar Halfi ? He would at once think it an
insult to his reason."
" And yet you don't think so ! " interjected the
" How do you know that ? " she asked sharply.
" Simply because the faculty of intuition by which
I was enabled to make the statement is one which
is well developed in most women, but in few men.
The general life of a woman tends to its growth,
whereas men depend almost solely upon reason,
and thereby lose much that they might otherwise
It is usually by the combination of these two
faculties that genius is produced ; and the rareness
of genius is probably caused by the fact that reason
and intuition cannot dwell together in what is called
the average mind, as they appear to contradict
each other, though in reality they are true affini-
" I have never heard anyone speak as you have
spoken, Mr. Agar Halfi, though in a dim sort of way
I have had similar ideas j but until your lucid ex-
planation it has not been clear to me. Yes, I think
I entirely agree with what you say. Now, why don't
women develop the faculty of reason ? "
" They are doing so slowly, in the same way that
men are developing the faculty of intuition. The
difference is that in the former case, the lack of
growth is due to centuries of suppression, and not
until men realise that they must give women their
freedom will the growth of reason fully develop.
But before that time comes, women will no doubt
have wrested themselves free from their chains by
their own efforts. On the other hand, the growth
of intuition in men is to some extent retarded by
the fact that they do not think women capable of
teaching them anj^hing worth knowing, and yet it
is only by the freedom of women from men's yoke
that men can reach their own full development.
They have clung too much to the physical, and
practically ignored all else."
Constance sat in silent wonder, listening to this
strange man discourse on topics in a manner which
she thought would put to shame many of the so-
called educated units of her own country, and she
could not understand how it was that he should
'be merely a servant in an Englishman's household.
Still, that was not her business, and, after all, what
did it matter whether a man was a servant or a
master, so long as he was a man ? But that mysti-
fied her ; a man with such a personality and of such
intelligence, should not need to be a servant. She
did not understand that economic conditions of hfe
brought about queer results.
While she sat thinking, the Hindoo was studying
her face. At last he remarked :
" You are not in the best of health, Miss Alletson ;
have you had a shock ? "
She started slightly as he correctly diagnosed the
cause of her indisposition.
" Well," she answered, a little confused, " I was
rather upset last night, but I feel better now — "
She almost added, " since you came in," but checked
herself in time.
As if he understood. Agar Halfi replied simply :
" You will feel better this afternoon ! "
" I expect I shall naturally," she answered, with
a suspicion of a smile.
" I do not mean that, lady. I say that practi-
cally all traces of your indisposition will have
vanished before three o'clock."
" Indeed ! " she queried.
But the Hindoo did not satisfy her by responding
to her question.
Suddenly, she did not know why, and had not
had the least intention of doing so, she found herself
relating to her visitor a dream she experienced the
previous evening.
" I do not know at all how it came about, Mr.
Agar Halfi, but suddenly I seemed to stand in a wild
rocky region in a strange land, and there before me,
standing with outstretched hands, was a man of
your own country. His dress was similar to that
of a priest, and he looked at me with a stern ex-
pression of warning. In his left hand he held the
number 15, and in his right hand a cross. I suppose
he meant to convey something to me, but I do not
understand symbols. Do you know anything about
them ? Somehow I feel that you do."
While she spoke, the Hindoo's countenance grew
graver, and she noted with alarm that he seemed
" Why did you tell me this ? " he asked in an
unnatural voice.
" Really," she replied, a little distressed, " I could
not say ; it seemed to come from me involuntarily.
Is it an5^hing serious ? "
" Yes, it is serious. Miss Alletson, but please do
not be disturbed at what I am going to say. I
will interpret your dream. A fortnight before the
disappearance of Mr. Thornton, your brother's pre-
decessor, I had a very similar dream, the only
difference being that instead of the man holding in
his left hand the number 15, he held a chart of the
heavens, and in his right hand the number 13
instead of the cross."
She looked at him incredulously.
" Can it be possible ? "
He smiled, and answered :
" I will describe the man. He was tall and
gaunt with a long grey beard, and his garments
hung loosely over him, leaving his arms almost
" That is almost exactly the same," she said
excitedly. " Now what can these dreams mean ? "
" I will interpret them," he answered slowly.
" The vision was of a holy man, who went forth
to exorcise, and was killed by an evil similar to that
which is now present in this district."
Constance felt a cold shiver pass over her.
" Now in my dream," continued the Hindoo,
"the chart he held in his left hand meant the
horoscope of Fate, that which is to be. The num-
ber 13 in his right hand is the symbol of death.
Roughly speaking, Mr. Thornton was killed thirteen
days after I had that vision. In your dream
the number 15 in his left hand is the symbol
of the devil, or evil. The cross in the right hand
means that the evil can be overcome by that
Constance trembled in spite of her brave efforts
not to do so, and her lips were dry and white as she
said almost in a whisper, " I always wear a gold
cross," and she held it up in her fingers for him
to see. It was fastened by a chain of the same
material, which hung round her neck.
" Never let it leave your body," he said wam-
ingly. "It is more potent than many people
" And so these two dreams appear to be con-
nected with the tragedy ? "
" Yes, there does not seem to be much doubt
about that," he returned.
" Don't you think we ought to meet and talk
things over ? " she asked.
" I will put it to the Sahib when I return. Miss
" Quite so," she retorted ; " but I want your own
opinion as well."
" I do not know. Miss Alletson," he said gravely.
"I am not certain how things will turn out.
Really, I must be going ; I did not know it was so
Constance looked at the clock and exclaimed :
" Oh ! how time flies. Phihp will be in to lunch
any minute now. Won't you stay and have some
with us ? "
" I feel honoured by your request. Miss Alletson,
but unfortunately it is quite impossible for me to
" Well, another time I shall not take a
refusal, Mr. Agar Haiti," she said with a bright
Calling Hector to him, the Hindoo took his de-
parture, with apologies for keeping his hostess such
a long period.
" Oh, that is just my fault," she answered. " I
was so absorbed in what we were talking about,
that I forgot the time."
Agar Haiti had barely gone five minutes before
Philip walked in, and his first words to Constance
were :
" Why, you look ever so much better than you
did when I went out this morning."
" Yes," she retorted. " If a flushed face through
hurrying, and eyes made bright with excitement go
for anything. But seriously, Phihp, I do feel much
better, and strangely the change came when Mr.
Agar Halfi called for Hector."
" Oh ! Then that animal has gone at last ? "
" Yes ; but come and have lunch, I am sure you
must be hungry, and I have a lot to tell you."
While they ate she related what had happened
during the morning, and she seemed so very inter-
ested, that Philip wondered for a moment whether
the Hindoo could possibly have influenced her. But
he discarded the idea almost immediately, he knew
his sister too well.
"It is rather strange that Brentwood should not
have mentioned the coincidence of the footprints
before this," he remarked coldly, when she had
finished. " It is a week since we found poor
Thornton's body."
" That is what I cannot understand," she an-
" It looks rather as if he did not intend to tell
us, and perhaps — very probably, his man has made
a faux pas in mentioning the matter ? "
" Do you really think, PhiHp, that Mr. Brent-
wood is guilty in any way ? "
Philip looked at her steadily as he replied :
" Honestly, I don't. I cannot think such a man
would be capable of such a crime. What is your
opinion — the same as mine ? "
" No ! " Alletson stared, while Constance reso-
lutely looked at the tablecloth.
"What!" he exclaimed.
She lifted some crumbs from the cloth on to her
plate with a knife, then raising her eyes and looking
straight at her brother, she answered firmly :
" I fully believe that he is guilty ! "
" You beheve ! "
" Yes, Philip, and I will tell you why."
She then related in detail what occurred during
the experiment at the Manor. Her brother listened
rather impatiently. He was hurt to think that his
sister should have withheld anything from him.
" And is that what you were going to tell Mr.
Shepperton and me last night ? "
" Yes, Philip, but I could not. Some power com-
pelled me to keep silent. I knew that something
strange and uncanny was in the room, close by me,
and I could not command my voice."
" But how does this make Brentwood guilty,
Constance ? "
" Can't you see, PhiHp ? Don't you understand ?
That feeling of horror I suffered and that dreadful
something I felt at first compelled to find behind
the man's eyes, and which afterwards I knew was
seeking me, is this evil which has killed Mr.
Thornton, and no doubt Elsie Hobson. To be
blunt, it is Mr. Brentwood, it is he who is the evil."
She spoke with such vehemence that her brother
sat staring at her dumbfounded for fully a minute
after she had finished. Then as it dawned upon
him what she meant, he gave vent to a short bitter
laugh. To think that she, his sister, should appear
to be so fully convinced of his friend's guilt, when
in his own mind he had no doubt about his inno-
cence, was irony.
Suddenly he looked at her intently, and said in
a low voice :
" And last night when you went to the window ? "
" Yes, I was looking toward the ruins ! "
" And — and when you put your hands to your
ears ? "
Her voice trembled as she answered :
" It was to shut out that awful alluring call,
which seemed to be for me alone."
The Vicar felt a shiver pass down his back, as he
called to mind his own experience.
" And the dog ? "
Constance shook her head. " I don't under-
stand that at all."
For some time neither spoke a word. What they
had been discussing seemed even there, in that
cheerful room in broad daylight, to have the power
to cast a shadow over their spirits.
At length Phihp asked gently :
" Why did you not tell me at the time what you
suffered during that experiment ? "
" Well, Philip, partly because I did not want to
hurt you in any way, unless I was quite sure that
there was something wrong, and indeed I would
not, even in my mind, think ill of any one without
sufficient cause. But now I feel no doubt of it."
He nodded spiritlessly, in agreement with what
she had said, then remarked :
" And partly what else ? "
She turned her head away, and commenced toying
with her fingers, and he saw that she was trembling
just a little.
" Really, Philip, I'm afraid I don't know. But
there was something else, which I cannot imder-
He looked at her uneasily, not knowing what to
think. Her attitude was so unlike her real self;
she was usually so frank and brave. Now she
seemed all to pieces, and unnerved.
" Surely it was not because you were afraid to
speak, my dear girl ? " he asked kindly.
" Oh no," she returned quickly ; " you know I'm
not like that."
" Then was it — " he stopped abruptly, for, with
what sounded very much like a sob, Constance had
risen swiftly and left the room.
The Vicar fell back in his chair perplexed, amazed,
and for the second time that week he forgot himself,
and exclaimed :
" Good Lord ! "
" Please, sir, the gentleman says he has an ap-
pointment with you."
Arthur Shepperton looked keenly at the pale,
sharp face of the boy who addressed him, and then
stared abstractedly at the card he held in his
fingers, while he muttered to himself : " One hun-
dred pounds for a month ! "
He mechanically read the card, which was as
follows :
" Herbert Canning,
and then added to himself : " Late of Scotland
" Ah yes, of course ; Baxter, show him in, please,"
and he turned to his desk to finish reading through
the last two paragraphs of an agreement.
Scarcely had he finished, when there entered a
tall gaunt man, whose feet seemed so big that they
made him shamble rather than walk. Shepperton
wished him good morning, and invited him to take
a seat.
Mr. Canning, in a voice absurdly small for so big
a man, remarked idly that the weather was warm
for the time of the year, and abstracting a large
coloured handkerchief from a huge pocket, pro-
ceeded to wipe his head with it.
Shepperton glanced him up and down quickly,
and smiled inwardly at the deceptiveness of the
man, who looked too clumsy and dull for any-
thing. And yet he had the reputation of being
one of the shrewdest and, when necessary, quickest
men in action that had ever passed through the
His hair was dull brown and of the thatchy type ;
no parting was visible in it, and, with his ill-fitting
clothes, it helped to make him appear just what he
was not — ^stupid. Like his feet, his hands were
huge, but close inspection revealed supple, mobile
fingers, which indicated strength, as indeed did his
whole appearance. Shepperton, although five feet
nine inches, and fairly well-built, felt small as he
looked at him.
Mr. Canning was quite unconcerned by the other's
scrutiny, in fact he lazily gazed out of the window
during the process, as though unconscious of it.
All at once he turned a pair of piercing grey eyes
on his scrutiniser, and said abruptly :
" Well, do I suit ? "
To his vexation, Shepperton started in his chair,
it was done so suddenly and neatly; and then he
smiled sourly, as his interlocutor gave vent to a
short dry laugh.
For the next hour they conversed without pause.
Then Shepperton rose, and with a look of some
satisfaction on his face, started to walk across the
room, and back again, in a spirited way. Leaning
forward over the back of his chair, and grasping
the arms of it with his hands, he said :
" The so-called mystery is merely a bhnd to cover
himself. I don't think there is a word of truth in
it, although he appears to have very neatly got
the Vicar and his sister to fall into the trap.
Still, they may have altered their minds after
what I told them the other day."
" And what is this Hindoo like, whom you men-
tioned is a servant of this man ? "
" Well," replied Shepperton, looking at the ceil-
ing, " I should think he is a very capable villain,
almost as clever as his master. He possesses what
looks like hypnotic power, but I have seen so little
of him that it is difficult to say ; I can only speak
from what I have heard."
" And all the trouble seems to be centred round
the ruins of this old priory, and this Mr. Brentwood
and his Eastern servant ? "
Shepperton nodded.
" Though," continued the detective, " there is so
far no evidence against them except the photo-
graph of those footprints you found, which as far
as I can see undoubtedly belongs to him, as it bears
his initials at the back."
Shepperton nodded again. " It is rather thin, I
will admit, but I don't think you will be disap-
pointed, Mr. Canning."
" The sooner I see those ruins the better," re-
marked the other, rising and stretching himself in-
dolently. Then sharply, and with a keen look :
" Can you meet me there in an hour ? "
Shepperton shook his head. " Quite impossible,
business won't permit it this morning."
" Very well, I will go myself." With that he
turned and strode toward the door.
" Half a minute," called out Shepperton. " What
about some lodgings ? "
" Oh, I fixed those up before I came here. My
address is Mrs. Brown, Myrtle Cottage, about a mile
outside Worlstoke." Then without saying good
morning he disappeared.
Shepperton watched the door close behind him,
and stood for a moment, with a half frown, half
laugh on his face.
" What an extraordinary individual ! " he mut-
tered ; " and he costs one hundred pounds a
The next moment the telephone bell rang, and
Shepperton immediately forgot the detective in the
vicissitudes of business.
It was eleven o'clock when Mr. Canning left the
offices of Dalby & Co. At two o'clock he was
sitting on a part of the crumbled wall of the ruined
chapel in the priory, idly eating bread and cheese
with a clasp knife and, incidentally, earning his
salary. Yet, during the three hours that had
elapsed since he departed from Shepperton, he
had passed a busy time. By twelve he had been
and compared his employer's photograph of the
footprints with the impressions at the Westsea
police headquarters. Half an hour later he was
drinking ale in the Worlstoke village hostel, and at
one o'clock he was watching an Englishman and a
Hindoo drawing strange hieroglyphics on the flag-
stones of the chapel floor in the priory.
While he ate, he thought. Of course, the two
men he at once knew, from what Shepperton had
told him. They were the Master of Storton and his
servant. Agar Halfi. No doubt this little work of
art was part of their game to throw dust in other
people's eyes, as suggested by Mr. Shepperton.
But Mr. Herbert Canning did not jump to con-
clusions, it was not his business.
Still munching his frugal fare, he looked all
around him and, as far as he could, memorised the
place for future guidance.
Then the channel of his thoughts changed, and
he repeated slowly :
" Vicar : medium height, slight stoop, iron grey
hair, kindly face, about forty. His sister : between
twenty-five and thirty, brown wavy hair, good-
looking, neat figure, medium height, dark blue
eyes, bright and pleasing. Priory haunted ! So
much for half a pint of ale — good."
Rising, he yawned, and brushing the crumbs
carefully from his coat, leisurely walked down to
the village, and depositing himself on a seat on the
green, dosed pleasantly under the influence of the
warm afternoon sun.
While the detective slept, the unravelling of the
mystery upon which he was engaged went on at
headlong pace, thereby saving him an immense
amount of time and labour, also his employer's
pocket ; but nothing disturbed his dreams to tell
him so.
Two or three of the villagers stopped to stare at
the stranger with his long legs crossed over each
other, and his hands deep in his trouser pockets,
and even the Master of Storton looked at him
curiously as he drove past in his motor-car on his
way to the Vicarage.
" Queer-looking chap," he thought, as he pulled
up at AUetson's gate, and then dismissed him from
his mind.
" I should like to see Miss Alletson if she is at
" Yes, sir," said Martha importantly, as she
pushed back a piece of rebellious yellow hair behind
her cap, and smoothed down her neat apron. " Miss
Alletson is in ; will you please walk into the dining-
room ? "
Constance stopped and took a deep breath to
compose herself before she went in.
Brentwood rose a Uttle awkwardly as she entered,
and after exchanging greetings there was an un-
comfortable pause. The Master of Storton was
disagreeably aware that there was a difference since
they last met, and just for a moment he looked
at her guiltily, as he thought that the cause must
be what had happened during the experiment at
the Manor. It could not have been more than
momentary, and then his face assumed its natural
grave and stem expression. But slight as the
change was, it did not escape Constance's quick
eye, and simply helped to confirm her belief that
he was the culprit.
As he stood with one hand on the mantelpiece
and the other in the pocket of his motor-coat,
she could not help seeing that he was handsome,
even noble-looking, and strong as was her feeling
that he was guilty, deep down in her heart she
sincerely wished that he was innocent.
There was something about the man which
appealed to her as no other man had ever done.
What it was she did not know, and she put it down
to his personal magnetism.
Still she had a part to play, in loyalty to Mr.
Shepperton, and much as she disliked her task,
she would not go back on her word.
She breathed a little more freely as his voice,
in cold level tones, broke the silence.
" I was sorry to hear from my Hindoo friend of
your indisposition, Miss Alletson, but am glad to
see that you are looking pretty well now. Can I
do anything for you, or has Dr. Trestlewood suc-
cessfully dealt with your case ? "
" I'm practically recovered now, Mr. Brentwood.
I immediately felt a change after Mr. Agar Halfi
had called; his presence somehow seemed to do
me a lot of good."
" It is more than probable that he may have
cured you without saying an5^hing about it, Miss
Alletson j he has the power to do so ! "
" Really," she rephed, surprised. " An57way, I
am much better, but I thank you for calling on
" Don't, please," he interrupted a little harshly.
" The truth is I had another purpose in calling,
which I'm afraid is a selfish one."
He paused, and she looked at him coldly, then
turned her eyes to the window.
Noticing her attitude, he hesitated as to whether
he would broach the subject at all. However,
having come over particularly to speak about what
happened to her during the experiment at the
Manor, he decided that it would be folly not to
clear the thing up, now he had the opportunity.
" I hope you will not think me impertinent. Miss
Alletson," he began lamely. She sat down slowly,
while he hesitated, choosing his words. She knew
at once what he was going to say, and her com-
pressed lips indicated that she had braced herself
for an unpleasant interview. She felt it would be
a trial for her.
Then he came abruptly to the point.
" During the experiment that was held at my
house, you experienced something which, according
to the known laws of hypnotism, should not have
occurred. Is not that so ? "
" Yes."
His dark eyes hardened a little at her tone, which
plainly indicated that the subject was distasteful.
The strong fighting nature of the man instinctively
rose to the surface at the idea of resistance ; to
overcome obstacles was one of the charms of his
life. But he just as suddenly remembered that she
was a lady, and his breeding forced back the primi-
tive impulse.
He was not a courtier, however, and his next
words were blunt and to the point :
" If you would rather not discuss this matter, I
will withdraw at once."
Constance took a deep breath, and rising from
her chair faced him squarely, as she replied :
" If you are in earnest, I shall be only too glad to
tell you all about it ! "
" In earnest ? " he echoed, and his face grew cold
and hard.
" Yes, Mr. Brentwood, if you are in earnest,"
she replied in a suppressed voice. Her blue eyes,
defiant and hostile, met his brown ones, cold and
unemotional, and for a time her will fought his.
She felt he was playing with her and was angry ;
but she might as well have pitted herself against a
rock, and gradually she gave way.
" I am certainly in earnest," he said slowly and
deliberately, and although his voice was icy, his
manner was perfectly courteous.
Constance sat down again, fully expecting him to
ask her why she had asked such a question ; but
in that she was disappointed, for he remained
standing in frigid silence.
" Well, I will tell you," and she related in detail
what she had experienced. All the time she was
speaking, she watched his face closely, but could
not read a sign from his set features.
When she had finished, he thanked her and
said :
" May I tell you what has subsequently transpired
in this connection ? "
" Certainly, if you wish."
" Well, it troubled me. Miss Alletson, so I decided
to test the thing. I went straight to Mr. Agar
Halfi, who, as you will know, is experienced in these
matters, with the intention of putting him into the
sleep, so as to see what impression it made on him.
But he was not in ; he had not returned from driving
you and your brother home. While waiting — I
knew he would not be long away— it occurred to
me that I might as well experiment on the dog ;
so I did. All went well until the sleep was practi-
cally in evidence, and then he exhibited similar
symptoms to what you did."
" And what happened ? " interrupted Constance,
who had become unconsciously interested.
" Well, he broke away from my influence, and for
a moment I lost control. In that instant he suddenly
made as if to attack me ; but I recovered myself
quickly and stopped him."
" He might have hurt you," she said slowly.
" Hurt me ! " he replied with an amused laugh.
" He would undoubtedly have killed me. I was
not armed in any way, and no man could stand
the attack of a dog hke Hector."
She started involuntarily.
" Just then," he continued, " Agar Halfi came in,
and I told him all about it. Then I experimented
on him, fully expecting the same symptoms, but
to my surprise it passed off quite normally. After
that. Agar Halfi put the dog to sleep without the
least difficulty." He paused, then added :
" You see. Miss Alletson, the matter is also an
uncomfortable one from my standpoint."
Constance tapped the table with her fingers. She
hardly knew what to think, he spoke so sincerely.
And yet all the time he had been in the room she
had been conscious of something about him that
made her cold and shivery, as though he were some
dreadful thing, dressed up for the time being in the
shape of a gentleman. She shuddered, but con-
trolling herself with an effort, remarked quietly :
" You had the same results with the dog as you
had with me. What has been the effect on the
dog ? "
" Why, he will not come near me ! "
" And yet he came voluntarily to me 1 "
He stared at her meditatively, then suddenly
seemed to realise something. The thought had no
sooner entered his head than he bluntly asked :
" Has it had the same effect on you as it had on
the dog ? "
She inclined her head.
He drew in his breath slowly, and as he did so he
seemed to realise something else.
" Can it be that you suspect me ? " he asked in an
unnatural voice.
But Constance had turned her face so that he
could not read it, and she sat perfectly silent.
He opened his mouth as if to speak again, and
then pride altered his mind. Grasping his hat, he
strode quickly from the room, and a minute later
Constance half-consciously heard his car drive away,
while she traced patterns on the table with her
finger. For several minutes she sat thus, as though
in a dream, and then something warm and moist
falling on her hand roused her, and with a low cry,
as though she were suffering, she rose and swiftly
left the room.
When Mr. Canning awoke from his siesta it was
nearly four o'clock, but he did not rise immediately.
After getting his eyes accustomed to the light, he
drew from one of his many pockets a prophetic
almanac ! Yes, it is true, even detectives have
their little weaknesses. It was for the current year,
and bore on the title-page the word " Raphael " in
large letters.
Turning to the month of February, he looked at
the 2ist day, and his eyes grew interested as he
noticed that it was " Full Moon." He next turned
to the 4th of April and read " New Moon." Again
he turned to the 19th of April, and this time it was
" Full Moon." He then thought what day of the
month it was, and turning to it, read " 3rd of May,
New Moon."
There was a momentary tightening of his thin
lips, and, dropping the almanac on his knees, he
exclaimed under his breath, " Holy Moses ! " He
looked up at the blue sky, and began to whistle
a plaintive air. When he had nearly finished, he
made a false note, and stopped abruptly, evidently
annoyed. " I'm always going wrong just there,"
he muttered. Recommencing, he went through it
again. Satisfied, he put the almanac in his pocket,
remarking to himself : " And but for this little
hobby of mine, I would not have known it was
queer that I should start on this particular job on
the 3rd of May ! "
He then mentally tabulated the following points :
{a) Rev. Henry Thornton disappeared 21st of
February, when the moon was at the full.
(b) Miss Elsie Hobson disappeared 4th of April,
at the time of the new moon.
(c) Rev. Philip AUetson had a strange experience
19th of April, when the moon was at the full.
All the outstanding incidents in this case occurred
at the time of the new and full moon. Therefore,
he argued, such incidents are likely to occur again
at the time of the new and full moon.
Now to-day, 3rd of May, it was new moon ! He
paused in his reflections, and abstracting a large
red handkerchief, blew his nose so loudly that
it startled into wakefulness old WiUiam Watkins,
the pensioned-off village policeman, who was just
nodding off to sleep on a seat not many yards
The glare that WiUiam gave him from beneath
his shaggy eyebrows, as he leaned in a choleric
manner on his ash stick, was sufficient to slay a
dozen detectives if looks could kill, but fortunately
Mr. Canning was not conscious of it, for at that
moment he was slowly returning the handkerchief
to his pocket. As he jammed it down as far as it
would go, he remarked to himself :
" No doubt, Herbert Canning, you will have a
nice entertainment if you visit the priory to-night.
Yes, you had better go, there is no charge for
Rising, he started off in the direction of Myrtle
Cottage, and remarked in a cheerful voice as he
passed the old gentleman that it was a pleasant
afternoon. The adding of this insult to the
already administered injury, did not tend to pacify
Mr. Watkins, who between his chokes of indig-
nation spluttered something which was certainly
not comphmentary ; but by that time the tall
stranger had passed out of earshot.
Arriving at his apartments, the detective re-
quested Mrs. Brown to get him a substantial meal
by a quarter to six. Then, much to that lady's
annoyance and surprise, he went and had a good
wash in the kitchen, of course, just when she wanted
to use the sink, and dried himself on the roller towel
on the door !
" Lor' bless the man ! " she said to herself irri-
tably, "as if he couldn't have done it upstairs,
where I have put everything to his hand." And
if it had not been that her lodger had paid her
fifty per cent, more than she usually obtained, and
half of it in advance too, it is probable that she
would have questioned his " bringings-up."
When Mr. Canning reached the ruins, it would
have been difficult to recognise Mrs. Brown's lodger,
for a black wig, moustache, and beard disguised his
features. It was just seven o'clock, and the hght
was beginning to fade. Avoiding the door in the
wall, he made a detour to the south, and scaling
the wall about two hundred yards further on,
dropped into that part of the grounds which must
have been at one time a garden. Crossing it to
the west, he climbed the opposite wall, and then.
turning abruptly north, travelled along the outside
of it until he arrived at the east end of the
Having satisfied himself that no one was about,
he stood for a time, taking in details. To his
mind, this was very necessary, as he expected the
place would play a prominent part in the case he
had under investigation.
The day had been exceptionally warm for the
time of year, and now, in the gathering twilight,
as the air grew colder, a soft white mist began to
steal up from the ground. He watched it absently,
his thoughts being occupied setthng Httle points in
his plan of action. His train of thought, however,
was disturbed by his noticing that the mist was
particularly thick at the west end of the chapel,
by the ruined doorway. That in itself was not of
much account, but as he looked, it appeared to glow
with a white luminous Hght. He closed his eyes
for a few seconds, in order to make sure that it was
not an optical illusion, and when he looked again
it had gone. He smiled to himself — experience had
taught him that if one looks long enough at an
object, a band of hght will appear around it. He
had known people sitting for clairvoyance delude
themselves in that way, by thinking they could
see the astral lights.
The darkness was now rapidly gathering, causing
the outhnes of the ruins to fast disappear, and as
it closed around him, Mr. Canning could not help
feeling a httle uncomfortable. Further, the peculiar
silence of the place made him sharply conscious ; and
once or twice he smiled grimly, as the idea would
come into his head that someone was behind him.
He had been in a graveyard at midnight, for a wager,
years ago, and he recalled the fact to mind that he
did not feel at all uncomfortable ; and yet, stand-
ing here, he could not say the same. There was a
something which seemed to have got into his blood,
and was trying to undermine his courage. To a
less self-reliant man, that intimation would have
been sufficient, he would have cleared out ; but
Mr. Canning was there on business, and the more
the feeling grew, the more he mentally gripped
himself with the determination of his rugged per-
sonality. Whatever was there, it would have to
fight him.
Just then his attention was again drawn to the
mist at the other end of the chapel, and this time
he was bound to admit even to himself that the
luminous glow was a fact. Moreover, he was aware
that it was undergoing some sort of an evolution.
Slowly, it began to expand, and — ^he could hardly
believe his own eyes — out of it the shadowy form
of a human being appeared.
It could not have taken more than half a minute,
and he had only just time to take a mental note
of the vision, when it suddenly disappeared, leaving
a dull blackness.
He drew a deep breath, and his hand was
wandering mechanically to his hip-pocket for his
revolver, when a deep voice whispered almost in
his ear :
" If you value your Hfe, come with me ! "
That he was startled goes without saying, but he
gave no sign, except that his teeth shut with a
vicious snap. No detective likes to be caught
napping. He did not even turn round to see who
had spoken to him ; instead, he coolly remarked,
as if he were quite aware of another's presence :
" And the danger ? "
" Will be apparent before very long," answered
the voice.
Canning now turned easily, to meet the tall figure
of a Hindoo, whom he could just see in the twi-
light ; and his quick brain at once put him down
to be the body servant of the Master of Storton, in
which surmise he was right.
Agar Halfi looked at him with a faint glitter of
interest in his eyes. This was no ordinary man,
who did not even jump when an unexpected voice
spoke in his ear. And what was he doing in the
priory at that time ? Sunset !
On his part. Canning was thinking that he had
not made a mistake, he had expected the Hindoo.
So far so good, but where was his master ? K only
he had known, that was just what Agar Halfi
wanted to know !
While these thoughts ran quickly through his
mind, he was mechanically taking stock of the
Oriental, and he came to the conclusion that he
was not altogether what he appeared to be. There
was something about his presence not possessed by
the average man, which commanded respect, and
as he came to this conclusion, Mr. Canning's inte-
rest in this mysterious affair began to grow. There
was probably more in it than appeared on the
surface. Still, he could ponder over such things
another time, now he must act.
In a leisurely voice he asked :
" If I choose to stay, my friend, what —
" You will die," was the abrupt answer.
The detective laughed easily, as he replied :
" I only have your word for that. Perhaps you
will inform me what I have to fear, and then "
As if in direct reply to his question, a long, low,
plaintive cry broke on the still air, ending in a
hideous, mocking laugh, half screech, which made
his blood turn cold.
Never before in all his years had he ever heard
anything to equal it, and he had vigorously to use his
will in order to control himself. During the silence
which followed, he stared hard at his companion,
who did not seem to be in any way disturbed.
Agar Hadfi ended the tension by remarking in a
low voice :
" Come, there is no time to lose."
The detective followed him automatically, as
though he had not complete command of himself,
and silently and quickly the Hindoo made for the
door in the wall. They had barely got outside it,
when once more that unearthly cry smote their
ears. They both stopped, as if compelled to
listen, and Canning felt it penetrate into every
fibre of his body. He must have stood thus for
nearly half a minute, like one under a spell,
hardly breathing, and with his arms hanging limp
at his sides. Then with a great effort he mastered
himself, and his natural fighting instincts began
to rise.
Simultaneously it struck him as very curious that
the other man did not seem to be affected, which at
once led him to a conclusion. It was a ruse ! The
Hindoo and his master wanted to get him out of
the priory, he was in their way.
He cursed under his breath at not having thought
of it before, and then, just as Agar Halii was again
moving, he exclaimed in a steely voice :
The Hindoo turned quickly, to find himself facing
the muzzle of a revolver, but beyond raising his
eyebrows with a surprised expression, he did not
" Tell me," said the detective in a tranquil
manner, " who is the owner of that beastly
voice ? " and he shivered slightly as he thought
of it.
Agar Halfi's eyes glinted dangerously, as he
answered contemptuously : " Are you mad ? "
" No, the madness, if any, is on your part. Once
more, tell me who is in that place ? "
A startled look came into the Oriental's eyes, as
he rephed :
" Look behind you ! "
Canning laughed sardonically.
" Rubbish, my friend, I'm not to be caught
with schoolboy tricks."
" Look, I say," persisted the other.
For reply, the detective strode up to the Hindoo,
and, going behind him, looked over his shoulder in
the direction indicated. Then, for one of the very
few times in his life, he felt afraid.
Framed in the doorway in the wall were two
eyes that gazed at him malignantly. But
such orbs ; he had never seen anything like
them before, nor in all probability would again.
In colour they were of a pale reddish hue, and
they glowered with the cruellest expression
Fascinated with fear, he returned that dreadful
stare, with all the loathing and hate in his body,
and then, he knew not how or why, he felt he
was slowly being drawn toward the doorway
against his will. He fought with all his
strength, but imavailingly. Three steps he took
in that direction, and then Agar Halfi's arm barred
the way.
" No further, on your life ! " he said in a low
stem voice.
Canning's first impulse was one of fury at the
Hindoo's obstruction, and he was Just going to
attempt to force his way past the impeding arm,
when his eyes met those of the other man, and
under the influence of that calm, steady gaze his
rage died down, and he practically returned to his
normal state.
Simultaneously, those terrible eyes blazed luridly
with helHsh rage, and once again that awful cry
rang out, this time dying away in a chuckle of
baffled fury.
On an impulse, the detective raised his revolver,
and fired — once, twice, and as the smoke cleared
away, he exclaimed in an unsteady voice :
" By heaven ! if there is anything there flesh and
blood, I've hit it ; I could not very well miss at
this distance. Let's go and see," and he started off
to the doorway, followed by Agar Halfi, who re-
mained silent. But not a sign of anything could
hey find, and Canning looked perplexed ; he could
not understand, and went over the ground again
and again with his electric torch. At last his com-
panion remarked grimly :
" Come, you can do no good now. It is not
flesh and blood that you have been combating."
For a moment the other stood in thought, and
then, without a word he followed the Hindoo down
the drive, out into the road. Here Agar Halfi
stopped, and waving his arm in the direction of the
village, said curtly :
" My way is this."
" And mine," answered Canning deHberately,
pointing in the opposite direction, " is that."
Without another word, the Hindoo turned on his
heel and started oU on his way. For a moment
the other man stared at him interestedly, and then
suddenly he went after the receding figure, and
overtaking the man before he had gone a hundred
yards, said :
" I've forgotten something, my friend."
Agar Halfi turned questioningly, and as they
faced each other, the detective continued :
" You probably saved my hfe just now," and
held out his hand.
A smile came over the Oriental's dark face, as
he grasped the other's fingers.
" It is nothing," he answered quietly. " Some day
you may save mine ; who knows ? "
" Ah ! one never knows," replied Canning. " If
ever I can — " But Agar Halfi had disappeared in
the darkness, and the rest of the sentence remained
For a time the detective stood thinking, and then
with a sigh he discarded his disguise, and carefully
put the different articles into his pockets. Then,
whistling softly to himself, he slowly made his way
to Myrtle Cottage.
With rapid strides, Agar Halfi made his way to the
Manor. As he walked, he thought long and seri-
ously ; forgotten for the time was his queer meeting
in the priory with the stranger. That no doubt
he would recall later on, but at the moment some-
thing of far greater importance occupied his mind.
The phenomenon he had seen when standing
behind the other man in the ruins, had probably
given him a key with which he would be able to
unlock the mystery which had been baffling them
so long.
Reaching the Manor, he went straight to Brent-
wood's study, but found the door of the bed-
room which led to it, locked, and the place in
darkness. He listened for a while, but no sound
reached his ear, so descending, he inquired of Mrs.
Breton, the housekeeper, if the master was in.
That lady was busy checking accounts in her
sitting-room. She raised her sharp grey eyes in
surprise at the Hindoo's question ; it was so very
imusual for him to inquire after Mr. Brentwood ;
generally he knew all his movements, in fact, if any
of the household wanted to know the master's
whereabouts, they always went to Agar Halfi to
find out.
" Well," she said, " the master went out at half-
past six, and left word that he wotild not be home
tin ]ate, and that I was not to prepare anything
for him."
" I suppose you have no idea where he went ? "
" Not the shg^itest. AH I know is, that he was
dressed as if be were going to walk."
The Hindoo stared at a picture on the wall oppo-
site, while he thonght, and Mrs. Breton tnmed her
attention to the cohunn of figures she had beoi
adding, when intermpted by her visitor. She
checked it again carefnOy, and, satisfied that it was
correct, tamed her bead inqtiiringly.
Sbe looked at the dark, stem i^ice with a wry
expKseaoa, In spite of her fifty years, grey hair,
and loDg s^vice at the Manor, she had never bem
aUe to quite nnderstand the rtdationship that
existed between ha master and his Eastern servant.
Tbey woe more friends than anything else, and as
sbe knew, spent much of their time together.
Still, being a practical woman, she had not
allowed that to trooUe her, thongh she was well
aware that other membeis of the household were
very jealoos ol the Hindoo, But Agar Halfi had
never in any way interfered with her, indeed, had
always shown her the utmost courtesy, and the
fact tbat be bad liberties which otbos did not
possess, was, a&a all, Mr, Brentwood's bostnew,
" Did be leave any instmctioiis forme?"
** Not a wcvd," she answered qnicldy.
He nodded solemnly, and after a few casual re-
marks, departed to bis lodge. Pasnng tbrou^ the
Imog foom, be went upstairs to bis irieqpiQg a^rt-
nwDt, and taking a key from bis pocket, opened the
door of an inner room, the threshold of which none
hat he and the lifaster of Storton had evei- crossed.
It lay east and west, with a window cm either
side; and was the chamber wherein the Hindoo
piaictised the oocalt arts. Bat it was as imhke the
general idea of a magician's sanctum as coald be
imagined. The floor was polished with beeswax*
and in the centre was covered by an Indian carpet
about three feet square. The north and south walls
wane draped from ceiling to floor with dark tapes-
try, that on the south wall being divided \d)ae it
covered the door which gave c^mmunicaticaa to the
bedroom, and the windows were heavnly curtained
with the san-^e mateciaL On each side of the west
window was a fantastic cabinet, on eithta- side the
east window, a copper hraaaea", supported on a
tripod, lender the west window was tbe onfy
sitting aoooaiinodati<^n the room contained, in the
shape of a looig, low settee ; while under the east
wiwlQiW stood a oarioosly inlaid Indian tahie, whidi
Ind on it a large cross of pure gc^.
Carefully closing the door behind him, A^ar HaM
switdied on the electric !^t, and drew the coitains
across the windows. The electT<^ier which gave
%-ht to the room was ^xtd in the ceiling, and
cjovwed by an opaque bowt This bad the dSedt of
throwing the rays upward, thus imparting .^ soft,
daur, and e\'«n light to the whole of the room.
For a moiment he stood besatatai^. Where was
the Sahib ? That was whiit he did not know, bat
was determined to find out. One way he knew of
seemed pretty certain to bro^ abovil the desaied
result, but he was not sure that it woes wee to
take it. At last he passed back into the bedroom,
and in a few minutes appeared clothed in a white
robe which covered him from head to foot. Going
to the cabinet on the right-hand side of the win-
dow, he took therefrom a pair of balances and a
large metal jar. Out of the latter he took some
reddish-brown powder, which he carefully weighed.
That done, he put the balances and the jar back
into the cabinet, not forgetting to lock it. Then,
taking one of the copper braziers from its stand,
he put it on the carpet, and kneeling down, began
to chant in a low voice, with his hands held palms
downward over the vessel. For several minutes he
continued thus, and then there suddenly shot out
of the brazier a thin, transparent flame. Picking
up the powder which was by his side, the Hindoo
emptied it into the vessel, and there issued forth a
dense smoke which gradually filled the room. When
it had dispersed, he was lying motionless, stretched
full length on the carpet, his hands folded on his
chest, a look of calm sleep on his dark, finely-
moulded features.
For nearly three hours he remained in this state,
and it wanted but a quarter of an hour to mid-
night when he regained external consciousness.
Opening his eyes, he raised himself to a sitting
position and listened. It was raining, he could
hear the drops beating on the windows ; and a
night wind had risen, whicii moaned fitfully round
the house. He rose slowly, walked a few steps,
then stood listening again. This time it was a
doleful whimpering by the door. He went and
opened it, and Hector fawned at his feet.
Agar Halfi looked at the dog with a smile, then
patted his great head.
" Ah, my friend, you can come with me."
Hector wagged his tail, as though imderstanding.
" Now lie down, while I dress."
Obedient to the Hindoo's voice, the animal crept
under a chair, and lay watching the man, who,
with a frown on his brow, mechanically put on his
everyday gajments. He had not been successful
in his experiment ; no trace could he find of the
Master of Storton. The failure to do so perplexed
him. Try as he would, there always seemed to be
something which was just too strong for him to
He had a growing conviction that Brentwood
was in some way involved in this mystery, yet there
was no tangible clue upon which he could act.
" Ah ! " he muttered, "it is Fate." Then, with
a quick movement, he went and unlocked one of
the drawers in the left-hand cabinet in the inner
room, and took from it two keys on a ring.
They were dupUcates of those which belonged to
Brentwood's bedroom and study. Donning an
ulster, he beckoned to the dog, and went down-
stairs. Passing out of the lodge, he quietly closed
the sitting-room door behind him and made his
way to a private entrance into the Manor, to which
only the Master of Storton and he had access.
Opening the door, he caUed Hector after him, and
together they ascended a narrow stairway which led
straight to the top of the building. At the end of
the staircase was another door, which the Hindoo
opened, and they emerged on to the landing of the
general stairway of the house. Directly opposite
was the door of Brentwood's bedroom. Silently
Agar Hal& turned the handle, and was satisfied to
find it locked. He listened intently, but no sound
fell on his ear except the falling of the rain and
the mournful wail of the wind. Just then a great
clock in the lower haU chimed twelve. He smiled
oddly as he thought of the time, and without more
ado unlocked the bedroom door, Hector close at his
heels, and switched on the light.
One glance showed him that the room was empty,
though the bed gave every appearance of having
been used. Silently closing the door, he without
hesitation chmbed the short stairway to the Tower
study, unlocked that door, and again switched on
the hght. Here also, he met with a similar result,
the room was vacant.
He looked keenly around, but everything ap-
peared to be in order, even to the west window,
which was always kept partly open. Then some-
thing happened which roused his curiosity. Hector,
whom he had momentarily forgotten, growled
somewhere behind him. Turning, he saw the dog
in the doorway, with hair bristling and muzzle
drawn up, looking with wrathful eyes apparently
at nothing !
" Quiet ! " he said in a low, determined voice.
Then he called him softly, but instead of taking
heed, the animal started to back, slowly, in the
same manner that a cat will when its gaze is held,
his great eyes fixed on the east window. Instinc-
tively the Hindoo looked in that direction, and for
the first time he noticed that the window was open.
A frown appeared on his face ; he felt quite sure it
was shut when he first looked round the room,
though he could not have sworn to it for a certainty.
Still, that would not be the cause of the dog acting
in this manner. Walking over to the casement, he
looked out into the night and listened intently ;
but only the sound of the elements and the rusthng
of the trees came to his ear.
Then he thought of the empty bed! Where
was the Sahib ? That was the dominating thought
in his mind. It was fairly clear that if, as Mrs.
Breton said, the Master of Storton had gone
out at half-past six, he had returned, gone to
bed, and gone out again ! The fact that the bed
had evidently been slept in pointed to that. But
such a procedure was incomprehensible.
Turning from the window, he looked at Hector,
who was lying just outside the door with watchful
eyes, his muzzle on his huge paws. For a time he
eyed him grimly, then with a deep, sonorous laugh,
switched off the hght and went out, carefully lock-
ing both doors after him. Calling the dog, he drew
from his pocket an electric torch, and went and made
sure that every entrance to the Manor, except the
private way by which he had gone in, was bolted
as well as locked. Satisfied, he went out the way
he had entered, commanded the dog to lie down
outside the door, and walked quickly back to the
lodge. There he got some tacks, a piece of thread,
and a small hammer. Returning, he fixed one tack
on the doorpost and another on the door, then
deftly twined the piece of thread around them.
That done, he called Hector and again returned to'
his lodge. Locking himself in, he sent Hector to
his comer underneath the cupboard in the sitting-
room, and making a pillow of his ulster on the
hearthrug, lay down and slept.
He was awakened by a low, fierce growl. In an
instant he was on his feet, fully alert. Hector also
was standing, looking savagely at the window, and
Agar Halfi noticed that his attitude was similar to
that which he had exhibited on the threshold of
the study a few hours ago.
He had the door open in a twinkling, but not a
visible sign of anything was there which could have
caused the dog to show irritation. It was strange,
the animal would not act in that manner without
sufficient cause.
He noticed that the dawn was breaking, cold and
misty. With a shiver, he went and put on his
ulster. When he returned, it struck him that the
mist looked particularly thick and dirty in one
place, about a yard from the ground. As he looked
he thought it moved, quite distinctly, from the
general mass. Further inspection confirmed this ;
it was travelling rapidly away from him, and in the
direction of the Manor. He followed it curiously
with his eyes, until it seemed to stop under the
east wall. He noticed now that it had a faint
green tinge, and all at once he became deeply inter-
ested. Gradually it rose, higher and ever higher,
until it must have been on a level with the Tower.
Then suddenly it vanished, and in its place, the
Hindoo found himself staring at the open east
window of Brentwood's study. He gave a low
exclamation ; it looked just as if that particularly
thick portion of the mist had entered the window !
He had, however, hardly recovered from his sur-
prise when he stopped dead, with astonished eyes
and clenched hands. For a moment he thought
he must be dreaming, but as he continued to stare,
he realised that it was no vision.
Standing at the open window of the tower study
in his pyjamas was the Master of Storton, gazing
with lack-lustre eyes at the sunrise. His hands
gripped the casement on either side, and his bronzed
handsome face, now ghastly in hue, was distorted
with a look of intense suffering. Gradually the
drawn features relaxed, a faint tinge of colour came
into the cheeks, and slowly, so slowly that it seemed
ages, the light crept into his eyes, and Brent-
wood's face resumed its normal expression. Then
Agar Halfi saw him shiver violently and start back
suddenly ; the next moment the window was closed.
For fully a minute the Hindoo stood as though
entranced. Then he suddenly remembered the
thread on the private door. Without more ado,
he crossed the intervening ground — ^he was barely
a hundred yards away — and dropping on his knees,
examined the thread which he had overnight fixed
across the entrance. One glance was sufficient to
show him that it was intact !
He rose from the ground with a curious smile,
and folding his arms, nodded to Hector, who was
standing disconsolately by, and said sardonically :
" Yes, beast, the Gods have set Agar Halfi a
pretty problem to unravel. Twice over shall he
repay the debt he owes to his beloved friend, if
not more ! "
Hector slowly wagged his tail at being thus ad-
dressed, and looked up at the Hindoo with solemn
"And what part are you going to take in the
drama, stupid ? "
The dog, encouraged by the man's voice, came
close to him, and put his muzzle in his hand.
Agar Halfi looked at him with a quiet melan-
choly, and then stood for a time lost in thought,
while the dog remained motionless, as though shar-
ing his friend's mood.
At last the Hindoo roused himself, and drew in
a deep breath.
" Come, soulless one, let's find a fire and some
When Canning arrived at Myrtle Cottage after
his visit to the priory ruins, he opened the gate
as though to pass in ■ then suddenly shut it again,
and retracing his steps down the road, went to
the post office, where he sent off a telegram in
cypher. That done, he made his the village
hostel, and sat there till nearly closing time, talk-
ing to the rustics.
About ten minutes to ten he took his departure,
and went to Shepperton's rooms. Arthur Shep-
perton was eating his supper, so he invited the
detective to join him, which he did to the ex-
tent of a crust of bread and cheese and a glass
of ale.
Canning was silent for a time, and the young
soUcitor looked at him curiously, but did not dis-
turb his meditations. At length the detective re-
lated what he had experienced an hour or two ago,
omitting nothing.
Shepperton listened eagerly, and when he had
fmished, remarked :
" Well, what do you think now ; am I not
right ? "
But the other shook his head.
" What I " exclaimed his host.
" I don't know yet ; it is a queer case."
Shepperton looked disappointed, and relapsed into
silence. At last he said :
"It is a pity that black villain saw you — ^he will
know you again."
By way of reply. Canning drew forth his disguise,
and putting it on the table, exclaimed :
" I don't think so."
" Ah, that's a good thing," said Shepperton in a
reheved voice. Then he laughed, as he thought of
the detective's ingenuity.
" Has it occurred to you that you were unable to
find Miss Hobson's trail ? "
Shepperton eyed him doubtfully as he rephed :
" Well, what of it ? "
Canning shook his head with a smile, then clear-
ing his throat, remarked :
" It entered my mind to-night, as I was coming
back from the priory, that it ought to be possible,
with the glove you have in your possession, to find
her dead or alive."
" We did try, as you know."
" Yes, but you discovered something else, and
since then, I understand, no other effort has been
" No, that is true," said Shepperton, " What
have you in your mind ? "
" Well, I think we ought to follow it up," answered
"Very well, if you think it at all likely,
I have no objection. I'm willing to do any-
thing that may help to clear the thing up. What
do you propose to do? use Brentwood's dog
again ? "
" No," answered the detective sharply. " I have
telegraphed to London for one of my own dogs, and
it should be here to-morrow evening, Thursday
morning latest."
Whatever misgiving (if any) Shepperton might
have had about the detective, he could not help
appreciating the promptness with which he acted,
when once he came to a conclusion.
" Excellent," he rephed. " Let it be Thursday
morning. I will meet you at the priory at "
" Nine o'clock," interjected Canning.
For about half an hour they sat talking, and then,
with a yawn, the detective rose, saying :
" I think I will get ; I can do with an hour or
two's sleep."
" Right," answered his host. " By the way, what
do you propose doing to-morrow ? "
" Well, I am a little uncertain as yet. Do you
want me for anything in particular ? "
" No," said the other indifferently.
" Very well, Mr. Shepperton, I will meet you at
nine o'clock, Thursday morning."
With this remark Canning went, and return-
ing to his rooms, sought his bed. There for a
time he lay, thinking that although he had cracked
many a hard nut, this one looked like proving to
be not only the hardest, but the queerest case he
had ever come across.
At half-past nine on the Thursday morning,
Shepperton and Canning stood in the ruined priory,
looking at each other ; the former with a perplexed
expression, the latter with a wry smile.
Twice had they given the dog the scent, and
twice had he done exactly the same as Hector had
done some days ago.
"It is very extraordinary," said Shepperton, in
puzzled tones, " but it seems to me to be right."
Canning shook his head as he replied :
" It is against all reason, my friend. There must
be crossed trails."
" Well, it beats me," returned Shepperton ; " what
do you say ? "
The detective shrugged his shoulders, as much as
to say that it was not his business to let an5d;hing
beat him. Then moving, he said :
" Come, let us try some other spot."
" Where ? "
" Anywhere round about." Saying which. Can-
ning started the dog at various points. The other
watched him make one or two fruitless efforts,
then sat down on a piece of rock in an indifferent
manner. He had practically lost hope in the ven-
ture. But the detective, in his dogged manner,
went quietly about his work, first here, then there,
and gradually got further away.
" Seems to me he might as well search for the
proverbial needle," mused Shepperton, and, tired
of watching, he turned his attention to the ruins.
He may have sat there for five minutes, when he
was attracted by a hail from his companion. With
a yawn, he rose and sauntered over to him ; and
at once his interest returned, as he looked at the
detective's face.
" What is it ? " he said quickly.
Canning, who was standing about a hundred
yards from their original starting-place, beckoned
the other to follow him, and together they forced
their way through some bushes for a few yards.
Here Canning stopped, and pointing to the ground
said :
" What do you make of that ? "
Shepperton looked eagerly, then shook his head.
" I don't see anything," he exclaimed.
" Well," rephed the detective, " there is — or-
more correctly speaking, was — a path here. If you
will look closely, you will just see faint traces of it.
Now watch the dog ! "
Straining at his leash, the animal made his way
through the tangled undergrowth, until they came
out upon the path which led to the north entrance.
Here they stopped to take breath.
" What do you make of it ? " asked Shepperton
" I think we may make a discovery," answered
the other coolly. " Now, let's get on."
For fully an hour they made steady progress, the
hound leading them along various roads until they
came to a brook running across a lane, and here
the dog seemed to be baffled. They halted un-
certainly ; at last the detective said :
" We must cross the water."
They did so, and to Shepperton's relief, the dog
immediately took up the scent again, and they went
on for nearly another hour.
" Are you sure we are not following a will-o'-
the-wisp ? "
Canning smiled as he repHed :
" There is not much fear of that. The dog is fol-
lowing something tangible, you can depend upon it."
All at once a sharp turning brought them in view
of a long, low house which lay back from the main
road several yards, and was partly hidden by trees.
For this place the dog made a straight course.
Shepperton lifted the latch of the outer gate
with nervous fingers, and they passed through into
a drive which led to the main entrance.
" What place is this ? " queried Canning abruptly.
" It is known as the * Chalet,' and is occupied, I
believe, by some refugee nuns from France. Beyond
that, I don't think anybody here could enlighten
" Well, we will soon find out," replied the de-
tective, whereupon he rang the bell in a business-
like manner. A clang somewhere at the rear of the
premises followed, and shortly after the door was
slowly opened part of the way, by an elderly woman
in the garb of a nun. She cast suspicious eyes at
the men, and then seeing the dog, quickly pushed
the door until it remained open only about six
inches. The two inquirers looked at each other,
and laughed.
" You had better ask to see the Lady Superior,
or whoever is in charge," suggested the detective.
Shepperton nodded his acquiescence, and approach-
ing the door, handed in his card, saying :
" Will you convey my apologies to the Lady
Superior, and tell her that I should very much like
to see her on a most important matter ? "
By way of answer, the woman stretched her arm
through the door, gingerly took the bit of ivory,
and disappeared. However, they were not left
standing long in suspense. She shortly returned
and said with a pronounced French accent that
her ladyship would see Mr. Shepperton if his busi-
ness were important. Then she opened the door
sufficiently to let him pass through, all the while
keeping a nervous eye on the dog, which Canning
was holding back by its leash.
She conducted Shepperton to a sort of ante-room,
which, though devoid of furniture with the exception
of a few plain chairs and a long, low oak chest, was
spotlessly clean, while the bare boards were pohshed
to such an extent that he felt some compunction
about walking on them with his heavy boots. But he
hardly had time to think about that — ^he had indeed
scarcely sat down, when her ladyship appeared,
bringing with her a faint suggestion of perfume.
Shepperton rose immediately and bowed. She
acknowledged the bow with a gentle inclination of
her head, then raising her eyes stood waiting for him
to speak. For several moments the man stood in
silence. There was something about the woman's
face which made him feel ashamed of his sex. Never
before had he seen such a beautifully spiritual
Barely forty, H61oise Limonaire, daughter of
the Vicomte d'Angiers, still retained some of that
physical beauty with which nature had endowed
her, and which had in part caused her to take the
veil twenty years ago. Time, however, and the
strict rules of a convent life had emaciated her figure,
though her face had gained in sweetness ; and that
strange fire, which only comes to those who conquer
the flesh, shone with a pure light from her deep
brown eyes. Driven from her native country, she
had sought a refuge in that land to which all refugees
fly, and for two years she had lived quietly in this
old country house, which her private means had
enabled her to purchase.
" I d — o trust you will excuse this intrusion,"
began Shepperton. " The business which brings
me here is in connection with the disappearance
some weeks ago of Miss Elsie Hobson, from Worl-
stoke, of which mystery you have no doubt heard ? "
Madame Limonaire shook her head as she re-
phed :
" I'm afraid, Monsieur, that I have not heard of it."
He looked surprised, so she added by way of
explanation :
" You see, we have so little to do with the outer
world. But if I can assist you in any way, I will
do so."
Her sweet, sympathetic voice encouraged Shep-
perton, and he rejoined :
"It is very kind of you to offer help, Madame —
let me explain :
" Some weeks ago. Miss Hobson, to whom I am
engaged — disappeared ; and no trace of her could
be found. Sometime after that, one of her gloves
was found in the old ruined priory of Melsea."
Helolse Limonaire nodded encouragingly, so he
continued :
" To-day, by the aid of a bloodhound, we have
traced her as far as this house, and — " he paused,
and gave a short laugh, then went on : " Well, that
is all, Madame."
For some time she looked him fully in the face,
and to the man it seemed as if she were reading
what was in his mind. Then she gave a sigh, and
rephed :
" Can Monsieur describe the lady ? "
" Oh yes. She is twenty-four years of age, medium
height, dark brown hair, brown eyes, dark skin,
fairly robust in figure, good teeth rather prominent,
one of them missing."
She nodded again, and after a pause remarked :
" Have you strong nerves. Monsieur ? "
He looked at her a little surprisedly, as he replied :
" Well, I think they are pretty sound. Why ? "
" Will you please come with me ? "
He followed her out of the room, down the hall
into another chamber. There, she beckoned him
to a large French window, which looked out on a
grand old lawn.
" Look ! " she said.
The next moment he gave a cry, his face went
white, and he clutched desperately at the casement
for support. He could hardly believe his eyes, and
for a space stood looking bewilderedly at the figure
of Elsie Hobson, seated in a chair on the lawn.
" Is it true ? " he asked mechanically.
Heloise Limonaire's eyes were moist, as she an-
swered compassionately :
" Yes, Monsieur, it is true, Sit down and I will
tell you all about it."
Shepperton sank into a chair, and she began :
" On the night of the 4th of April, about ten
o'clock, I felt compelled to go to the main entrance
of the house. Such impressions never mislead me,
and through them I have several times been able
to succour people in distress . This was no exception ;
I had hardly opened the door, when a low moan,
almost at my feet, drew my attention. Lying on
the steps in an exhausted condition was a young
woman. I immediately called assistance, and we
got her into the house. She seemed, poor child,
almost demented with terror, and kept on crying
out to us to save her, while she continually put her
hands to her throat, around which was a little gold
cross suspended on a chain of the same material.
Well, toward dawn the next morning she suddenly
passed into a coma or trance, and remained so for
over five weeks, until four days ago, when she as
suddenly awoke. But, Monsieur, I am afraid she
has lost her memory " — then added quickly, as she
saw his colour go : " Of course that may only be a
temporary matter."
" I hardly know how to thank you for what you
have done," he said in a strained voice.
" No thanks are needed. Monsieur, except to Him
who has the direction of all things. I have only
done my duty. Wait, and I will fetch Miss "
" Hobson," said Shepperton, Ming in the name.
The Lady Superior opened the window, and the
man watched her cross the lawn to where Elsie sat,
and take her arm.
In a few minutes they had returned, and Shepper-
ton's pulse quickened as he stepped forward and
took his fiancee's hand.
" Elsie, don't you know me ? "
She looked at him strangely, and smiUng patheti-
cally, turned to Madame Limonaire, as though for
an explanation.
" The gentleman has called to see you, my
child. He says he knows you; don't you recog-
nise him ? "
" No ! " she angered, with a perplexed look.
" I don't think I have met him before."
His heart sank ; she did not know him ■ but after
all she was ahve, and there was hope. His spirits
revived somewhat, as the brighter side of things
presented itself to his mind.
" Well, with your permission, Madame, I will de-
part for the present, and if I may impose upon your
goodness for a little longer, perhaps you will care for
Miss Hobson until I can make suitable arrangements
for her to be fetched."
" By all means let her stay here as long as you
Shepperton thanked her, then added :
" I think I will consult Miss AUetson, the Vicar
of Worlstoke's sister, who is a friend of mine. I
don't doubt that she will be wilhng to fetch Miss
Hobson, when we have broken the news to her
When Shepperton got outside. Canning was sitting
on the steps smoking. He at once noticed by the
other man's face that something extraordinary had
happened. However, he did not speak, but waited
for Shepperton to explain.
" She is there ! " he said in a low voice, pointing
to the house.
" Good," answered the detective coolly.
" Come," said Shepperton ; " we can do nothing
more at present."
As they walked along, he related what had
taken place. Canning hstened without inter-
rupting, until he had finished. Then he said
cheerfully :
" Well, Mr. Shepperton, you must hope for the
best ; it wiU not be the first case of the kind that has
been cured, by any means."
" I hope not," was the spiritless reply.
They walked in silence for a long time, and then
the detective remarked :
" It's a good job I sent for the dog, eh ? "
" Yes ; but for that, goodness only knows when we
should have found her. I am grateful, Mr. Canning,
for your help." -
" Ah," he answered reflectively, " and now we
have got to lay hold of the criminal, which I don't
think will be so easy ! "
" Don't you reaUy think so ? " rejoined the other,
in surprised tones.
" No ; there is something in this case which even
I don't understand, with all my experience."
Mr. Brentwood sat staring indifferently at a lengthy
letter that lay on his study table. It was from a
well-known F.R.S., with whom he had some little
time ago witnessed one or two experiments in
trance clairvoyance. The results had been good, and
were the more satisfactory, as the medium was an
amateur. Indeed, so strongly had the professor
been impressed that he had written the Master of
Storton the letter which now lay before him, ask-
ing if he would be wiUing to co-operate in a series
of experiments, with a view to obtaining reUable
. Curiously enough, Brentwood did not feel flattered,
he was not keen upon providing laboriously com-
piled academic proofs for the academic use of
the privileged few. In his heart he felt that the
time would be largely wasted. Such proofs as
might be forthcoming would not be understood by
the general public, because the testimony would not
be what is called scientifically demonstrable.
No, let the learned gentleman experiment and
find out for himself. That was the way in which
he had acquired knowledge ; in fact, it is the only
way in which anyone can hope to learn any of the
inner truths of existence.
Really, at the moment he did npt want to be
bothered about such matters, something else was
uppermost in his mind. He thought he had dis-
covered a weakness in himself, and he wanted to
quash it — even the most well-balanced minds make
The fact that Constance AUetson suspected him
in regard to the Worlstoke mystery disturbed him.
He did not know why it should do so, and be-
cause he could find no rational reason for it, he
was annoyed.
Others suspected him of the crimes, and he was
quite indifferent. Why should one woman's opinion
give him a sensation of being hurt ? To his cold
experienced mind it was ridiculous ; but the fact was
there to be faced, and he could not brush it aside.
Why ? Why ? He asked himself the question
several times, but no answer came to his mind.
" Absurd ! " he said half aloud, and jumping up,
started to pace the room with slight irritation. Then
he thought of the reproach and pain which had
shown in her eyes when he had called that afternoon
at the Vicarage. It was obvious that the feeling of
reproach was against the evil she believed he had
wrought ; but what caused the pain ? Could it
possibly be that she was hurt in a personal way,
because she thought he had committed a crime ?
" Rubbish ! " he said aloud. Picking up at
random a book, he hghted his pipe, and flung himself
on the couch to pass an hour away, reading.
But Fate was paying particular attention to him
this morning, and it was not going to let him rest
as he wished.
" Even the dog won't come near me," he
thought, as he opened the book. It happened
to be a volume of Tennyson's Poems, and he
opened it haphazard. The poem was " Maud,"
and as he glanced at the open page, he read :
" Oh let the solid ground
Not fail beneath my feet,
Before my life has found
What some have found so sweet ;
Then let come what come may,
What matter if I go mad ?
I shall have had my day."
He looked absently out of the window as he
thought over the words, and smiled slightly as it
occurred to him that the verse represented a passion-
ate appeal to the gods of a lad about twenty-five, to
let him know what love was before he died.
At that age he might have held the same senti-
ment ; but he was nearly forty now, and, so far as
he knew, the eternal passion which is talked about
did not exist. To his mind, all manifestations of
so-called love simply sprang from the sex instinct.
He turned one or two pages carelessly, and read
again :
" She is coming, my own, my sweet ;
Were it ever so airy a tread
My heart would hear her and beat,
Were it earth in an earthy bed ;
My dust would hear and beat,
Had I lain for a century dead ;
Would start and tremble under her feet
And blossom in purple and red."
"Umph!" he exclaimed; "Tennyson seemed to
have the idea of the eternal, as applied to individuals.
very deeply implanted. Those lines are good ;
their hidden meaning is eternal love. They express
a beautiful ideal — if it were only true."
He mused abstractedly, and wondered what sort
of a difference it would make to people's lives, if
they could all realise and find such an ideal ? But
then, he thought sadly, " Man never lives up to what
he truly believes is right."
" It is true ! "
He opened his half -closed eyes with a jerk, and
stared round the room. The words rang so clearly
in his ear that he felt they must have been spoken
by a human voice | then he laughed quietly ; of
course, no one was there.
" If it is true, it is true," he said to himself idly.
From that, his thoughts drifted into a fresh channel.
It occurred to him that he was rather a lonely man ;
that, with the exception of Agar Halfi, nobody knew
him well i that, outside his work, life was dull and
uninteresting ,- that
He paused involuntarily ; such a train of imagin-
ings was not healthy, it might lead to a breakdown,
and that would never do.
It was of course natural, he thought, that women
should play the most important part in men's lives,
and vice versa. But that was a general statement,
and there are always exceptions. He had never
felt the need of the opposite sex in the ideal sense
expressed by the poets and other writers, during his
existence. True, he had at times been attracted by
women, but cold reason had quickly suggested to
him that such fancies arose from the natural law,
and he had rigorously suppressed them.
He was in his fortieth year, and, as he thought,
he had not only mastered such things, but out-
grown them. He had no doubt, too, that he owed
his success in psychic research to his clear life. Some
of the experiments he made took a tremendous lot
of his strength, and there had to be a reserve, which
in turn had to be built up somehow.
And then he came back to what he had originally
been thinking about. He smiled. " For sure, all
things travel in circles, even thoughts," he muttered.
" Still, I cannot deny it, I really wish Constance
AUetson did not suspect me. It hurts somehow "
A low knock at the door interrupted him.
" Come in ! " he said normally. It was one of
the maids.
" The Vicar has called to see you, sir."
Brentwood's eyes expressed interest.
" Show him in, please."
" Phew ! It is some time since he called; I am
glad he has looked in."
When Alletson entered the room, Brentwood saw
at once that something out of the ordinary had
happened. His usually kind face was grave, and
his eyes shone with suppressed excitement.
Rising, he extended his hand, and said — cordially
for him — " I'm glad to see you, Alletson."
Beyond thanking him, the Vicar did not reply,
but taking a chair, looked meditatively out of the
Brentwood looked at him curiously, then re-
marked :
" Well, what's happened ? anything serious ? "
An expression of surprise passed over the other's
face, and he glanced keenly at his host before he
replied :
" I have some news which may be pleasing to
" Why may be ? " was the query.
The Vicar laughed a short, spiritless laugh, then
said :
" I will tell you. Elsie Hobson has been found !
She is now at the Vicarage." The Master of Storton
looked at him blankly, and the Vicar met his gaze
steadily. Like most men of his temperament, he
was not a coward, and when his sense of justice
caused him to do an unpleasant thing, he never
hesitated. However, nothing in the features of
his host gave any sign of dismay. He did not even
start perceptibly, and it would have been hard for
any man to have quite hidden his emotions at such
news, if he happened to be guilty.
" That's satisfactory, even to me, Alletson. Tell
me all about it."
The Vicar related in detail how she had been
traced, then added :
" Constance went and brought her away, poor
girl, and for the present she is going to stay at the
Vicarage, if her parents agree. She will want some-
one to look after her, and Constance has offered
to do it."
"It is generous of your sister. By the way,
Alletson, cannot I be of any use here ? I have dealt
successfully with one or two similar cases, and, if I
may say so, where ordinary medical advice has
completely failed. I should be happy to help if I
A troubled look entered the other's eyes, as he
answered :
" I am sorry to say so, Brentwood, but it is not
possible ! "
" Indeed ! " was the rejoinder. " How is that ? "
The Vicar breathed deeply, and was silent for a
time. When he answered, it was as if he had to
force the words :
" They suspect you, Brentwood ! "
The Master of Storton's face assumed a hard
expression, but it was transient. He laughed ironi-
cally, and rephed :
" I'm aware of that, Alletson — at least that your
sister does."
The Vicar winced a little.
" They all do, Brentwood."
The Master of Storton slowly filled his pipe, while
the other watched him. When he had finished, he
turned his dark eyes fully on Alletson, and said
coldly :
The Vicar half rose in his chair.
"There is no 'well' about it, Brentwood," he
returned with emotion. " Whatever others may
think, I don't suspect you • never did • never shall.
I cannot think you capable of such things.
Brentwood turned his eyes away, and his face
" It is nice to hear you say that, Alletson. I — I
thought 1 only had one friend, and that he was a
Hindoo, named Agar Halfi."
"Well, it is not so, you can depend on that,"
rejoined the other.
" I thank you for your confidence in me, Alletson.
You are quite right, I could not perpetrate such
crimes as those of which I am suspected."
There was a shght pause, and then he continued :
" I suppose Miss Alletson has told you why she
suspects me ? "
" Yes."
" Do others suspect me for the same reason ? "
" No, they have other grounds ! "
Brentwood, who was half lying on the couch,
sat up and stared at his guest with a surprised
" Other grounds ! " he repeated. " I must con-
fess I am a little astonished. I am quite at a loss
to understand what other tangible reasons there
could be. Do you ? "
** I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to tell you, Brent-
wood. You see, the others have confided in me,
and I am almost bound in honour not to speak."
" Do not distress yourself, Alletson," replied the
other quickly, " I quite understand. By the way,
now you are here, and as things have turned out so
curiously, I will show you something which may be
of interest."
Rising, he went to his desk, and unlocking it, took
out a photograph of the footprints, the copy of
which he had lost. Handing it to the Vicar, he
said :
" Have you seen anything like that before ? "
AUetson gave one glance at it, and a troubled
look spread over his face.
" Brentwood ! " he exclaimed eagerly. " Why
have you shown me this ? "
Intuitively, the Master of Storton noticed im-
mediately that the photograph caused his friend
imdue excitement, but avoiding the question asked
him, he replied :
" Five years ago, when in Afghanistan, I heard of
a strange, mysterious death, that at certain periods
terrorized the populace of a particular district ; so
I set forth to investigate it. The place where it was
supposed to be was not many miles out of my way —
I was then journeying toward the Persian border —
and I easily found it. We camped overnight, not
far from the cave which it was said to haunt, with
the intention of commencing operations the next
day. However, we were not fated to go and seek
this evil, it sought us. It attacked me, just before
the dawn, and I narrowly escaped with my Ufe.
For nearly six weeks I lay in a deep trance, during
which time I remembered nothing. When I re-
covered, which was quite suddenly. Agar Halfi told
me what had happened, and produced a photograph
of those footmarks, which he had had the forethought
to take. That which you have in your hands is
the original, the copy I lost a few weeks ago."
The Vicar, who had not missed a single word of
his host's narrative, gazed at him with astonished
eyes for some little time, while Brentwood smiled
back at him amusedly. At last, finding his tongue,
he exclaimed :
" Why, that trance seems to tally with what Elsie
Hobson experienced."
" With the exception that I did not suffer from
loss of memory, and — " here the Master of Storton
loosened .his collar, and exposed to his friend
a jagged white seam on his throat, about two
and a half inches long. " Elsie Hobson hasn't
The Vicar uttered an exclamation.
" Why, that scar is the same as the one which
was found on poor Thornton's body ! "
Brentwood nodded grimly. Then said :
" Now what do you think of this. The night we
were encamped outside that cave in Afghanistan,
and before we settled down to sleep, Agar Halfi told
me the following."
Here he related to the Vicar the Legend of the
"It is all very strange, Brentwood, yet I should
be more inclined to believe that the Legend was
invented to tally with the deaths. Still, what you
have told me confirms what I fully believed in my
heart, that "
" That the others who found the copy of that
photograph, and on it based their suspicions that I
am the culprit, made a sHght mistake, eh ? " in-
terrupted the Master of Storton.
For a moment AUetson looked confused, then the
frank generous nature of the man asserting itself,
he said :
" You have hit it ; that is so."
" It was to get at that point I showed you the
photograph. When you told me that others suspected
me as well as your sister, but on quite different
grounds, it occurred to me at once that the lost
photograph must be the cause. You see, the initials
" H. A. B." endorsed, would inform the finder to
whom it belonged."
The Vicar laughed cheerfully, as if a weight had
been taken off his mind.
" I'm so glad I came," he said, rising. " Now I
will go and put matters right.
" Not quite right," returned his host, looking at
him steadily. " What you now know will not prove
me innocent to Miss Alletson."
The Vicar's face dropped. " Ah, I had forgotten.
Still, that will no doubt clear itself all right," he
said encouragingly. " Good-bye for the present."
Brentwood smiled doubtfully, as he shook hands.
" Let me know if I can be of any assistance with
regard to Miss Hobson," he said finally as they
parted at the door.
Going back to his study, Brentwood thrust his
hands into his coat pockets, and stared hard
at the table. " I suppose it is satisfactory," he
thought, then he shook his head slowly, "but it
won't affect her suspicions, and I'm afraid it is not
in my power to dispose of them."
A knock at the door disturbed him, and the next
moment Agar Halfi entered.
" Good ! " exclaimed the Master of Storton ; " I
wanted to see you."
He related what had transpired at the Vicar's
visit. The Hindoo smiled and nodded, but did not
speak. Brentwood looked at him with a dry smile,
the Oriental's quaint ways interested him.
" You see, I am in disgrace with the district. Agar
The Hindoo shrugged his shoulders contemptu-
ously, as though the matter were hardly worth
" Did you want me for anything ? " asked Brent-
wood, after a pause.
" Yes, Sahib, Hector has disappeared again ! "
The other laughed curiously. " Gone to the
Vicarage ? " he queried.
" Probably — ^shall I go and see ? "
The Master of Storton knitted his brows for a
moment, then replied :
" No ! If he is there, let him stay, unless they
ask for him to be fetched away. If he is anywhere
else, he will turn up all right."
" Good," answered the Hindoo indifferently.
" Anything else ? "
Agar Halfi folded his arms, and for a space stood
in solemn silence, then he answered :
" To-day week the Sahib is forty years old."
" That is true, my friend. What of it ? Do you
want to buy me a present ? "
" The Sahib does not need material presents,"
returned the other, without losing his dignified
" Go on," said Brentwood, smihng.
" Do you know the aspects of your progressed
horoscope on that date ? "
" Yes, I think I do," was the careless reply.
" Sahib, they are evil, more evil than any I
have seen in your nativity. I warn you to be care-
ful. Neptune culminates, and the moon is at the
Brentwood thought for a few minutes, then
" Thank you. Agar Halfi. I will be on my guard,
and I take it that you have the matter in mind ? "
The Hindoo nodded gravely as he replied, " I
am keeping watch now. Sahib."
" And I will report my movements to you each
day," said Brentwood, " so that you will know
exactly where to find me."
" Ah," exclaimed the other approvingly, then
said to himself — as though continuing the other's
sentence — " all that you are aware of ! "
" Now to return to the Worlstoke Mystery, Agar
Halfi. What do you think of Miss Hobson's case ?
Don't you think we could restore her memory ? "
The Hindoo's black eyes flashed as he replied :
" Maybe, Sahib, but Agar Halfi feels that until
the evil which has caused the trouble is run to earth,
the young lady's memory will not return."
" Still, it might be tried," continued Brentwood
" From what Mr. AUetson told you, there are
difficulties in the way. Sahib."
" Yes, I know, but I thought perhaps you would
take the matter in hand, if they were willing."
The Hindoo shook his head doubtfully.
" That is speculative ; still, it could be suggested."
" Well then, I will write to the Vicar to-day,
stating that I shall be pleased to take Miss Hobson's
case in hand, and that if there is any objection, you
will be willing to do so. If they refuse," well, no
more can be said ; we shall have done our best."
" Very good, Sahib."
Constance woke with a start. For a time she lay
in a shght perspiration, with that uncomfortable
feeling of fear one has when waking suddenly out
of a distasteful dream.
It was dark, so she closed her eyes instinctively,
in order to shut out what might be there for her
to see. As she gradually obtained control of her
faculties, she chided herself for being a silly goose !
Sitting up in bed, she reached the matches, and
Ughted a night lamp which she kept on a small table
close by. That done, she lay back and hstened
intently, but no sound caught her ear, all was silent.
Satisfied, she looked at her watch, and noted that
it was five minutes to four o'clock, and very nearly
daybreak. Then she turned her attention to her
It had been a disagreeable one, but she waived that
aside. If she were not very much mistaken, it was
an important one ! In character, it corresponded
to that which she had before experienced, the one
which resembled the dream Agar Halfi told her he
had had. Setthng herself comfortably down, she
went over it in detail, so as to commit it thoroughly
to memory.
Once again she had stood in that desolate wild
mountainous region, waiting for she knew not what,
and her heart was filled with a strange fear. At
last there appeared before her the same Hindoo
priest who had manifested in her last dream. In
his left hand he held a black wand, in his right a
white one. The left half of his flowing robe was
black, the right half white, and in his sombre eyes
glowed the deep fire of the mystic.
Raising both wands above his head, he addressed
her thus : " Child, you are one of the instruments
of Fate in a strange tragedy. Upon you falls a
burden, which is really the burden of others. Un-
less you faithfully carry out your part thereof, so
surely shall you repent too late. I forewarn you
that the secret of your own life will be revealed by
your spirit to your mind, before the moon is on the
wane, and if you take one false step, flinch once
from your duty, your doom will be this " — ^here he
pointed with the black wand to the number eighteen
which appeared in figures of lurid fire — " and many
weary cycles shall pass before once again the oppor-
tunity shall occur to enable you to advance in the
mysterious evolution of eternal life. But if you
are true to yourself, if you act fearlessly and un-
selfishly, all will go well, and the result will be this " —
here he raised the white wand, and pointed to the
number twenty-two, which glowed in figures of pure
white hght. " But I warn you, child, that your
task is not an easy one. Remember that no success
worth gaining is achieved without severe trials.
When the secret of eternal life is revealed to you, do
not hesitate to choose your path. There is only one
right way. All humans are conscious of it, though
not many realise that they should have trodden
it until too late, and then back must they come to
the physical plane of existence, to again toil and
struggle, until they shall conquer. This is the last
time I can appear to you ; already have I said more
than I judge to be safe. Yet one thing more. In
your left hand you will find imprinted the mystic
Cross of St. Andrew, which means that you have
the mystic power, though incipient. It must be
developed, but alone you can accomplish little. A
soul at present imprisoned in human clay, with the
mystic Cross on his right hand, shall fulfil your
destiny. And now farewell; when we meet again
you will know who I am, for your eyes will by that
time have been opened."
She watched his figure fade away. When he had
almost disappeared, she heard his voice, wamingly
clear, " Remember, child, be true to yourself."
Satisfied that she had it clearly, Constance blew
out the lamp and turned toward the window. A
break in the darkness told her that the dawn was
approaching. Closing her eyes, she tried to settle
down, but it was quite fight before she eventually
fell asleep. Her active brain, once thoroughly
awake, could not easily be controlled, and in the
quiet darkness was even abnormally alert. First
of all her mind drifted on to the mystery, and when
she had successfully dispelled it, she began to think
about the Master of Storton, and that train of
thought held for a long time.
She still felt that he was guilty, yet somewhere
deep down she knew she wished he was not. But
why ? The man was cold, reserved, and appeared
to be selfish, practically interested in nothing but
his work. In spite of all this, there was one side of
him — curiously enough a side she only dimly under-
stood— which appeared to be noble, indeed, once or
twice she had thought it something more than that.
She did know for certain that it appealed to all
that was best in her. What a pity there should be
that other side to him. Ah, it was more than a
pity, it was dreadful. Yes, she was sorry, really
sorry. Then she went on to wonder how she could
get at Agar Halfi, so that he could interpret her
dream ? And wondering, she slept.
The sun was shining brightly when, about two
hours later, she was aroused by a loud bark, followed
by what sounded like a stifled screech from Martha.
Slipping out of bed, Constance donned her dressing-
gown, and opening the window, looked out, then
she laughed. Standing on the lawn, looking the
essence of stubbornness, was Hector, gazing stolidly
at Martha in the kitchen doorway, holding a broom
with both hands. Hearing her mistress laugh,
Martha looked up hurriedly and exclaimed :
" Please, Miss, that brute's here again. He must
have jumped the wall at the bottom of the
garden, and when I went to drive him away with
this " — here she held up the broom — " he barked
at me."
Constance laughed again, then said :
" Never mind, Martha ; let him alone, and he
won't hurt you. I'll see to him when I come
Turning her eyes to the dog, she called him by
his name. Hector looked up quickly, and began
to slowly wag his tail.
" Good old dog," she said coaxingly. He whim-
pered, and began pawing the lawn.
" Now lie down, sir ! " Hector obediently sat
down on all-fours, his tail still moving to and fro.
" All right, Martha, I'll be down shortly." Saying
which, she withdrew from the window and quickly
commenced her toilet. When she had finished, she
went to Elsie Hobson's room, the spare one next
her own, and knocked quietly ; receiving no answer,
she softly turned the handle, and opening the
door, went in with a light tread. Elsie was sleep-
ing peacefully, as though nothing in the world had
ever troubled her. Poor girl, thought Constance
sympathetically, as she softly withdrew, will she
ever recover ?
During breakfast, which meal Constance and
her brother took alone, Philip asked :
" What time is Mr. Shepperton coming ? "
" He said he would call about two o'clock with
Mr. Canning," she rephed- then added uneasily,
" I hope you have not to go out, Phihp ? "
" Oh no," he assured her ; " I asked because I am
anxious to meet them, Constance. I have something
important to say."
" Indeed ! " she answered, surprised.
" Read this, my dear." He handed her a letter
which had come by the morning's post from the
Constance opened her eyes as she mastered its
contents, then looked at her brother inquiringly.
" He has soon got to hear about Elsie."
" I will explain," said the Vicar, with a grave
smile. " Yesterday morning, I went to the Manor
and told Mr. Brentwood." As he was speaking, he
watched her face contract, so he asked :
" Don't you approve, Constance ? "
She shook her head. • "I don't know what to say,
Philip. Tell me what happened."
" Well, I'm very glad I went, because the result of
the visit is, that I shall be able to clear my friend
the Master of Storton from any suspicions that
have been formulated against him in connection
with the Worlstoke Mystery."
Constance unconsciously drew a deep breath.
" Can you really do that ? " she asked eagerly.
Her brother could not help noticing her keen
" Should you be glad if I could ? "
For a moment she looked at her brother with a
pained expression ; she hardly liked his question ;
then she answered a little coldly, " Of course I
should, Philip. Need you have asked ? "
"I'm sorry, Constance, but I was not sure whether
or not you were hostile toward him."
" No, indeed; why ? "
" Well," he returned slowly, " to tell the truth,
I rather thought you were, considering what you
have experienced and suffered at his hands."
" Surely, Philip, you must know that I am not
at all like that. I don't think I'm vindictive, I
don't think I bear malice."
He did not answer, so she said after a pause :
" Tell me about your visit."
The Vicar related at length all that occurred, and
she listened restlessly. At the end she exclaimed :
" I don't think for a moment that Mr. Shepperton
would agree to Mr. Brentwood having anything
to do with Elsie, and I am doubtful as regards
Mr Agar Halfi."
" Quite so, Constance ; but what do you, yourself,
think ? "
" Oh " she laughed hopelessly, " after what
I experienced, what can I think ? I can only come
to one conclusion ! "
They finished their meal in silence, then Constance
rose to ring the bell. Having done that, she turned
to the window, but had hardly looked out when
she exclaimed :
" Oh, I forgot, Philip, I've had a visitor this
morning ! " and she laughed.
" Visitor ? "
" Yes — come and see."
He went to the window, and saw Hector basking
in the sunshine on the lawn.
" Very extraordinary he should have taken such
a liking to you."
" Isn't it ! "
They surveyed him for a time, then turning
briskly, Constance exclaimed : " Really, I must go
and look after Elsie."
" And I must go and do some work," added Philip.
" You will find me in my room, if I am not about
when they call."
When she agreed to look after Elsie Hobson, Con-
stance had taken upon herself a severe task. She
found that the poor girl was practically helpless,
and it had only been by painstaking efforts that
she had been able to get her to do the most simple
As to her past life, she could not remember a
single thing. She did not know anyone, not even
her own name, and she went about in a mechanical
sort of way, clinging to Constance like a child. At
first it had been very distressing to see her like that,
but sensibly realising the situation, Constance had
devoted herself to her charge, and as far as it was
possible, improvement in her condition had been
Elsie occupied her attention that morning for
fully an hour, by which time it was nearly ten
o'clock. She was, however, able to spend a short
time with her charge on the lawn, before a ring at
the front-door bell warned her that Mr. Shepperton
and Mr. Canning had arrived.
Rising, she went quickly into the* house, to find
that Martha had shown them into the drawing-
room. Shepperton introduced Mr. Canning to her,
and that gentleman, bowing awkwardly, said that he
hoped she was well.
Constance looked at him curiously, and wanted
to laugh. He looked so uncongenial in her prettj'
room, sitting in a low fancy chair, with his long legs
and great feet sprawling on the carpet. But almost
the next moment she detected something in his
appearance which commanded her respect. What
it was she could not exactly define, she simply knew
that she had realised he was a strong, reliable man.
" And how is Elsie this morning ? " inquired
"Oh, about the same, I think. You had better
come and see her."
Just then the Vicar entered, and after he had
been introduced to the detective, Constance said :
" Come along, Mr, Shepperton, I will take you
to Elsie, while Phihp talks to Mr. Canning."
When they had gone, Alletson looked silently at
the detective, who was apparently deeply interested
in the design of a vase on the mantelpiece. The
Vicar did not know what to think of him, he was
such a queer-looking man. He was just about to
address him, when, without turning his head, Mr.
Canning exclaimed :
" I expect you have wondered what I think about
this case, sir ? "
Alletson smiled genially. " That is just what I
was going to ask you, Mr. Canning."
The detective screwed up his thin lips, and sagely
nodded his head.
" Well, officially speaking, the case would, I
think, be reported as one ' that has baffled all
efforts,' but personally " — here he turned quickly
and looked steadily at the Vicar, as though to make
quite sure he was not on wrong ground — " I feel
there is either a huge hoax being carried on, or
else it is a "genuine mystery, as far out of the
reach of ordinary investigation as I am from being
AUetson lifted his eyebrows in surprise at this
very uncommon speech, then he laughed genuinely.
" I think, Mr. Canning, you have summed up the
situation pretty accurately. But do you intend to
deal with the matter officially or personally ? "
" Both, sir. I am interested."
" I feel I must congratulate you on your success
in finding Miss Hobson."
" As much a matter of luck, Mr. AUetson, as any-
thing else," was the modest reply.
" If we could only get her memory restored, we
might discover something."
" Perhaps," answered the detective, " but you
never can tell."
At this juncture the other two returned, Constance
with tears in her eyes, and Shepperton looking very
" Well ? " asked the Vicar sympathetically.
Shepperton shook his head gloomily, as he re-
plied :
" It seems quite hopeless ; not a vestige of recogni-
tion has she shown in any way."
They were all silent for a space, then Mr. Canning
remarked in his high-pitched voice :
" A case like this requires time, you cannot hope
for quick results. Give it three months."
Shepperton smiled despairingly. " I suppose that
is what it amounts to, and perhaps I had better
realise straight away that it will probably be a long
job, even if she does recover."
" In that connection, I have something important
to say," remarked the Vicar steadily. All eyes
turned to him as he continued : " But first of all,
I wish to speak with regard to the photograph which
Mr. Shepperton found."
" Oh yes," answered that gentleman attentively.
" To get straight to the point, I called on the
Master of Storton yesterday, partly to inform him
of Miss Hobson's return. When I had finished, he
produced a similar photograph to the one Mr.
Shepperton found, and asked me if I had seen any-
thing like it before. Of course I was surprised, but
not half so much as I was when he told me the story
of it," Here the Vicar related in detail what he
had learned from Mr. Brentwood. Then he con-
tinued :
" Now I think that pretty well absolves the Master
of Storton from any suspicions which may have
been formed against him, so far as the photograph is
concerned. What do you say, Mr. Shepperton ? "
Thus addressed, the latter gave a short unsatisfied
laugh, and answered :
" If what Mr. Brentwood told you is true, I don't
see how we can come to any other conclusion."
" There is no doubt about the scar on his throat,
and there is little doubt that it corresponds in shape
to the wound found on the body of poor Thornton,"
replied AUetson with a little heat,
" Quite so," returned Shepperton, " What do
you think. Canning ? "
" I agree that it clears the gentleman from sus-
picion in a direct way, and, if what he says took
place in Afghanistan can be verified, certainly from
any suspicion as regards the photograph, but — "
he paused, and they all looked at him inquiringly.
It was Constance who put the question to him :
" How else could it affect him ? "
The detective pursed his thin hps, and half-closed
his eyes, before he replied :
" Has it not occurred to anyone that if Mr. Brent-
wood's story is true, he is indirectly the cause of this
mysterious something coming to this district ? It
has never before been heard of in England ! "
They stared blankly at the detective, then Shep-
perton slapped his thigh, and exclaimed :
" So simple, too, yet it never struck me."
" And," continued Canning, addressing the Vicar,
"is it not probable that he never told you about
this before, because he realised that you would
come to such a conclusion ? "
" Not necessarily so," rejoined the Vicar. " If
the Master of Storton were conscious of the fact that
he had unknowingly brought this evil to England,
I do not see any possible reason why he should try
to hide anything connected with it. The simple
fact that he may have been instrumental in the
matter does not make him guilty ! "
" Your argument can be turned another way,
reverend sir," replied the detective a little grimly.
" The gentleman has on his own showing withheld
certain important information, which tends to show
that he does know he brought the evil to England,
and that he is guilty in endeavouring to cover up
his traces."
" Then why did he tell me yesterday about the
photograph, if he intended to deceive us ? Why
did he not still keep silent ? " answered Alletson a
little triumphantly.
" What you say seems good enough, Mr. Alletson,
but you must remember that this gentleman de-
liberately told you yesterday about the footprints,
when he heard that Miss Hobson had been discovered,
and suddenly realising that if Miss Hobson recovered
her memory, the whole thing would come out, he
did it with a view to change of plans."
Shepperton looked at the Vicar with a wry sort
of smile, as much as to say, " Now then ! "
" Just so," replied the Vicar quickly. " My
answer to you is here, contained in this letter."
He started to open it with nervous fingers, and was
about to hand it to the detective, when Constance
said in an undertone :
" You had better read it, Phihp."
Her brother nodded, and began :
"•Storton Manor, Storton,
May^ 19 — .
*' ' Dear Alletson, — Further to our conversation
this afternoon, either my friend Agar Halfi or myself
would be very willing to deal with Miss Hobson's
malady, and attempt to restore her memory, should
it be agreeable to all.
" * I suggest this, partly because a lot of money may
be wasted in useless advice, and partly because I
know that there is only one reliable method of dealing
with such cases, and that I learnt in the East. — Yours
sincerely, H. A. Brentwood.' "
" Now if your last surmise is correct, Mr. Canning,
why should the Master of Storton write this letter,
offering to help to bring about the very result that
would be his undoing ? "
" Simply that he has no intention of really trying
to restore Elsie's memory, and would conduct some
tom-fool experiment just to deceive us," blurted
out Shepperton.
The Vicar's face flushed a little, but he restrained
himself admirably, and for a time no one spoke.
The silence was getting a little uncomfortable, when
Constance remarked coldly :
" Don't you think we are straining the point
somewhat ? "
Her remark brought Canning's eyes to her face,
and a sort of a smile wrinkled his countenance as
he replied :
" Perhaps we are getting a little into the clouds.
I think that your brother is justified in his argument,
though of course there is the possibility of what
has been said on the other side. But apart from
both points of view, we have, I understand, a very
serious piece of evidence from Miss AUetson, which
is to my mind of great value in this particular case,
in fact it comprises the only evidence we at present
have against the Master of Storton • and on that
alone — ^speaking professionally — I should be bound
to watch the gentleman, until his innocence was
proved beyond doubt."
" And it is because of that evidence, and what
I have gone through, that I cannot recommend that
Mr.* Brentwood be allowed to deal with Elsie," ex-
claimed Constance, in a steady voice.
Shepperton gave her a grateful glance. "And
I certainly should not care about it," he added.
" Have you thought that you may be throw-
ing away the means of restoring Miss Hobson's
memory ? " ejaculated the Vicar.
" I have, Philip," replied Constance, " and because
of that, I suggest that there could scarcely be any
harm in allowing Mr. Agar Halfi to treat the
case ! "
" Really, Miss Alletson — " began Shepperton,
but she interrupted him defiantly :
" Why not ? If we are all there at the time, I
don't see that any harm can be done."
With a sigh, he looked appealingly at the detective,
who was coolly examining a piece of china which
he had picked up from a small table at his elbow.
"Mr. Canning, please!" he exclaimed a little
Without looking up from what he was doing, the
detective answered :
" The lady's reasoning is good, Mr. Shepperton."
Here he nearly lost his temper. In a sense he
felt at bay ; they were all three of an opinion contrary
to his own, and he was mortified as well as angry.
" But I most emphatically protest ! " he said
No one answered his remark, and in his annoyance
Shepperton felt ready to rush out of the room and
never speak to any of them again. But it did not
take him long to crush that impulse.
Things were again beginning to get painful, when
the detective calmly said :
" Of course, Mr. Shepperton, you can try other
means of restoration, but I am bound to say that
what Mr. Brentwood insinuated in his letter about
waste of money is probably correct. Are you
aware that cases of lost memory in the ordinary
course of things have to right themselves, or not at
all ? Nobody seems to know how to deal with
them. Judging from what Mr. AUetson told me a
short time ago, it may be worth trying, provided
conditions satisfactory to ourselves could be ob-
"There is no doubt about their skill in these
matters," exclaimed the Vicar.
Shepperton could hardly suppress a sneer as he
said to himself, " No, there isn't ! "
He did not like the idea at all, and fought against
it for some time, but eventually the weight of the
detective's reasoning influenced him, and he ac-
quiesced, though reluctantly.
" Shall I make the arrangements, Mr. Shepper-
ton ? "
" Please, if you don't mind," returned the latter.
" I hope sincerely that it will turn out a success,
though I really cannot bring myself to think so."
" From what I know of Mr. Agar Halfi, I am
sanguine of success," said Constance encouragingly.
" Thank you. Miss AUetson," he returned quickly,
then added :
"Please do not think me ungrateful; nobody
could have done, nor is doing, more for me than you
and your brother, and I fully appre "
" Don't," said AUetson warmly, putting his hand
on the other's arm. " We quite understand."
They shook hands, and Constance and her brother
watched the two men go down the path, until they
disappeared outside the gate.
Turning to her brother, she said in a low
voice :
" I wonder what will be the end of all this ? "
He shook his head gravely, as he replied :
" It is difficult to say, but I trust God will guide
our actions, and lead us into clear waters." Saying
which, he went slowly to his own room, and for
several minutes stood looking out of the window
across the garden. Then going to his desk, he sat
down and wrote the following letter :
"The Vicarage, Worlstoke.
May 19 — .
" Dear Brentwood, — It has been agreed to en-
trust Elsie Hobson's case to your Hindoo friend. If
you will be so kind as to let me know when you
can arrange for the experiment to take place, I will
inform the others. So that there shall be no doubt
about your presence (I, personally, should strongly
object to your absence) I suggest that the place
selected be the Manor. Please forgive the liberty
I take ; candidly, I think it best, and I know I can
talk frankly to you.
" For your guidance, I had better say that there
will be present from here : Mr. Shepperton ; a friend
of his, Mr. Canning ; my sister Constance and my-
self ; and of course there will be yourself, Mr. Agar
Halfi, and Miss Hobson.
" With every earnest wish that things may soon
straighten themselves out, — Beheve me, your sincere
friend, Philip Alletson."
After reading it over carefully, he addressed an
envelope, and put the letter in it. He was about
to seal it, when he hesitated, and taking the letter
out, went to find Constance. She read it over twice
and handed it back in silence. Then she gave vent
to a queer little laugh.
" Won't it do ?" he asked abruptly.
" Oh yes, Phihp," she answered ; " it is not that,
but I can't help thinking that while we suspect
Mr. Brentwood of such terrible things, it is a bit
mean to make all the use of him we can. If he is
innocent, I shall never be able to look him in the face,
for very shame."
Her brother silently sealed the letter, he did not
know what to answer — and taking a stamp from
his pocket-book, fixed it on the envelope with a
determined blow of his fist. At last he exclaimed :
" Constance, I know he is innocent ! "
" Phihp, I know he is not ! "
They looked at each other almost defiantly, then
they both smiled, and Constance impulsively kissed
him, a thing which was not customary with her.
" We cannot afford to quarrel, Philip, even though
we hold different opinions, but I wish I could think
the same as you do ! "
It was just past two o'clock the next afternoon,
when Constance — ^who was busy writing notices
for a Church Workers' Committee — ^heard a motor
stop outside the gate. Shortly afterwards, heavy
footsteps resounded on the gravel path, and the
next moment there was a ring at the bell.
She wondered who it could be — Mr. Brentwood ?
Hardly. Then who was it ? Her unspoken question
was answered by Martha opening the door and
informing her that the dark gentleman from the
Manor had called.
Constance was pleasantly surprised. Ever since
the night of her dream she had been cogitating how
she could get to see Agar Halfi, and now the problem
had been solved for her by his unexpected call.
" Show him in, please," she said quickly.
Her blood pulsed a little faster while she waited.
She remembered the last time he had called, how
interesting had been their conversation, and she
was conscious of a sense of satisfaction at meeting
him again.
As he entered the room. Agar Halfi saluted her
respectfully in his dignified way, and at her request
slowly took a seat.
" I understand Mr. AUetson is out ? " he inquired.
" Yes," replied Constance, " and I do not expect
% 242
him back until late, that is, tea-time. Can I be
of any assistance ? "
Why, she did not know ; but as soon as he had
entered the room, Constance felt a soothing influence
come over her, which had the effect of making her
forget all the small worries of life. It was similar
to the influence which was always with her brother,
only in a much greater degree. It occurred to her
as being a little curious, knowing that the Hindoo
was not a Christian. She had always associated
such power with the Church, and to find that it was
present, and in a greater degree, in a non-Christian,
set her thinking. Her quick brain immediately
grasped that if this influence could be possessed by
a non-Christian, her idea that it belonged to the
Church was wrong. Then to what was it due ?
She did not know that it was obtained by inward
development of faculties of which the great majority
of people are unconscious, and that in her brother's
case, he had in a small degree unconsciously de-
veloped them, and in spite of the Church ! Then
it struck her that at one time she had thought
Mr. Brentwood possessed the same kind of power,
and as she thought over it, she realised that he still
possessed it, though her consciousness of it had been
totally obscured by that other terrible symptom
he exhibited.
" I think I can quite well transact my business
with you, Miss AUetson," replied the Hindoo. " I
have called in reply to the letter your brother wrote
to Mr. Brentwood yesterday."
" Quite so," she answered; " I am fully aware of
its contents."
" Well," he continued, " Mr. Brentwood has left
the matter in my hands entirely, and his house is
at my disposal, any time I think fit."
" That is good of him," she exclaimed, then added :
" And you — will you do it ? "
The shadow of a grim smile crossed the Oriental's
face as he said :
" Yes, I will, and I will only make one condition."
" And that ? " queried Constance, holding her
" Is that all the people who have been concerned
in this case are present during the time I am carrying
out my work."
She breathed again, and replied in a cheerful
tone :
" I feel that I must thank you on behalf of Mr.
Shepperton and my brother, and I do so most
sincerely on my own account."
He inclined his head in acknowledgment, and
repUed :
" I called in person. Miss Alletson, partly because
it is simpler to make arrangements verbally than
by letter, and partly because I wish, if I may, to see
Miss Hobson, so that I shall know exactly how to
prepare for the experiment."
" There is no difficulty about that — I will take
you to her. She was asleep about half an hour ago,
but may be awake now."
Elsie Hobson was reclining in an easy-chair in
the breakfast-room, and opened her eyes at the
sound of them entering. She sat up wonderingly,
with a perplexed expression on her pretty face.
Constance went to her, and said encouragingly :
" Elsie, this gentleman is going to make you
The girl turned her eyes to the Hindoo, who was
standing just inside the door, with a softened ex-
pression on his usually set features, and looked at
him earnestly ; then, as if satisfied with her scrutiny,
she said to Constance in a puzzled tone :
" Why, I am not ill, am I ? "
" No, dear," replied Constance soothingly. " Not
now, but you have lost your memory, and this
gentleman is perhaps going to restore it."
" Oh, I see," she answered absently.
Agar Halfi advanced to her chair, and taking one
of her listless hands in his, spoke to her gently. She
looked at him simply, like a child, and as her eyes
met his, he stopped speaking, holding her with his
glance. Just for a second, she shrank as if frightened,
then a flash of intelligence crossed her face, and she
exclaimed eagerly :
" Yes, I know, I met you ... in ... " she paused,
mystified, a look of disappointment on her coun-
tenance, and then continued wearily, " Oh, I cannot
just remember where ! "
" Never mind," he said in a low voice, " you will
later on. There is plenty of time."
She nodded as if satisfied, though her eyes never
left his face. Agar Halfi gazed at her steadily
for several minutes, while Constance watched with
deep interest. Gradually Elsie's eyes seemed to
glaze, a film appeared over the dark pupils, then,
with a restful sigh, she closed her eyes, and
sank back in her chair as though in a peaceful
" She is in the hypnotic sleep," explained the
Hindoo, " from which she will awake in an hour.
Keep her as quiet as possible during the next two
days, please, and do not let her eat any meat, nor
take any stimulant."
" I understand," replied Constance, " and will
carry out your instructions. What day have you
fixed for the experiment ? "
"Friday evening, at seven o'clock; that is, the
third day from now, Tuesday."
" Very well. Now will you please come back to
the drawing-room, there is something about which
I want to ask you before you go ? "
With a last look at the sleeping girl, he rose and
followed Miss AUetson out. When they were again
seated, she looked straight at him and said :
" Mr. Agar Halfi, a few days ago I had a similar
dream to the one I related to you the last time you
Here she noticed that a quick look of interest
came into his eyes, but he did not speak, so she
continued :
" And I should hke to tell you all about it."
" Tell me what you wish," he answered in his
grave way.
She paused, as if to collect her thoughts, and
then frankly and clearly related all that she had
seen and heard in her vision. While she spoke,
his dark solemn eyes never left her face, and when
she had finished, she instinctively returned his gaze,
while she waited for him to reply.
" Your dream, needless to say, deals with yourself
principally, but it also deals with the ' Worlstoke
Mystery.' From it, I read that the matter will
be cleared up before the moon is on the wane, but
whether this moon or the next, I cannot say. How
it will be settled, it is not given to us to know, but
you may clearly understand that you will be con-
cerned in it. In the working out of your life on the
physical plane, this mystery in some way forms one
of the obstacles, which, if you fail to overcome it,
will retard your development perhaps for centuries !
But in the mystery you are not one of the principal
individuals, you are only drawn into it through
"The first symbol of the vision, the figure 18,
is that of destruction, and needs no further explana-
tion. The second symbol, the figure 22, is that of
the perfect state, or the harmony of oneself with
the universe. But understand that the overcoming
of this present obstacle will not take you straight
away to that plane. No person living on the earth
could attain perfection straight away.
" The advice, ' Be true to yourself,' if properly
understood, is all that is necessary for you to
While she listened, it seemed to Constance as if her
eyes were opened, and she realised that which before
she had only believed. The man who sat before
her was a Mystic, one of that little known and less
understood section of humanity, which, devoting
itself to the advancement of the world through the
Occult, had made their labours effective in the evolu-
tion of life, though not generally recognised. She
had read of such men once or twice, but to her
knowledge had not met one before.
" Can you tell me anything of that which is to
be revealed to me ? "
" No, on that point I must not speak."
She looked at him steadily, as he answered, and
his deep dark eyes seemed to glow with a strange
light. Then, instantaneously, almost before she
knew it had happened, she was conscious that she
beheld the man, the true inner self, radiating with
a soft white fire, so dazzling, that it seemed to scorch
her through and through.
With a startled cry, she hid her face in her hands,
and in that moment, she suffered, and understood
how small, how feebly flickered the undeveloped
spark of life which was her conscious self. As she
realised this, the vastness of the eternal universe
gripped her mind, — ^how insignificant she was, how
helpless !
" Save me ! " she cried wildly, " Save me ! " and
the echo reverberated like thunder in the lonely
darkness, " Save me ! " " Save me ! " as though
mocking her pitiful cry.
She felt a strong hand grasp her own, and a friendly
tender voice said :
" Save yourself, child."
Then she regained normal consciousness, and
knew that she was sitting in a chair, staring tran-
quilly at Agar Halfi, who sat with legs crossed, his
hands clasping his knee, looking at her intently.
" What has happened ? " she asked absently,
" Ah ! I remember, you were interpreting my dream,
and all at once I forgot. Had you finished ? "
" I have nothing more to say concerning it," he
replied. " Have you anything you wish to ask ? "
Constance shook her head, and looked meditatively
at the carpet. Then impulsively she raised her
head and exclaimed :
" Tell me, Mr. Agar Halfi, what is the meaning of
life ? Sometimes, as I go through its details day
by day, a great fear presses on me that after all
we are but helpless atoms, drifting in a vast scheme,
and that our self-conscious individuality is but a
phantasm, non-existent ! "
A great sorrow came into his face as he re-
plied :
"It is quite impossible, Miss AUetson, for any
human being to answer your question. What you
express is the cry of your real self, seeking escape
from its clay prison, the narrow walls of which can
no longer satisfy your inward growth. So sure as
all individuals must some time or other save them-
selves, so surely must they find the answer to that
question, by their own efforts. The physical in-
dividuality cannot explain it — the brain has its
limits, and to our reason such a question is impossible
of reply."
" Then must each one struggle to gain his or her
salvation, every one fight selfishly for themselves ?
That is what your answer seems to imply."
" Just the reverse. I am not a Christian, Miss
Alletson, yet I will quote from the Bible in support
of what I say : ' Whosoever shall seek to save his
Ufe shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his hfe
shall preserve it.' It is only by sacrificing oneself in
the service of humanity that salvation — or more truly
speaking the upward development of the conscious
self — can be achieved ! "
" But, Mr. Agar Halfi, life in general is not based
upon such lines. The sordid struggle for material
gain dominates humanity, and, based on reason,
humanity says : " It is the law of nature, this
'survival of the fittest,' and therefore, we being
part of nature, are bound by it."
" What you say is largely true, the trend of the
world to-day is for material gain. But surely, if
slowly, humanity is finding out its mistake, and
though to-day civilisation is based on wrong con-
ceptions and little understood laws, it will not
always be so. We are discovering that instead of
having to abide by the laws of nature, we are here to
subdue nature to our will. Mankind has changed,
compared with, say, 4000 years ago, changed with
the knowledge and powers it has gained, and will
continue to do so, until the ideas of to-day are
largely reversed."
" You speak emphatically," answered Constance,
" as though you knew for certain ! "
" I can only speak from my own knowledge,"
he replied simply. " From where I stand, I can
see the mistakes of to-day, as surely as present
mankind can see and profit by the mistakes of its
Constance listened intently, wondering at this
strange man, and she smiled to herself as she thought
that he was the servant of an English gentleman.
There was something queer about that, which she
felt she would like to know. But then, it was not
her business to inquire.
" When you say, ' From where I stand,' I am
afraid I do not comprehend."
" That is difficult for me to explain, Miss AUetson,
yet if I say to you that the more spiritually developed
a human being becomes, the less does he require
material things, then have I told you all. For as
humanity becomes more spiritual, so will material
things of the earth become of little importance.
Is it not a fact that the most spiritual, the grandest
and most beloved figure in Christianity, thought
less of the things of the world than anyone ? He,
the Master Magician ! "
" Of course you speak of Jesus of Nazareth ? "
she said in a low voice, then added : " And why do
you speak of Him as * The Master Magician ' 7 "
" Simply because He had greater control over the
forces of nature than any man ever had before Him,
and so far ever has had ! "
" You speak of Him as a man ; don't you think
he was Divine ? "
The Hindoo shrugged his shoulders, with a little
gesture of despair :
" We are all divine. Miss Alletson, in that sense."
There was a pause — Constance did not want to
pursue the matter any further just then. What the
Hindoo had said gave her much food for thought,
and she would think things out at her leisure.
At length she said :
" Let me see, you said Friday was the day you
had fixed for the experiment ? "
" Yes," he answered, " at seven o'clock in the
evening, at the Manor. Mr. Brentwood will come
over with his car, and take you all there. I shall
not be able to come, owing to the preparations I
must make beforehand."
" Do you think you will succeed ? "
He smiled strangely, as he replied :
" I have not many doubts, Miss Alletson, and
yet I fear trouble ; why, I cannot say. Now I think
I have said all that is necessary, and I will depart."
Rising, he wished her good afternoon, but before
he reached the door Constance arrested his atten-
tion :
" Oh, Mr. Agar Halfi, I really forgot to tell you.
The last time you came here, you will remember,
I was very much out of sorts, and you told me that I
should feel better before three o'clock in the after-
noon. Well, it was so. I felt practically recovered
about an hour after lunch. Please accept my
sincere thanks."
" For what, Miss Alletson ? " he asked question-
She hesitated a little, then said frankly, " Well, I
feel sure that it was you who did me good, in some
" I apologise," he answered quickly, " I was not
thinking. I understand now. It is true that in-
directly I cured your indisposition, but I had for-
gotten it."
" How indirectly ? " she queried.
" You were suffering from a slight shock, which de-
prived you of normal vitality, left you run down, and
listless. Coming in contact with my surroundings,
and there being a sympathetic link between us, I
naturally gave forth from my reserve, of which
there is a considerable quantity, and you as natur-
ally absorbed it. Simply that, and nothing else
She looked at him astonished, so he continued :
" It is easy of proof. Miss AUetson — give me your
hand for a moment."
She did as he asked, and slowly, but surely, she
was conscious of increased energy ; she felt stronger,
more vigorous.
" Do you feel any change ? "
" Yes, I do ; it is wonderful. How pleasant to
have power to relieve suffering hke that ! "
The Hindoo smiled queerly, as he answered in a
low voice :
" Yes, but it can be used for other purposes — it
is strong enough to kill ! "
" Kill ? " she whispered in an awed voice.
But Agar Halfi had gone, and the next moment
she heard the motor car drive slowly away.
Herbert Canning had arranged to be at the Vicar-
age at 6.30 P.M. on Friday, the day the attempt
was to be made to restore Miss Hobson's memory.
The matter was of personal interest to him, apart
from his professional obligation. He had dabbled
in astrology, had some notion of planetary influence,
and indeed only lack of opportunity had kept him
from studying other occult things.
What knowledge he had gained in astrology had
been acquired by practical experiments, the theory
of it, like that of anything else, not being satisfactory
to a matter-of-fact nature like his. He preferred
that sort of proof — certainly the most convincing —
to any reasoning that could be extracted from books.
It would be well if there were more people in the
world of the same turn of mind. As it is, most of
us allow a few to do our thinking, i.e. do not think
at all, while most of the few only think, and never
experiment, which after all is the only sound way
to acquire knowledge.
As the detective walked leisurely along, he was
turning over in his mind the following facts :
(i) Rev. Thornton disappeared 21st February,
at the full moon.
(2) Miss Hobson disappeared 4th April, at the
new moon.
(3) Rev. AUetson had strange experience 19th
April, at the full moon.
(4) Herbert Canning had strange experience 3rd
May, at the new moon.
(5) To-day, an imusual experiment taking place,
i6th May, at the full moon.
Now that is queer, he thought. I should hardly
think it could be coincidence that the date of this
affair should have been fixed by that Hindoo gentle-
man when the moon is at the full ! If there is any-
thing in my theory at all, something will happen
to-night, the same as things have happened before
at these periods.
He analysed it for some time, as, being a practical
man, he was very anxious not to delude himself.
He knew that his knowledge of astrology was super-
ficial, but what he had learned had been gained
by practical experience, and he was interested.
Further, the tabulated facts would be useful for
study in his leisure moments.
During his long and varied experience, he had seen
numerous so-called occult manifestations, most of
which, he had satisfied himself, were mere trickery.
But on one or two occasions he had witnessed things
which, analyse as he would, had appeared to him
genuine, and he had not allowed prejudice to con-
demn everything wholesale,
He was fully aware that it is usually those
who are ignorant of a subject who vilify and con-
demn it. Indeed he had read about a famous
astronomer who had attacked and tried to ridicule
astrology. All went well until a colleague, who had
carefully studied astrology, clearly demonstrated to
the astronomer that he was making himself look
What he had experienced at the priory ruins
was a problem sufficient to make the most sceptical
think seriously. On the one hand, as Mr. Shepperton
had suggested, it probably was trickery. That,
however, was simply a statement, against which
he could reasonably put the following :
Firstly, he was personally satisfied that no trickery
could have caused the sickly, paralysing fear that
had gripped him.
Secondly, the footprints, if a fake, were the
cleverest thing of the kind he had seen.
Thirdly, it was difficult to point to any object
in committing the crimes. The only possible motive
could be blood-lust, and if he were any judge of
character, neither the Master of Storton nor the
Hindoo were criminals of that type.
Fourthly, Miss AUetson's evidence, if a fact,
pointed to something very grave indeed. Either
the Master of Storton was a new type of criminal,
or else — ^what ?
Mr. Canning shook his head, it was beyond his
understanding at present. Still, that last item
constituted the only real evidence against Mr.
Brentwood. This he had intimated to Mr.
Shepperton, who did not seem over-pleased at
the conclusion; but then, the detective had
seen pretty plainly from the beginning that
that gentleman was suffering from bias, no doubt
caused by the shock he had received. They
could have as many suspicions as they pleased;
the only thing that would trouble Mr. Canning was
Just before he reached the Vicarage, he was
passed by a motor-brougham, which slowed up at
the gate, and he at once concluded that the driver
was Mr. Brentwood. In this he was correct, and
a few minutes later he was being introduced to him
by the Vicar.
The detective's keen trained glance took in every
detail of the other man's visible characteristics
while he wished him good evening, and he satisfied
his first impression, that the Master of Storton was
not of the criminal type so far as he knew; but,
like his Eastern servant, had a strong personality,
and would be a very difficult man with whom to
have trouble, being a type that would fight to the
What, however, mystified the detective more than
anything else was, that he could not help being
drawn to the man, in the same way that he had felt
drawn to the Hindoo !
It was a very solemn and quiet party 'that
drove off a few minutes later. Constance and
Elsie, with the Vicar and Shepperton, occupied the
brougham, while the detective sat beside Brentwood
in front.
The latter drove in silence, his attention being
taken up with his work, and the detective, feeling
retrospective, did not disturb him. It was not
until negotiating a sharp bend in the road that the
Master of Storton spoke :
" That is a nasty turn," he remarked quietly.
" Yes, it seems rather sharp," repUed the other.
The ice being broken, Mr. Canning took what
seemed Hke a plunge :
" Do you hope for a successful result to-night ? "
Brentwood smiled a little at the bluntness of the
question, as he replied :
" If what we surmise is correct, that the trouble
is purely one of the mind, and is not in any way
caused by physical disorder, I have not much doubt
about the issue."
" And if there were any physical cause ? "
" Oh, that would be quite another matter. The
experiment in that case would be useless."
Further conversation was not possible, for by
now they had reached the Manor, but as the car
stopped, the Master of Storton said :
" I shall probably have something to say before
the experiment takes place, which will no doubt
be of particular interest to you all."
The Tower study, which Agar Halfi had decided
should be the scene of his operations, was a revela-
tion to Shepperton and Canning, when about five
minutes later the party was conducted there, and
the Vicar was busy answering questions which they
put to him concerning it, for quite a time.
As fcfr Constance, as soon as she put her foot in
the room she experienced a feeling of dread, and
almost put forth both her hands, as if to ward some-
thing off. A slight giddiness overcame her, and
try as she would to shake it off, the idea dominated
her mind that the influence of some other presence
pervaded the room, silent, mysterious, evil.
She struggled bravely with herself, and as the
thought came into her mind of her responsibihty
to Elsie, who was practically in her charge, she
by an effort partly overcame her forebodings, and
stepped firmly into the study.
The east window was open, and, with a feeling
of relief, she quietly went to it and looked out, in-
haling the fresh night air with satisfaction. She
tried to compose herself, repeating in her mind how
silly it was to be upset by her imagination, but her
limbs trembled beneath her, and gladly would she
have fled, but for her sense of duty.
She gazed abstractedly at the rising moon, now
appearing over the hills, and noticed that it was
tinged red, with the last rays of the setting sun.
It fascinated her fancy, and for a time her thoughts
wandered dreamily. All at once it occurred to her
that the apparent blood-redness of the moon was
an ominous sign. Was there going to be a tragedy
at the experiment to-night ? She instinctively
clasped her hands together, then the moon ap-
peared to sway to and fro; she mechanically
grasped the casement, and by a supreme effort of
will, saved herself from fainting.
How long she stood gaining control over her
physical organism she did not know, but a gentle
pressure on her arm caused her to start slightly.
Turning, she looked into the serious but kind face
of her brother, who said in a low tone :
" My dear Constance, are you all right ? They
may think you are neglecting Elsie ! "
" I'm so sorry, Phihp, I've been dreaming," she
answered with a faint smile, and then she at once
went over to Miss Hobson.
The study had been carefully arranged for the
occasion, and even AUetson, who knew it well,
was surprised. The north wall, which he always
remembered as being covered with a great hanging
curtain, had disappeared, and he realised that
the study did not occupy the whole space of the
Tower. There was a further room on the north side,
which evidently was only divided from it by a
folding wooden partition, which the curtain usually
screened. This had been thrown open, revealing
the other room, the floor of which was raised about
a foot above the level of the other. The curtain
had been transferred to the further side, and the
place gave the appearance of a great room, with a
raised platform at one end.
Across the centre of the study was a long low
table, and on the opposite side of it to the platform
were placed several chairs, evidently for the on-
lookers. On the platform itself, placed across the
front eastern corner, was a long low couch like an
ottoman, except that the head was only raised
about a foot above the body of it. Fitted against
it was a cylindrical-shaped cushion. On either
side was a brazier, supported on a metal stand of
curious Eastern workmanship. In the centre of
the platform, near the edge, stood a small marble-
topped table, which had on it a large flask and
a wine-glass. A thick Indian carpet covered the
floor, and the electric light from the brackets on
either wall, east and west, was subdued by violet
Shepperton smiled a little sarcastically as he
noted the arrangements, and remarked to the
detective in a low voice :
" A very pretty show, eh ? "
Canning nodded, and repHed a Httle curtly :
" If the result is as good as the show, Mr. Shep-
perton, you will not have cause to complain."
A stubborn expression came into the young
solicitor's eyes, and gripping the other's arm, he
whispered :
" If I see anything that is not absolutely straight,
I shall not hesitate to shoot ! "
The detective, beyond slightly shrugging his
shoulders, did not reply to this remark, but inci-
dentally he happened to be always on the side of
Shepperton where he knew that gentleman was
carrying a revolver, and when they sat down
for the experiment, he had not altered that
During the short silence which followed, the
attention of all was attracted by the entrance of
their host, followed by Agar Halfi. They looked
in surprise at the Hindoo. He was dressed Orient-
ally— a large white muslin turban adorned his head,
and a long flowing robe of the same colour and
material almost reached his feet. His natural
dignity seemed to be increased by his native dress,
and indeed for a moment it seemed as if he might
have been some Eastern potentate being received in
a strange court, so noble did he look. But he him-
self at once dispelled the thought, by the natural
ease with which he conducted himself.
Accompanied by the Master of Storton, he as-
cended the platform, and stood with folded arms
between the couch and the table in the centre.
Brentwood went to the other side, and in his
cold measured way addressed the others who were
sitting in the study :
" To-night I feel it incumbent upon me to intro-
duce to you my friend and companion, Mr. Agar
Halfi, in a new light. Hitherto you have known
him simply as a servant of my household. That in
a sense is true, but the position is one of his own
making, and his reasons for it I do not consider
it necessary to discuss. Suffice it that in his own
country Mr. Agar Halfi is a doctor of medicine ■
more, he is a master of the occult. I mention these
facts, in order to settle any uneasiness that might
have been felt with regard to his ability to deal
with Miss Hobson's case.
Mr. Agar Halfi has been my close friend for many
years, and I have absolute trust in his honour and
integrity. If it is at all possible to restore to Miss
Hobson her memory, he will, I am certain, be able
to accomplish it. The worth of my words will, I
trust, be proved later on this evening.
Now on that point I would like to say a word or
two before Mr. Agar Halfi proceeds to experiment.
Miss Hobson's disorder is understood, and rightly
so, to be a case of lost memory. Such a thing could
arise from three causes : firstly, by a physical injury
to the brain ; secondly, by a shock to the nervous
system ; and thirdly, by a psychic obsession of the
mind. The latter cause I can best explain by
mentioning that little understood state of what is
called trance. No doubt all of you have heard of
people being thrown into such a condition — some-
times for weeks and weeks — which has baffled all
medical skill. In most cases, the entranced persons
have been found to be perfectly healthy physi-
cally, have taken food regularly, and have eventu-
ally regained normal consciousness, apparently little
the worse for their strange experience. The law
which governs this phenomenon is little understood
in Western civilisation, except in so far as it relates
to hypnotism, but in the East it is not only under-
stood, but can be produced at will. In Miss Hobson's
case, we have the testimony of Dr. Trestlewood
that she is in ordinary physical health, and that
there is no external injury to the brain.
It is evident that she first suffered a shock to
the nervous system, followed almost immediately by
a state of trance, similar to that into which I was
cast when in Afghanistan, the difference between
the two incidents being, that I recovered normal
consciousness, whereas Miss Hobson has not. In
other words, the obsessio^ in her case has not left
her, in my case it did
Here he faltered, and a bewildered look came over
his handsome face, as though some unknown pre-
sence had given him the lie direct ; but recovering
himsdl almost immediately, he concluded :
" Mr. Agar Halfi will now attempt to remove that
obsession by a method known only in the East, and
there by but a few. Please keep as quiet as possible ;
it is essential that no disturbing element should
irritate the psychic conditions of the room during
the experiment."
Having thus spoken, Brentwood asked Constance
if she would take Elsie to Mr. Agar Halfi, and then
sat down.
With a word of encouragement, Constance clasped
Elsie by the hand, and escorted her to the couch on
the platform. As soon as she had seen her com-
fortably seated, she turned to the Hindoo and
whispered :
" Did you notice Mr. Brentwood falter when
speaking ? "
" Yes, and I feel that a crisis is at hand. But
compose yourself. Miss Alletson, and remember the
advice given to you in your dream. I will guard
you ! "
As he spoke, he looked steadily into her eyes, and
Constance felt new strength enter her soul.
" Thank you," she answered simply, " I will
remember," and then she quietly returned to her
The Hindoo silently switched off all the Hghts in
the study, leaving only the shaded ones on the plat-
form undisturbed. Then striking a match, he applied
it to each brazier, on either side of the couch. Sud-
denly a thin straight column of green smoke began
to ascend from the one on the east side, shortly
followed by a column of red smoke from the other,
filling the air with a faint aromatic perfume.
Quietly turning to the table in the centre, Agar
Halfi opened the flask which was upon it, and poured
some of its contents into a wine-glass. This he
proffered to Miss Hobson, asking her in a gentle
voice to drink it. She took it mechanically, put it
to her lips, and tasted it. Evidently it was to her
liking, for she immediately drank it up.
Taking the glass from her fingers, the Hindoo
returned it to the table ; then going back to the
couch, stood silently looking at his patient. Sud-
denly she rose quickly, and extending her arms
toward him, gave a Httle cry of pleasure, but in-
stantaneously, almost before the cry had escaped her
lips, her expression altered, the colour fled from her
face, and with a sigh she fell back on the couch • her
head dropped forward, her limbs relaxed, her hands
appeared listless, and it was apparent that she had
lost consciousness.
Very gently the Hindoo placed her full length
on the couch, her head resting on the cushion at
its head, and she seemed to be just in a peaceful
sleep. He looked at her intently; gradually the
colour left her lips, then her cheeks, the regular
heave of her bosom became slower and slower, until
it apparently ceased ; her features grew set, like wax,
and at last she was to all appearances, dead I
Unnerved, Shepperton drew in a sharp breath,
and would have started up from his chair, had not a
grip on his arm, which hurt, held him down, while
the low clear voice of the detective whispered quickly
in his ear :
" Silence, man ; would you kill her ? "
Satisfied, Agar Halfi stepped back, and stood with
folded arms staring rigidly just behind the head of
the couch, which, owing to the position of the shades
on the hghts, was in deep shadow. All eyes followed
his gaze, and as they looked, a faint vaporous mist
appeared, as though drawn from the body of the
prostrate girl, and collecting just behind her head,
hung about two feet above the third brazier, flicker-
ing feebly with a dull grey light.
Apparently content, the experimenter turned his
attention to the other two vessels, from which were
now ascending two steady flames of red and green
fire. Lifting the brazier on his left from the stand,
he emptied its contents into the empty one at the
head of the couch, then did the same thing with the
other. Immediately there issued a dense white
mist, soon followed by a tall column of white fire,
which, glowing with a soft bright light, shot up into
the air, and seemed to completely devour the dull
mist suspended above it.
This continued for about a minute, then gradually
a change came over the scene. The fire, which had
completely left the brazier, now appeared to become
absorbed by the mist, which still hung over the
silver vessel, and was glowing brilliantly in the
surrounding shade.
With quick, deft hands, the Hindoo drew away
the brazier from under the mist, and silently going
to the foot of the couch, stretched forth his arms
over Elsie's still form, as though trying to reach
the fire at the other end of the couch with his finger-
tips. For fully five minutes he stood thus, while
the others looked on in wondering apprehension.
Gradually the bright light above Miss Hobson's head
began to stream down toward the Hindoo's hands,
and slowly he stepped back little by little, as though
drawing the fire with him, until it completely en-
veloped the whole of the couch. It remained like
this for some time, then it grew less, and less, until
it had entirely disappeared !
Not until the white fire had completely vanished,
did Agar Halfi move, then going to the left side of
the couch, he took the girl's Hstless hands in his own,
and stood gazing at her face with steady, flashing
eyes. This he continued to do for some minutes,
and at last a faint shade of colour tinged her cheeks ;
then gradually the rise and fall of her breast denoted
that she was breathing, and in a short time she
again appeared to be in an ordinary peaceful sleep.
Something like a sigh of relief went up from the
others, when they saw that the patient had assumed
a more life-like expression. Turning toward them,
Agar Halfi said calmly :
" I have finished. It now only remains for me
to awaken Miss Hobson, and then we shall know
whether or not the experiment has been successful.
It would be as well if Miss AUetson will come and sit
by her, so that when she regains consciousness she
may have somebody near whom she knows."
Constance looked at Arthur Shepperton hesitat-
" Yes, please go," he said.
With quick steps, she went and sat on the side
of the couch, and took the unconscious girl's hand
in her own. Agar Halfi went to the other side of
the couch, and looked steadily into Elsie's face for
about a minute ; then he turned to Constance, and
saying quickly :
" In ten seconds she will awaken," went and stood
by the curtain which hung on the north wall.
Elsie opened her eyes with a blank expression;
then feeling that someone had hold of her hand,
turned her head to look. For a moment she gazed
as though surprised, and during that brief space of
suspense, Constance's heart almost ceased to beat.
" Where am I, Miss Alletson ? "
As she spoke, Constance felt her heart jump, then
with an effort she controlled her feehngs, though
a look of joy came over her face.
" You have been very ill, Miss Hobson ; don't you
remember ? "
" Well, I have some idea about it, but where
am I ? "
" Do you feel all right ? "
" Oh yes." Saying which, she sat up and looked
around. The next moment she rose quickly, and
exclaiming, " Arthur ! " went over to her lover, who
had risen to meet her.
There was a lump in his throat, and his eyes were
wet, as he took her hand. In a voice strange with
emotion he said :
" Then you know me, Elsie ? "
" Know you ? Of course I do, dear," and she
looked at him, surprised. " But where are we,
Arthur ? I'm bewildered ; what has happened ? "
It was as much as he could do to answer co-
herently, so great was his joy. " We are at the
Manor, Elsie j you lost your memory, and it has
been restored to you. Come, let me introduce you
to the gentleman who has so successfully carried
through the experiment. Mr. Agar Halfi," he cried
warmly, "please come and be thanked by your
patient, and me, indeed by us all."
Thus addressed, the Hindoo advanced slowly
from where he was standing, and Constance formally
introduced him to Elsie Hobson, who, after looking
at him wonderingly, thanked him quietly.
"It is all so strange," she said, " I hardly know
what to make of it ! '
" That will soon be all right, Miss Hobson," re-
plied the Vicar kindly, " and now, let me introduce
you to Mr. Brentwood, our host. I don't think
you have met him before."
A strange silence fell on them all, as AUetson
spoke. Each felt that a critical moment had arrived,
and in particular, Constance had a sensation of
sickness, similar to that which sometimes fore-
warns one of danger. Would or would she not say,
" That man is the culprit ! "
"Mr. Brentwood, please."
The Master of Storton, who, since the time he
had sat down after speaking, had not moved from
his chair, rose when the Vicar called his name, and
advanced to them along the platform, while they
moved forward to meet him.
" I am very pleased to make your acquaintance,
Miss Hobson," he said courteously, " and doubly
pleased to know that you are now quite recovered."
He spoke quite collectedly, without any trace
whatever of conscious guilt, and certainly Canning
— ^whose eyes never left his face — ^was satisfied that
if the Master of Storton was not an innocent man,
he had never seen one before.
Elsie's face flushed with pleasure, as she returned
her thanks, and she smiled up into his face. But
as her eyes met his, the smile died. She took two
or three short, sharp breaths, a look of terror crossed
her face, and then, with a shriek, she turned and
fled blindly into the arms of the detective, who
was standing about two yards away.
" Save me 1 " she moaned. " Save me ! "
They all rushed to her, wonder-stricken j then their
attention was arrested by a cry of rage from Arthur
Shepperton, who was looking fixedly at the platform.
Following his eyes, they stood spellbound at what
they saw.
Standing with clenched hands, a look of intense
agony on his face, was the Master of Storton, par-
tially enveloped in a green mist, while his eyes
scintillated with a fierce, cruel look. So great was
the change in his features, that it was almost im-
possible to recognise the usually calm, handsome
face, which looked diabolical, with the short dark
hair standing up on end.
Gradually the mist completely enveloped his
figure, and out of the vapourish folds, two awful
eyes began to glow, with a terrible, malignant gleam,
that has never been seen in human gaze. Instinc-
tively Canning, who knew at once that what he
now beheld was the same as the manifestation in
the priory, placed himself in front of the half -fainting
girl, who had rushed into his arms ; but beyond that
he could not stir, indeed a terrible silence filled the
room. So powerful was that hellish influence, that
all of them stood horror-stricken, unable to move.
Constance Alletson knew now what it was that
had upset her. That which she had seen in Mr.
Brentwood's eyes during the experiment at the
Manor was the evil now manifesting before them,
the mysterious horror which had killed Mr. Thornton,
and very nearly killed Elsie Hobson. She gazed in a
fascinated manner, she felt weirdly calm, and then
all at once she became aware that those dreadful
orbs were looking at her alone. She felt sick, and
a feeling of intense loathing passed through her.
Then something seemed to call, attract her ; what
it was she could not tell, but it appealed to some-
thing deep down in her nature, in a way which she
had never understood before. All she could realise
was that it was evil, and much as she knew she
hated it, she felt she was held by its power. She
moved forward one step, then another, and with
helpless horror, those other spectators of this
strange scene saw that she was slowly being drawn
toward the awful thing on the platform.
Nearer and nearer she drew, and it seemed as if
another tragedy was to be enacted, when all at once
the silence was broken by a deep growl, and there
emerged from underneath the long table fixed
across the room, right between the helpless woman
and the horror on the platform, Brentwood's dog,
Hector !
At first he stood looking, whimpering as with
terror, and he backed away right up against Con-
stance's dress, and stood shivering as with an ague.
Whether it was the touch of the woman, or what, it
is not possible to say ; anyhow, the dog's attitude
suddenly changed ; his hair bristled, his eyes flamed,
and with a deep bay he gave one mighty spring,
straight at those cruel, evil eyes.
There followed a horrible chuckling screech, which
ceased instantaneously, as though cut off by a sharp
human cry. Constance heard it, as one in a dream j
it sounded to her as if someone had been hurt.
Then all at once she became fully conscious. With
a sharp breath, she clutched her breast as she felt a
pain at her heart, just as if she had been stabbed,
only a thousand times more poignant . That voice she
knew, it was Mr. Brentwood's, and heedless of all
else, she started to run forward, but stumbled against
the raised floor, and fell. She was on her feet in a
moment, and as she rose she saw Agar Halfi leap on
to the platform. The next moment there was a
quick blinding glare, which lighted up the room,
followed by a crackhng sound ; the green mist
seemed to spread everywhere, then gradually the air
cleared, and Constance saw dimly the figure of the
Hindoo kneeling over the prostrate body of the
Master of Storton, who lay white and still, his neck
and left shoulder covered with blood, which slowly
dripped down on the carpet. Beside him crouched
the dog, shivering and whining, and Ucking his
master's hand, as though in grief at what he had
Instantly she was there, and as she approached
she heard Agar Halfi exclaim in a stricken voice :
" My master, my beloved friend, speak to me !
Oh ! I fear I have annihilated him also ! "
" No, not that ! " The Hindoo looked up me-
chanically, to meet Constance's eyes, filled with a
new fear, her face very pale and drawn. " Do not
say — ^he cannot be dead ! "
But no hope was to be read from the Hindoo's
stony countenance. Regardless who saw her, Con-
stance went down on her knees, and clasped the
limp fingers of the stricken man.
" Dead ! Dead ! " she moaned brokenly. What
did anything matter now that his hfe had gone ?
Too late she knew, murderer or anything else, that
she loved him, and in her newly created grief she
madly asked that she could die also.
The next moment she stared, wonder-stricken.
His eyes had opened, and he was looking at her in a
strange bewildered way.
" No, not yet," he said slowly, then fainted right
away. Agar Halfi gave an exclamation of joy, and
leaping to his feet said :
" He lives, and there is hope ! "
A firm grasp on her arm brought Constance to her
senses, and the next minute her brother raised her
from the ground.
" Come," he said in a hard voice. He felt keenly
what his sister had revealed to them all. " Come,
Constance, while we remove Mr. Brentwood to his
Very carefully they carried the unconscious man
to his bedroom beneath the study. There, the
Hindoo summoned Mrs. Breton, and after teUing
her not to inform the rest of the servants, explained
that the master had had a serious accident, and bid
her obtain water and bandages. It took but a few
minutes to fetch what was necessary, and having con-
signed Constance and Elsie — the latter having fairly
recovered from her last shock — to the housekeeper's
care. Agar Halfi, with the aid of the other men, cut
away Brentwood's upper garments and carefully
dressed the wounded shoulder, which he found to be a
severe fracture, caused by the dog's formidable jaws.
When he had almost finished, he stopped suddenly
and exclaimed in a low voice of surprise, " Look ! "
at the same time pointing to the unconscious man's
exposed throat.
They all drew nearer, wondering, then almost with
one voice they exclaimed :
" The scar ! " . . . It had turned blood-red !
It need hardly be said that the joy of Mrs. and Mr.
Hobson, at having their daughter restored to them,
was unbounded. At one time they had never ex-
pected to see her again, and their dehght at her
discovery had been almost dashed away when they
found that she did not recognise them. But now
all was well once more in their household.
As for Arthur Shepperton, he lost the careworn
appearance that had characterised him for the last
month, and again became the cheerful, energetic
young man that everybody had known, before the
shadow of tragedy had fallen upon him.
But one of the actors in this weird drama had not
any cause for joy. The day following that terrible
experience at Storton Manor, Constance Alletson
stood at the garden gate, gazing despondently before
her. Now that she had had time to think, she
realised with deep dismay what she had done.
Never in her wildest dreams had she thought a
time would come when she would expose to others
that which, at all costs, should have remained locked
in her soul's safe keeping. To have done that was
unfortunate enough ; but it was not her only fear ;
what if he had understood ? She hoped and prayed
that the Master of Storton had not divined her
secret, as she fully knew the others had done, and
the fact that he had been barely conscious at the
time brought some reUef to her tortured mind.
This, then, she reflected, was the secret of her
existence which in her dream the spirit of the priest
foretold should be revealed to her. This : that life,
which hitherto had been pleasant enough if not
exactly joyous, was now bereft of every vestige of
colour. Indeed, so hopeless did the outlook appear
that she almost despaired of being able to face it.
She suffered, as many others have done, the tor-
ture of hopeless affection, and understood only too
well the terrible truth of those world-known lines :
" Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all."
True, she had not lost in a strict sense, but to know
that her whole self was consumed in one other, and
that that other had never shown her a single favour,
worse, that he was looked upon and known as a cold,
selfish individual, was as good as to have lost.
Only too well she now realised the dominating
power of the eternal flame. Its awakening had
brought a crowd of dim recollections to her mind.
It was not new, this love, it had only slumbered
unconsciously in her heart since some long-forgotten
And it was no girl's fancy that possessed her, no
fleeting passion of the flesh. It was the all-powerful,
self-sacrificing love of a mature woman, who knew
her own heart well enough to understand that it
meant everything, her very life.
Oh, the agonising sweetness of it all ! Despair-
ingly she realised that either she must live the rest
of her life with that one man, or else — ah, go right
away, and mercilessly crush down her nature ; she
would have to take the veil. No, there was another
alternative — she could die ! She shuddered as she
thought of it. She felt conscious that she had no
right to take her own life ; and yet, she reflected,
why not ? If life were to become a pain, could she
be expected to endure it ?
With a sigh, she turned, and walking slowly into
the house, threw herself on to a couch. Burying her
face in her arms, she tried to forget, and worn out
with many an hour's weary vigil, she fell into a
restful sleep. Sleeping, she dreamed that a pair of
cold brown eyes looked into her own, searching her
very soul ; and looking, they changed, gradually
growing warm, then tender. As she gazed into their
mysterious depths, she seemed to read the secret of
the soul behind them. Surely eternal love shone
there ? Her own spirit responded to the call, and
she was aware of an ecstasy such as she had never
known before.
Before leaving the Manor on the night of the ex-
periment, Mr. AUetson had arranged that they
should all meet at the Vicarage the following
Monday, to further discuss the position of affairs.
To this meeting Constance had looked forward
with a certain amount of dread. She did not wish
to meet anyone ; naturally she shrank from coming
in contact with people who understood the position
in which she was placed. But she was not a weak-
ling, and, somewhat to her brother's surprise, she
had decided to be present ; indeed, she had resolved
to face the matter out to the bitter end.
To her relief, Philip had not so much as spoken a
word upon the subject of her distress. On the other
hand she was conscious of his deep sympathy, and
though she hardly realised it at the time, she knew
later that she would probably have sunk under the
weight of her despair, but for her brother's un-
spoken support.
It was a very serious and solemn party that
gathered at the Vicarage on the Monday afternoon.
The Vicar sat at the head of the table ; on his right
hand, was the Hindoo mystic; on his left the de-
tective ; while further down on either side sat Miss
Hobson and Arthur Shepperton, Constance faced
her brother at the foot of the table.
When they were all seated, Mr. AUetson said :
" As you all know, we are gathered here this
afternoon to see if we can in some satisfactory way
clear up this mystery. To that end, I am going to
express the wish that everyone will be quite frank in
what they say, and withhold nothing that they know,
so that the whole position up to the present may be
made clear to us all. Unless you wish to adopt
some other form of procedure, I propose first of all
to ask Mr, Agar Halfi to state what he knows about
this evil thing."
When he was in deadly earnest, the Vicar had a
certain impressive way of speaking, and the nod
of approval which Shepperton gave, caused a glint
of amusement to enter the detective's eyes. The
day after the scene at Storton Manor, it had taken
him fully three hours to prevent his client from
having Brentwood arrested, and even when they
sat down to the table for this meeting, Canning
had not been sure what attitude Shepperton would
There was no dissension to AUetson's proposal,
so the Hindoo began :
"-I am going to plainly state all that I know con-
cerning this mystery which has caused us all so
much trouble. When I have done, I trust it will
in some way prove that my friend Mr. Brentwood,
instead of being the guilty party in this unfortunate
tragedy, has been a more unfortunate victim of it
than anyone present.
Mr. Brentwood and I first came in contact with it
in this manner : Some five years ago, when acting as
his lieutenant, while he was travelling in Eastern
countries collecting facts in support of certain theories
he had in connection with psychic phenomena,
after a successful expedition, we encountered this
mysterious thing, in Afghanistan, just before crossing
the Persian border, on the way to England. What
happened there you already know, and the proofs of
it are in Mr. Brentwood's official diary, which is on
the table, and which, I understand from Mr. AUetson,
you have all examined. To all intents and purposes,
with the exception of the white scar on his throat,
the Master of Storton, after lying in a trance for
nearly six weeks, suddenly recovered. Shortly
after that, he came and settled down here.
For about twelve months nothing out of the
ordinary happened, then, quite without warning, he
had a queer experience one morning at dawn. He
related it to me sometime after breakfast on the
same day. He told me that he woke up all at once,
wide awake, as if from sleep ; but when trying to
switch on the electric hght by his bed, he discovered
it was not there, in fact, that there was not a bed.
Then he felt a floating sensation, next one of
compression, and finally he found himself in his
night attire, staring out of the east window of his
Subsequently he suffered these strange experi-
ences at different intervals. We were of course
interested, but could make nothing of them, try
as we would. We never dreamed that they could
have any connection with the Afghan manifestation.
One day, following one of these episodes, came
the startling news of the disappearance of Mr.
Thornton, followed a fortnight later by that of
Miss Hobson. Next, Mr. AUetson had an imcomfort-
able experience at the priory. He approached Mr.
Brentwood over the matter, after giving it serious
consideration, and they decided to privately in-
vestigate the matter.
The first item of importance occurred when, in
an attempt to obtain a clue by means of a psychic
experiment carried out at the Manor, Miss AUetson
— ^the medium of that experiment — ^received a
most disconcerting shock. In her own words, she
suffered the mental horror of being attacked by
some influence which without doubt appeared to
be part of, or in some way connected with, the
Master of Storton. I believe you are all acquainted
with the details of what Miss AUetson went through.
Mr. Brentwood, the operator at that experiment,
was fully cognisant of what occurred, and subse-
quently he came to consult me about it. In order
to test the thing, he hypnotised the dog Hector,
with the result that the animal showed the same
symptoms as Miss Alletson, indeed, just when the
hypnotic sleep was manifest, the dog broke from
its master's control, and it was only by acute
presence of mind that Mr. Brentwood prevented
the animal from attacking him.
Mr. Brentwood next experimented on me, but
I did not exhibit any unusual sensations, which
I put down to the fact that I was, and am now,
impervious to the evil, owing to the control I have
over a certain force, which — curiously enough —
the Master of Storton and I discovered almost at
the same time. After that, I hypnotised the dog
quite successfully.
Not many days later, Mr. Shepperton found Miss
Hobson's glove in the ruins, and, with the aid
of Hector, an unsuccessful attempt was made to
trace her thereby. But something else happened
during that attempt — in a vault in the ruins, the
body of Mr. Thornton was discovered, with a wound
on his throat which corresponded exactly to Mr.
Brentwood's scar, while beside the body were
footprints similar to those which I photographed
in Afghanistan, after the terrible experience through
which Mr. Brentwood and I passed.
What we learned from that discovery set me
thinking. I knew now that the evil which had
killed Mr. Thornton was the same as that which
attacked Mr. Brentwood in Afghanistan. Further,
I found that there was a similarity between the
sensations Mr. Alletson suffered when he had his
strange experience, and those which Miss Alletson
had when acting as the medium of the experiment
at Storton Manor. It did not take me long to
reason from this, that Mr. Brentwood was either
directly or indirectly concerned. That he was
directly involved, I never for one moment believed.
This conclusion I formed immediately, upon my
personal knowledge of him. But I was quite satis-
fied that he was indirectly concerned, so I decided
to watch him closely.
The next step in this strange drama was an ex-
perience I myself had at the priory, in conjunction
with a stranger who happened to be there at the
same time.
There was a manifestation at dusk, in the form
of a green^mist, which seemed to evolve into human
shape. Shortly after, there was a dreadful cry,
similar to that which you all heard the other night
at the Manor, followed by the appearance of those
cruel eyes.
When I got back to Storton Manor I was
suspicious, and went in search of Mr. Brentwood.
Mrs. Breton, the housekeeper, said he had gone out,
and had left word that he would not be back until
late. Now I have the Master of Storton's full con-
fidence, so taking duplicate keys, I went to his
bedroom at midnight. The bed was empty, but
it showed signs of having been used, consequently
I could only surmise that he had gone out. After
carefully searching the study, I took the precaution
to bolt up every entrance into the house, with the
exception of the private way — only used by him
and myself — and by which I knew he would most
probably return. Across this entrance I carefully
tacked a piece of black thread, so that if the door
were opened the thread would most certainly be
snapped. Then I went back to my own place.
About dawn the next morning I was awakened
by a fierce growl from the dog Hector, who was
staring fixedly at the window, apparently at nothing.
I went out to look round, and was at once attracted
by a portion of the morning mist, which had a faint
green tinge. Instantly interested by the colour,
I followed it, and to my surprise it went through
the open east window of the tower study. In a
few minutes it had cleared away, and then I saw
the figure of Mr. Brentwood standing in his night
attire, exactly in the attitude he had described to
me so often, when he suffered his strange experienced.
I immediately went to the private door, and
found the thread intact. This proved to me that
Mr. Brentwood had not entered the house since he
went out about six-thirty the previous evening.
But judge of my surprise, when I found that he was
not only in the house, but asleep, in bed !
I knew then, that in some way, he was obsessed
by this strange evil, but exactly how, it was difficult
to say. As I expected, he came that morning after
breakfast and told me that he had had another
strange experience. I did not say much then — I
had determined to follow out my own lifie of action,
independent of everyone.
After this, there came the surprising discovery
of Miss Hobson. When we heard that she had lost
her memory, Mr. Brentwood at once offered to try
and restore it. That he could have done so I have
no doubt, and it helped to prove to me that he was
unconscious of his obsession. It would be very
unlikely that a criminal would dare to offer to re-
store one of his victims, knowing that if he succeeded
his victim might recognise and denounce him. But
there were difficulties in the way. These Mr.
Alletson explained to him, so eventually it was
agreed that I should make the attempt. What
happened at the experiment you all know, and I
don't think it requires any other proof to satisfy
any one of us that Mr. Brentwood has been, and
I beheve is now, obsessed by one of the strangest
evils that has ever been' known in modern times."
The Hindoo paused, then went on slowly :
" There is only one incident in the whole matter
with which I am not conversant ; I refer to Miss
Hobson's experience. Perhaps she will relate to us
exactly what took place ? "
Elsie blushed as all eyes turned to her, and looked
questioningly at her lover. Arthur Shepperton
nodded encouragingly, so she began, nervously at
first, but gaining confidence as she proceeded :
" It all happened so suddenly, that I have not
much to say. I had been on a visit to my aunt's at
Melton Storton ; and when returning home at dusk,
I stopped just to have a look at the priory ruins in
the sunset. Nobody was about, and I think I must
have stayed about five minutes. As I turned to go,
my attention was arrested by an awful cry which
came from the direction of the priory. It so horri-
fied me that I could not move, and I felt sick and
cold. I must have stood like that for some time,
and then again that call came to me. I listened as
one hypnotised, and how it happened I do not
know ; but I began to walk towards the ruins, as
though compelled to do so. I went up the drive,
through the doorway in the wall. As I approached
the ruined chapel, I came to a dead halt, and my
heart gave a great leap. Those terrible eyes, which
we all saw at the Manor, were looking at me. They
drew nearer and nearer, while I stood as though petri-
fied^ As they approached, I thought I saw a great big
bird behind them ; but really I was so terrified that
I could not take particular notice. I gave a wild
shriek, and my hand went to my heart ; in doing so,
it clutched the gold cross that I always wear.
I remembered nothing more until I was lying on
the couch in the room at the Manor, with Miss
AUetson sitting beside me. All that remains for me
to say is, that when Mr. Brentwood came to con-
gratulate me on my recovery, the moment I looked
into his eyes, I experienced the same dreadful feeling
that upset me at the priory. I instinctively felt
that there was some terrible evil at the back of the
Master of Storton's mind. That is what made me
There was a long silence after Elsie had spoken,
which was eventually broken by the Vicar saying
quietly :
" Mr. Agar Halfi has put the facts of the case
before us so clearly and so frankly, that I think we
owe him our thanks for the trouble he has taken.
I say this, because I feel that the evidence before us
is sufficient to prove that Mr. Brentwood is a victim,
and not the cause of the evil. What do you think,
Mr. Shepperton ? "
Thus addressed, the young solicitor shook his
head, with a queer sort of smile, then said :
" I do not feel in a very comfortable position.
To be quite plain, I feel small, and mean ! "
They all looked at him with some surprise, ex-
cepting Agar Halfi, who seemed to understand.
" Here am I," he continued, " in the happy
position of having had restored to me the lady who
is to be my wife, through the efforts of friends who
have unselfishly worked on my behalf ; and two of
them I have actually suspected of being the per-
petrators of the crime. That I have had cause to
suspect them may be the case ; but after what Mr.
Agar Halfi has done, and after what I have heard
to-day, I can only hope that he and Mr. Brentwood
will not bear any ill-feeling toward me for the posi-
tion I took up."
The Hindoo's reply was quick and generous :
" On that point, Mr. Shepperton, you may take it
that neither Mr. Brentwood nor I have any ill-feeling
toward you; we both understand the position. You
and Miss AUetson had cause to suspect us, and in-
deed at one time I myself very nearly suspected
the Master of Storton, so strong did the evidence
seem against him."
" I am indeed glad to know that," responded
Shepperton, " because both Miss Hobson and I
realise that but for you she would not be sitting here
to-day. And now there is one thing I must tell you,
Mr. Agar Halfi. Mr. Canning here is a private
detective, whom I called in to investigate. Almost
from the beginning, however, he has not agreed with
my idea of things. But enough; I will let him
speak for himself."
They all looked at the detective, who, rousing
himself from the sprawhng attitude he had natur-
ally slipped into, looked keenly at the Hindoo, and
said :
" Mr. Agar Halfi will no doubt be interested to
learn that I can confirm his remarks about his ex-
perience at the priory, as it happens that I was the
stranger he met there."
Agar Halfi looked at him closely, then slowly
shook his head. Canning smiled, then proceeded :
" Of course you would hardly recognise me, as I
was disguised. Let me now thank you for saving
my life ! You hardly gave me an opportunity to
do so at the time."
The Hindoo looked surprised and confused, while
the rest of the company, who knew the details of
the detective's experience, enjoyed the situation.
At length he remarked :
" Then you do not think that it was trickery ? "
" I did not at the time," replied the detective,
" but I wanted to test it as far as I possibly could,
though in doing so I ran a very grave risk, as I
realised afterward, when you had gone. That will
explain the attitude I took up in the ruins. Almost
from the first I have felt that the case was not a
commonplace one, and that it was outside the sphere
of the ordinary detective. In any case, I have not
seen any real reason to suspect the Master of Stor-
ton as being the criminal. Indeed the only bit of
evidence worth consideration has been that of Miss
All eyes instinctively turned to Constance, who all
through the meeting had not spoken a word.
" May I ask. Miss AUetson, what your opinion is
now, regarding what you experienced ? " asked
Constance, whose cheek was resting on her hand,
raised her head as she rephed :
" Simply that I hold the same view, except that
I now know Mr. Brentwood is innocent, and was
innocent of the obsession under which he is suffering.
I have no doubt about what I suffered at that ex-
periment," she concluded, with a slight smile.
" What about the future, Mr. Agar Halfi ? "asked
the Vicar.
" I can only wait and watch developments, until
Mr. Brentwood is sufficiently recovered to enable
him to deal with things. So far, he is progressing as
satisfactorily as can be expected — I should say that
he will be convalescent in twelve to fourteen days."
The meeting now practically broke up, though for
some time afterwards they sat talking over various
matters. At last, however, Agar Halfi said that he
must get back to the Manor to see how Mr. Brent-
wood was ; he already felt he had left him too long.
He had come over in the car, and as he stepped
into it, he picked up an envelope lying on the seat,-
addressed to himself in an unknown handwriting.
He glanced at it casually, then put if in his pocket.
Not until he had seen the Master of Storton, and
satisfied himself that all was right, did he think
of the strange note. Taking it out of his pocket,
he opened the envelope, and discovered a half sheet
of note-paper. Upon it, in a woman's handwriting,
were the words :
" Watch, and do not sleep, for the end is near."
Agar Halfi stood with grave eyes, watching the
motionless form of the Master of Storton. The
fever caused by the wound in his shoulder had
abated, but the condition of the patient this morning
gave the Hindoo cause for deep concern.
The previous evening Brentwood had been toss-
ing restlessly on his bed, now he was in a deep
swoon. In the ordinary course of things, after the
fever had died down, Agar Halfi knew that his
patient should have regained consciousness.
This strange turn in the sickness perplexed him,
and the fear rose in his mind that the Master of
Storton was passing through yet another phase
of this weird mystery. The scar on his throat still
retained the bright colour it had assumed on the
evening when he was injured, and this in itself was
sufficient to cause Agar Halfi to judge that they
were not yet clear of this evil influence.
When he used his power to attack that unnatural
manifestation in the study, he not only felt that he
had annihilated it entirely, but that he had also
killed his beloved friend. But now he was forced
to conclude that he had done neither.
All day long he scarcely left the bedside, watching
ever anxiously for signs of returning consciousness ;
but none came, and toward evening the patient's
condition developed into trance. The Hindoo
examined him closely as he noticed the change,
and a look of intelligent surprise passed over his
countenance. There was not much doubt that this
trance was similar to the one which Brentwood had
suffered in Afghanistan.
For a space, he stood thinking, then he rang for
Mrs. Breton. When she appeared, Agar Halfi held
up a warning hand, and her eyes instinctively sought
the unconscious form of her master. She started
slightly, and turned to Agar Halfi with questioning
" Comphcations have set in, Mrs. Breton, and the
master must not be left alone at present. Will you
please wire to Westsea at once for two trained nurses,
and tell Wilhams to get the car ready ? I want him
to take a letter."
" Surely I can nurse him, in fact I would much
prefer to do so."
" Quite so," replied the Hindoo, "but you have
more than you can do at present, Mrs. Breton, and
you cannot stay with him day and night."
The reasonableness of this was evident, and she
inchned her head reluctantly. Then she asked in
a concerned voice :
" Is there any danger ? "
Agar Halfi shook his head. " I don't know at
present : all I can say is that Mr. Brentwood has
passed into a strange trance."
She breathed quickly, and looked at the Hindoo
ciitically. It was a serious matter to her, for the
Master of Storton was a good employer, well hked
by all who were in his service. Still, she had con-
fidence in this strange man, and beyond attending
to the master in a medical capacity, he had not
interfered with her in any way.
" You were up all last night and have hardly left
the bedside during the day ; when are you going
to rest ? "
" Send for the nurses, Mrs. Breton, and then I
will take a respite."
When she had left the room, Agar Halfi went up
into the study, and taking pen and paper wrote
the following letter:
"Storton Manor, Storton.
" Madame, — ^The Master of Storton, after being ill
from an accident, has fallen into a strange trance,
which I believe is similar to the one which Miss
Hobson suffered, when in your hospitable hands.
" If it is the same, I must take immediate action,
for there is grave danger ; but before doing so, I
should like to have confirmatory evidence to that
" I cannot leave Mr. Brentwood at present ; would
you therefore consent to come over in the car, and
give me your opinion as to whether the two cases
are identical ?
" I humbly apologise for the hberty I take in asking
this, but the life of the Master of Storton is in the
balance. — Yours respectfully. Agar Halfi."
Carefully sealing it in an envelope, he addressed
it to Madame Heloise Limonaire, The Chalet,
Storton. That done, he went in search of Williams,
and was satisfied to find him ready, waiting with
the car.
" I want you to take this letter to the Chalet as
quickly as you can. Wait for an answer, and pro-
bably you will bring back a passenger."
Williams — a solid west-country youth of about
twenty — said " Right ! " and started the engine. He
had been brought up as under-chauffeur, and knew
his business.
" You should be back in half an hour."
Williams said " Right ! " once more, and drove off.
Agar Halfi returned at once to the sick-room, and
telling Mrs. Breton that he would stay with Mr.
Brentwood until the nurses came, composed himself
to await the return of Williams. As he sat in the
silence, his eyes, heavy with sleep, began to close,
and almost against his will he dozed. When he
awoke, it was with an acute feeling that something
out of the ordinary was going to happen. It
must be the after-effects of a dream, he thought ;
people usually dream when they doze ; yet he
could not remember having dreamed anything.
However, the matter passed from his mind, for just
then Mrs. Breton entered the room to inform him
that Madame Limonaire was in the library.
Rising, he went downstairs to meet her. Heloise
Limonaire was standing by the fireplace, looking out
of the window. She turned as he entered the room,
and they looked at each other. Then there hap-
pened one of those mysterious, inexplicable episodes
which have baffled all man's science and all man's
reason, ever since the beginning of time.
So far as they knew, neither of these two people
had ever seen the other, and yet no sooner did their
eyes meet, than it seemed as if some long-forgotten
memory were awakened. The woman started
visibly, and suppressed a low cry of wonder. The man
came to a sudden halt, and drew in a deep breath-
Perhaps for half a minute they stood, then
Heloise Limonaire involuntarily put her hand to her
throat, as if to protect it, while Agar Halfi turned
colour under his dark skin, and his great frame
trembled, as though with nervous shock. Neither
spoke nor moved, and it seemed as if they were
silently trying to understand what the mysterious
unknown something was, that each held for the
At length the Abbess' hand slowly fell again to
her side, and her lips moved.
" You ? " she said absently.
" Yes, it is I ! " the man answered mechanically,
as though without control over what he said, while
his dark eyes never left her deep spiritual face,
which commanded him with an unknown power.
With an effort, she turned her gaze to the window,
and the Hindoo found himself looking at her beauti-
ful face in profile. Then, the magic of her eyes no
longer holding him, he recovered his normal self-
With a low bow he said :
" Madame Limonaire, I am Agar Halfi, the body
servant of the Master of Storton."
" Yes, monsieur; you wish to see me respecting
Mr. Brentwood, I understand."
The sound of her voice affected him in a strange
manner. It was as if some long-dormant chord deep
down in his inner self had been delicately struck, and
vibrating in sympathetic response to the touch, had
caUed back out of the dust of the past a memory of
mingled ecstasy and suffering.
So sweet, so gentle her tone, yet so dignified and
expressive of strength her manner, that Agar HaLfi
for a moment wondered whether or not he was talk-
ing to a mortal woman.
" True, madame ; my beloved master is in danger,
and beUeve me, I deeply thank you for troubhng to
When he first wrote the letter, he meant to ques-
tion the lady concerning Elsie Hobson's trance,
but now he altered his mind.
" I think the best thing would be for you to come
and see Mr. Brentwood, and then tell me what you
Just a second she hesitated, and then, with a
graceful inclination of her head, she replied :
" Yes, monsieur, I will see him."
Agar Halfi conducted her to Mr. Brentwood's
room, and after introducing her to Mrs. Breton, he
escorted her to the side of the unconscious man's
couch. The Abbess looked at him meditatively,
while the Hindoo watched her curiously. Then
without a word she silently pointed to the jagged
scar on the Master of Storton's throat. Agar
Halfi's curiosity increased, but he did not show it by
look or gesture ; and it was not until Mrs. Breton,
in reply to a knock at the door, asked to be excused,
saying the nurses had arrived, that he replied :
" Do you know what it is ? "
By way of answer, Heloise Limonaire looked
fully at him and made a secret sign. The Hindoo
uttered an exclamation of surprise and made a
corresponding one. It had not occurred to him that
a woman would be an initiate of the mystic arts.
She smiled a rare smile in acknowledgment and
again their eyes met. Once more that mysterious
spell enveloped them, but this time she seemed not
to be looking at him, but beyond.
Who was this woman, whose remarkable per-
sonality held him ? He watched her, fascinated,
then he felt he was in the grasp of an influence, the
strength of which made him feel as weak as water ;
so pure, so soft, so absorbing, yet a master power.
A strange trembling passed through his frame,
and subconsciously he became aware that words
were coming from his mouth, as though another in-
telhgence were using his physical organs.
" What is the meaning of this riddle. Sorceress ? "
As if expecting the question, she answered slowly :
" Here lies the King, Wizard of the Mountains,
under the evil spell which I in my wickedness
wrought in the distant past ! "
A slight perspiration broke out over his body as
she spoke. Dimly it came to his understauviing
that she was reading the riddle of his existence, and
so stupefied was he with wonder that he could not
have answered just then, had he wanted to.
Her marvellous eyes searched his countenance as
she continued :
"When are you going to accomphsh your task,
Wizard ? Not till then will the King recover ! "
Again the words seemed forced from his mouth :
" At the appointed time. Sorceress, will I slay."
She clasped her white hands on her breast, and
went on in her gentle, dreamy way :
" The hour draws neap ; at the New Moon must
you carry out the decree. Fail, and once more will
you traverse that endless plane of woe to which you
are at present bound, and each time the period in-
creases in length."
Agar Halli humbly bowed his head and there was
awe in his voice as he replied :
" Sorceress, you are higher than I ; tell me, how
many times have I failed ? "
"Twice have you failed at the critical juncture,
thrice have you traversed the earth plane."
" And you ? " he asked.
" I have conquered. I am but held here until you
have slain the evil which I created. Our destinies
are inseparably bound together. Wizard ; long have
I waited for you to win the way."
" And if I fail not this time ? "
" Then you will release us both from bondage,
and together shall we pass unto the higher spheres."
As she spoke, she suddenly stretched forth her
hands and there was a great appeal in her eyes.
Something hke a moan came from his lips as he
answered :
" I will not fail. Sorceress — ^yet — ^yet, I feel there
is only one way."
Her expression was one of mingled tenderness and
anguish, as she answered softly :
" Only one way, Wizard, and that is death ! "
" Death ! " he repeated mechanically, and then
with his hands to his brow he staggered back, over-
whelmed, cognisant that his end was near. The
veil had been torn, and in the great spiritual eyes
of the woman before him he saw his destiny.
" Courage," she whispered. " In death shall you
find life and love."
As though ashamed at the weakness he had
shown. Agar Halfi drew himself up, and folding his
arms across his chest said :
" Enough ! I shall not fail. I could not now that
I fully know aU."
" And yet remember, that twice before did you
fail when I appealed."
" Ah, Sorceress, but you know that I had not
heard your appeal. Tell me, why have I not known
at those other times ? "
" Tell me. Wizard, how it is that you know now ? "
she rephed.
But he shook his head.
She smiled as she continued :
" By the powers that you have fought with and
conquered, by the self-sacrifices you have had to
make to become a master in the mysterious arts.
This is the reward, Wizard, that you are allowed to
become self-conscious of your task ; but for that, I
could not have recognised you, nor you me."
He looked at her in wonderment ; what she said
was truth, and he marvelled at it all. Then he
slowly turned his head toward the unconscious man.
" And the King ? "
" The King will live ; his destiny at present is here,"
she answered quietly. " Yet, leave you a note
signed and sealed for him when he awakes, so that
he may come to me to know of this. And now I
must depart."
Mechanically Agar Halfi opened the door, and
she preceded him down the stairs. As they
reached the great main entrance, he turned to her
saying :
" And you, when shall we meet again ? "
" Soon," she sighed, " but not on the earth plane."
" Wherever I am I shall seek you," he whispered.
" And wherever I am I shall wait for you," she
" And now for a brief period, good-bye. Forty-
eight hours brings the New Moon ! "
Saying which, she went down the grey stone steps
to the motor car which Williams had in readiness.
" Take Madame Limonaire back to the Chalet,
Williams," he called in a clear voice.
The whirr of the engine fell on his ears, the car
started slowly, and he heard it roll off into the night.
Until the sound of the brougham had died away
he stood, and then a great passionate convulsion
gripped the man, and stretching out his arms he
uttered an inarticulate, deeply smothered cry. It
was the deathless call of one soul to another, which
just for a moment had seen behind the veil, and in
a flash had realised that now, and always, through
eternity, the unquenchable fire of love is the mys-
terious power that rules the universe, and through
it guides the destiny of every human soul.
Brentwood was almost certain he heard a famihar
voice saying to him, " Awake ! Awake ! " He
hstened intently, and slowly it occurred to him
that he must have been dreaming.
Opening his eyes, he gazed round, and received
a slight shock of surprise. The electric light was on,
and seated by a bright fire, was a nurse reading. He
looked at her wonderingly ; then his eyes turned to
the window, and he saw that the dawn was break-
ing, cold and grey.
Had he been ill ? He could not tell, though it
appeared very much like it from the look of the
room, and the presence of the nurse. He made as
if to move, when a sharp pain ran through his left
shoulder. It was as if the physical sensation caused
the natural functions of his body and mind to start
working, for in a flash his memory returned, and he
remembered all ; the experiment, the leap of the
dog, the pain caused by the crushing of his
shoulder. After that, nothing, until the strange
call of that voice he knew, and he found himself
Ah, he must have been delirious with the fever,
which would almost be sure to have set in. He
thought it over for a time, and at last the details of
things pieced themselves together, and he realised
" Nurse ! "
The book the Sister was reading almost fell from
her hands at the sound. Starting up quickly, she
went to the bedside, a look of surprised curiosity
on her face.
" Can I have some water ? "
She looked doubtful at first, then said :
" Yes, I think you may have a little."
He drank it with a relish, then inquired :
" How long have I been unconscious ? "
" Several days, sir," she replied.
" Several days ? " — He paused, then added :
" Where is Mr. Agar Haiti ? "
" He has not been in since ten o'clock last night.
I expect he will be here as usual, about eight this
Mr. Brentwood nodded.
" Could you drink some beef tea ? "
" I don't know, I'm sure," he answered uncer-
" Well, I will make some, anyway."
He watched her idly while she prepared it. He
was indifferent whether he had it or not ; but after
the first spoonful he felt hungry, and drank it
eagerly. The warmth it gave soothed him, and
in less than five minutes he had fallen into a dream-
less sleep.
WTien he awoke, it was past ten o'clock, and a
fresh nurse was in the room. It was not long before
her attentive eyes saw that he was not asleep, and
she came over to him immediately,
" Well, sir, do you feel better ? "
He smiled oddly as he replied :
" That I can hardly say. I certainly don't feel
ill ! " He paused, then added : " Where is Mr. Agar
Halfi ? "
She looked a trifle perplexed as she answered :
" He has not yet been in this morning. He
usually comes about eight o'clock."
" What time is it now ? "
" A quarter past ten."
" What is the matter, nurse ? "
She had stood still suddenly, and was looking at
him with wonder in her eyes.
" The scar, sir ; it has gone ! "
Brentwood instinctively put his hand to his throat,
then smiled slowly.
" Are you quite sure ? " he queried.
" Quite — ^there is not a trace of it visible. Let
me fetch a glass, then you can see for yourself."
The Master of Storton examined his neck very
carefully, then silently put the hand-mirror on the
counterpane. What the nurse had said was true ;
not a vestige of the scar remained.
" Nurse, I should like to see Mrs. Breton."
He had hardly spoken, when there was a hurried
knock at the door, and the housekeeper entered,
with a perturbed look on her face.
" Nurse," she exclaimed quickly, " is Mr. Brent-
wood— " She stopped abruptly, as her eyes met
those of her master.
" Good morning," he said tranquilly; then seeing
the troubled look on her face, he added, " What
is the matter, Mrs. Breton ? "
" Oh, sir, I'm so glad you are better. But I
cannot understand this — " here she held up her
hand, which contained a letter. " WiUiams gave
it to me just now, and said that Mr. Agar Halfi
handed it to him last night, with instructions to
dehver it to me after ten o'clock this morning."
She paused, breathing quickly.
" Go on," he said quietly.
" I will read it, sir :
" Dear Mrs. Breton, — I have instructed WilUams
to hand you this note after ten o'clock to-morrow
morning. Enclosed you will find a letter addressed
to Mr. Brentwood, which please hand to him. I
have no doubt that he will not only be conscious
by then, but practically all right in health.
"Agar Halfi."
Brentwood silently held out his hand for the
packet. Tearing it open, he read as follows :
" My beloved Friend, — Should you receive this
document before you see me, you will understand
that I have passed away from the physical plane
of existence ! But let not that disturb you ; it is
part of my destiny, as you will learn later on — my
time has come.
Know that when you received the wound in your
shoulder, the scar on your throat turned blood-red,
and when the fever which set in had abated, instead
of recovering consciousness you passed into a swoon
similar to that which you suffered in Afghanistan.
In order to make quite sure that your trance tallied
with Miss Hobson's, I immediately sent for Madame
Limonaire, with the object of getting her to confirm
the symptoms. But little did I reahse what would
be the result of my request. The question of the
trance became a secondary matter, when, on
Madame' s appearance, I at once learned that she
held the key to the evil which has been overshadow-
ing us for so long. I also learned that I was partly
the cause, that through me alone could it be allayed ;
and further, that there was only one way to accom-
phsh it. That course I have taken. When yoa
read this, look to the scar on your throat ; if it has
entirely disappeared, you will know that I have
succeeded, and you will be free from the evil which
has obsessed you ever since it attacked you in
Afghanistan, five years ago.
I request you to send without delay for the
Abbess — it is her command — who will explain all. ^
Seek you my body in my private room at the
Lodge, where I now go to prepare myself to over-
come the dread evil of the Legend of the Mountains.
In three hours, at the New Moon, I trust that in
death I shall be triumphant.
Until in the future we meet again, fare you well,
my best beloved friend. Agar Halfi."
As he mastered its contents, Brentwood's lips
shut in a hard hne, and his features assumed a
stony expression. The two women looked at him
with mingled wonder and awe; they instinctively
knew that something had happened, and for a time
there was an impressive silence. He broke it at
length, by saying in a cold, level voice :
" Mrs. Breton, I will dress at once. Please send
WiUiams to me."
So stem was his tone, that the housekeeper —
who, under ordinary circumstances, would have
remonstrated with him — without a word went to
do his bidding, and the nurse followed her out.
When they had gone, something like a sob issued
from his throat, and a look of intense grief came
over his face. In his weakened state, the shock of
being deprived of the one human being for whom
he had ever felt any real affection acted with double
force ; it almost prostrated him. He lay half-
helpless, in a dull sort of dream, until WiUiams
announced his presence by knocking at the door.
Rousing himself, Brentwood told the under-chauffeur
to come in.
It took a long while, but with Williams' aid he
at length got dressed, and finally was seated in a
big divan chair, by the fire.
Here, with difficulty, he wrote a short note to
Heloise Limonaire, and after sending for Mrs, Breton,
told Williams to go straight to the Chalet in the car,
and bring the Abbess back with him.
When he had gone, the Master of Storton turned
to his housekeeper, and said :
" Mrs. Breton, I must, I think, prepare you for
some bad news. I'm afraid something has happened
to Mr. Agar Halfi, but I cannot say for certain,
until I have seen Madame Limonaire, whom I have
sent Williams to fetch. When she arrives, please
ask her to come to my room without delay."
" Really, sir, I do hope the trouble is not so very
serious. But must you be out of bed ? I feel it
is risky for you to be up."
" Don't worry about that, Mrs. Breton. Beyond
being a httle weak, and just a trifle stiff, I am all
right. I would not have got up, had I not felt that
something very grave had happened.
Now I am ready to come under the nurse's care
again. I expect my shoulder will want dressing
and my arm will have to be put in a sling for the
By the time the Abbess had arrived, the nurse
had satisfactorily attended to the Master of Storton's
shoulder, and his arm was comfortably suspended
by his side.
He rose to meet Madame Limonaire with mingled
feelings, but one glance told him that she was not
an ordinary woman. He felt her influence immedi-
ately she crossed the threshold of the room, and in
spite of his own powers, backed by a masterful mind,
he was sensible of a presence greater than his own.
Both remained silent for some time after Mrs.
Breton had left the room, the Abbess standing with
one foot on the curb, and one hand on the mantel-
piece, looking sadly into the fire, while Brent-
wood gazed at her with growing respect. Instinc-
tively he became aware that she possessed powers
similar to his own, but in a higher and grander
At last he said in a low voice :
" Did you understand, madame, the crude note
I sent to you ? "
" Perfectly," she answered, without looking up.
" Then will you please read what my friend.
Agar Halfi, has written ? "
Slowly extending her hand, she took the letter
which he held forth, and silently perused it. He
watched her closely while she read, but only a slight
heave of her breast disturbed her composure, though
her mouth grew unspeakably tender.
When she had finished, he waited patiently,
expecting some comment ; but she remained silent,
mechanically tapping the fingers of her left hand
with the letter, which she had folded up.
It was he who spoke first :
" Madame Limonaire, during the past fifteen
years of my hfe I have gone through some strange
experiences, and seen things which average intelli-
gent people would classify as fairy tales, if they were
seriously put forth ; yet if the contents of that
letter are true, I fear that the mysterious evil which
came into my life some five years ago is beyond
the scope of my knowledge. When I read that
letter, I was, as you may well understand, surprised,
and I wondered if it were possible that any living
being, let alone a woman, could unravel this tangled
" Why so, Monsieur ? why should a woman be less
capable of solving it than anyone else ? "
The subtle attraction in her sweet, gentle tones
stirred him a little. He had spoken to her as an
intellectual equal ; but the sound of her voice —
without dispelling the first idea — forcefully reminded
him that there was a distinct and sharp line between
the sexes, of which he had not hitherto been conscious.
"It is seldom women attain the high develop-
ment that men reach," he answered steadily.
" Why do you think that ? "
He hesitated a moment before he replied :
" Probably because they have not had, and do
not now have, the same opportunities."
" Monsieur Brentwood, what do you know about
women ? "
She turned her beautiful face toward him, and
their eyes met. Instinctively the Master of Stor-
ton felt all his powers gathering to combat this
extraordinary personality, unconsciously the forces
within him challenged her power, but the pure
clear look of her remarkable eyes met his glance
with an easy calm.
For nearly a minute their minds clashed, during
which period the man suffered more than he had
ever done in the whole of his life. The light of her
eyes grew in intensity, and he became terribly
aware that he was seeing the faults of his existence.
What a distorted, feeble thing after all 1 He, who
had imagined he had evolved so high — nothing but
a puny, weak mortal. He was being forced to know
it, to admit it ! A scorching shame passed over
him, he closed his eyes to shut out the overwhelming
power of her gaze, and with the fall of his pride, he
gave a short cry. Sinking back in his choir, he
bowed his head, covering his eyes with his right hand.
During the long silence which ensued, the Master
of Storton, crushed as he was, learned that he was
but partially developed, a sort of lop-sided ego,
which, having conquered some things, had carelessly,
if not wilfully, neglected others equally important.
" I am but as the dust ! " he exclaimed bitterly.
" Monsieur ! "
The deep ring of unselfish sympathy in her voice
lifted him out of the depths into which he had sunk,
and a new hope rose in him. Slowly looking up,
he beheld her standing with outstretched arms.
tears of pain in her eyes, and an expression of grief
on her spiritual face.
" Think not that I came to punish you ; I am
but the instrument through which the lesson you
have had to learn has been conveyed. You have
suffered greatly, so also have I in witnessing your
agony. But as you must know, the more a soul
develops, the more refined it becomes, the greater
is its suffering — ^this is the law.
" But that you have striven and struggled toward
good, this lesson could not have been learned by you
in this particular way. It is part of your reward ;
you have but to profit by it. For some years, your
destiny is here. Seek it in self-sacrifice ; go out
into the world of struggling humanity, and, as far
as you are able, emulate the Master Magician —
continue his work."
She paused, and he looked at her wonderingly,
but without fear, for he understood. In the same
way that he loved his friend Agar Halfi, so he loved
this strange woman. He knew now that they were
both on the same plane of development, where
jealousy and envy have long been conquered and
" Madame, it is good that one's pride should be
humbled. Only too well do I realise the mistake
I have made. By avoiding certain things in the
world, I have remained ignorant of them, thinking
that they did not matter."
" Seek, and ye shall find," she replied simply.
" And now. Monsieur, if you are ready, let us go
and discover him who has fulfilled his part in this
one of many destinies in the great eternal fife."
Slowly rising, he went up into his study and took
a key from his desk. Returning, with the aid of the
Abbess he donned his ulster, and together they
went by the secret stair out of the house, to the
lodge. Here Brentwood, with some trepidation,
effected an entrance to the Hindoo's private room
with the key he had brought, and standing on one
side, allowed the Abbess to precede him.
As they crossed the threshold, that which met
their eyes caused the man to stifle a low cry, but
the woman gave no sign.
Lying full length on the carpet, dressed in his
ritual robes, lay the body of Agar Halfi, a look of
serene calm on his fine countenance. In his right
hand was a white wand ; in his left, and held to his
breast, the large gold cross without which he had
never conducted any experiment. A copper brazier
stood at his head, another at his feet.
Just for a moment they stood looking with deep
reverence at the solemn scene, then the Master of
Storton stepped quickly to the side of the silent
figure, and bending down on one knee, carefully
examined it.
" Dead ! Quite dead ! " he whispered brokenly.
Looking up, he met the quiet eyes of Heloise
Limonaire, who was standing on the other side of
the body, her hands clasped on her breast.
As she gazed at him, the Master of Storton sud-
denly felt that he was in the grip of some mysterious
power. Strange scenes passed before his vision, cries
in an unknown tongue rang in his ears. They passed,
and he heard the voice of the Abbess speaking :
" King of a once great race, here lies the body of
the Wizard of the Mountains, who, having fulfilled
his destiny here, has departed from the earth plane.
No more exists the evil which I, the Sorceress, in
my wickedness brought forth long ago, to cause his
downfall. By his sacrifice has he destroyed it,
and, great King, we are free, the goal is won. Soon
shall I follow, there to join him, and together shall
we evolve onward and upward in the vast eternal
But you, who were once a monarch, know that
your time has not yet come. As every physical
body seeks its mate, so every soul seeks its counter-
part, and every spirit its affinity. Seek you yours
on the earth plane, you shall not labour in vain.
Then shall a change of consciousness carry you
Her voice died away, and with it the spell. Re-
leased from her magnetic gaze, the Master of
Storton's eyes wandered to the dead man's face,
and as he stared he almost thought he saw a quiet
smile of triumph disturb the impassive features.
He started, and rising to his feet was about to
speak, when he saw that the Abbess was standing
with bent head, and clasped hands, as though in
prayer over the clay house that had once imprisoned
the companion of her desftiny.
For some time she stood thus, then with a deep
sigh she turned, and said calmly :
"Come, Monsieur, I would depart — my task is
They buried the body of Agar Halfi quietly and
without ceremony in the village churchyard, and
when the Rev. Philip Alletson read the burial ser-
vice it was a characteristic group that stood in
silent reverence over the Hindoo mystic's earthly
Elsie Hobson and Arthur Shepperton were there,
in acknowledgment of all that that strange man
had done for them ; also Herbert Canning, who had
come to pay his last respects to the man who had
saved his life.
Close to the grave stood the Master of Storton,
pale and set, a look of stern sorrow on his handsome
face. Not far away, deeply veiled, was the Abbess,
silent and still. By her side stood Constance, with
trembling lips and wet eyes.
They all knew what had transpired — omitting
certain details, and with Madame Limonaire's per-
mission, Brentwood had frankly explained to the
rest, the final act in this mysterious drama. At
that meeting, whatever resentment the young soli-
citor may have had against the Master of Storton
vanished. He was not ungenerous, and when —
to the surprise of everyone except the Abbess —
Brentwood had offered his hand, Shepperton had
gripped it genuinely, and the Master of Storton
turned a one-time enemy into a friend.
As for Constance, the words she had once spoken
to Philip, i.e. that if he were innocent she would
never be able to look him in the face again for very
shame, came home to her forcefully now, and while
she stood listening to her brother's voice by the
graveside, she cast one or two nervous glances at
the motionless figure of the man she loved. " When
it was over, would he speak to her ? " she thought.
If he did, she felt she would have to apologise, and
she was afraid — ^not of having to apologise, but
of herself !
However, beyond the usual formalities, he did
not address her, and when his carriage had departed,
the reaction of the strain she had put upon herself
made her tremble. It was then that a gentle pres-
sure on her arm made her turn, to find herself
looking into the calm, beautiful eyes of Heloise
The trembling stopped almost immediately, and
she was aware of a restful feeling, similar to that
which she had experienced when she first met Agar
" Peace, child," she whispered in her sweet voice,
" do not distress yourself. There is sunshine with
the rain, and that which you were told, by him whose
body lies yonder, will soon come to pass ! "
The next moment the Abbess had stepped into
her carriage, and before Constance could reply
it had rolled away, leaving the Vicar's sister to
reproach herself for being selfish. Surely, if any
person wanted sympathy just then, it was Madame
Limonaire, and yet the great generous spirit of that
remarkable woman had swept on one side her own
trouble, just to give comfort to a sister, whom she
had realised was suffering quietly, when they stood
side by side at the grave of Agar Halfi the Mystic.
About a week later, one beautiful sunny morning,
Mr. Brentwood was sitting on an old rustic seat
beneath a great oak, somewhere in one of the comers
of his immense garden.
Since the death of his friend he had changed
visibly. For one thing, the hard stern lines of his
face, which had been so characteristic of the man
and made people avoid him, had vanished ; while
the cold look of his deep brown eyes was no longer
discernible. But his countenance bore traces of
suffering, and a close inspection would have revealed
a distinct touch of grey in his dark hair.
Not until Agar Halfi had passed over did the
Master of Storton realise how much he was attached
to him, and there was a lonely feeling in his heart
when at times he unconsciously listened, expecting
to hear the famiUar voice, and then suddenly re-
membered the loss he had sustained.
But as there is no " cloud without a silver lining,"
so the grief of this reserved, proud man was slowly
but surely being superseded by a new and mysterious
Ever since his memorable interview with the
Abbess, the Master of Storton had realised that the
loneliness he had sometimes experienced during
his hfe was due to the fact that man is not meant
to Uve in a solitary state, neither physically, men-
tally, nor spiritually. As he had become convinced
of this, his eyes seemed to be opened, and one day
he suddenly understood why he had been troubled
because a certain individual had suspected him of
being the perpetrator of the Worlstoke Mystery.
Now it happened that this particular morning
he sat deeply thinking about these things, when
all at once he started up, and calUng Hector, who
lay lazily asleep at his feet, he put on his hat and
went out.
Half an hour later he stood in the Vicarage draw-
ing-room, whither Martha had shown him, when
he had asked for Miss AUetson.
A minute later the door opened, and the Vicar
" Really, Brentwood, I am glad to see you again,"
he said warmly. " Of course you will now stop to
lunch ? "
" Well, I hardly know," he replied uncertainly.
" Did you understand why I called ? "
The Vicar looked at him mystified, then rephed :
" No, I'm afraid I don't quite grasp what you
" Well, I will tell you, AUetson — I called to see
your sister."
" Sister ! " echoed the other.
" Yes, AUetson. Listen : I'm going to ask her to
marry me," he said cooUy.
For some time the two men looked at each other
steadily. The Vicar was a little startled, yet in
his heart he rejoiced. Like certain other people,
he knew his sister's secret, and the fact that a happy
ending to what even an hour ago seemed to be a
tragedy, unnerved him for the moment. At length
he took the Master of Storton's hand in his, and
said, in a voice deep with emotion :
" Brentwood, it is a surprise to me ; I had no idea,
but for my sister's sake I could not wish anything
better. Constance went out about an hour ago,
and I think she went for a walk in the woods. Go
and find her, Brentwood, and God speed you."
It was Hector who first found her. She was
standing at the end of the path that overlooks the
village of Worlstoke, and was evidently on the way
She turned in surprise as the dog came bounding
up to her, then her heart fluttered, for she found
herself face to face with the man who held all the
world for her.
Just for a few seconds they looked at each other,
and she could not help noticing that his face was
cold and hard.
Then she recovered her self-possession, and said
almost normally :
" Mr. Brentwood, how can I satisfactorily apolo-
gise to you ? "
" For what ? " he asked, although he knew all
the while what she meant.
She paused uncertainly — didn't he understand ?
" My — my suspicions of you."
He laughed oddly, and answered indifferently :
" I don't need any apology ! "
She grew proud in an instant. Why had she
spoken ? The man seemed made of marble
" If I have offended too deeply, I regret it ; I
cannot do more."
" You can ! "
The colour went from her cheeks ; his tone did not
assure her, and she could not understand his attitude.
" Mr. Brentwood, what do you mean ? "
" Constance! "
The intense feehng in his voice caused her to
draw in a deep breath. During the pause which
followed, their eyes met, and as in her dream she
saw the cold brown eyes grow warm, then un-
speakably tender. Her lips quivered, her breast
heaved, and as she reahsed what it all meant, she
gave a smothered cry and dropped her gaze.
He took her hand, and she felt his grasp warm
and strong. It thrilled her, and as in a dream she
heard his voice :
" Constance, I came to find you, with the hope
that I may never leave you again. Can I hope so
much ? "
As she understood his words the woman, who
at the touch of his hand had felt helpless, realised
her power.
She raised her eyes, with a hght in them which
made the blood rush to his heart.
" Hugo Brentwood, I loved you long ago," she
said simply.
She looked into his eyes, this time quite without
fear, for not a trace could she discern of the dread
evil which, the last time their eyes met, had held
her in a grip of horror. All she saw was her own
fair face reflected in the dark pupils, and she was
restfuUy conscious that the cry which had come
from her soul that dreadful night at the Manor
had at last been answered.
Their hps met — and Hector, who was standing
a dumb witness to this plighting of their troth,
slowly wagged his tail as if with approval.
One evening about a fortnight later, when that
moon whose birth signaUsed the death of Agar Halfi
was on the wane, in the early twilight hour, the
last rays of the setting sun gradually crept round
the west wall of the " Chalet," until they shone
through the window of a room on the ground floor
which was utilised as a chapel.
There they revealed the solitary figure of Heloise
Limonaire, kneeling at an altar, a large gold cross
clasped to her breast, and an intense ethereal look
in her marvellous eyes, from which seemed to blaze
forth the light of her fettered soul.
In the small hours of the morning, just before
the dawn, the silver rays of the dying moon reached
the same window, and piercing the gloom, discovered
the Abbess still there, but not kneeling.
She was lying at the foot of the altar, quietly
still, her right hand tightly clasping the gold cross
to her heart, her left arm hanging listlessly by her
side. Closed were the spiritual eyes, and on her
almost perfect features was a rare smile of happi-
ness, as though she were peacefully sleeping. But
there was not the gentlest movement of her bosom
to denote that she breathed, and — and her body
was colder than the cold moonbeams that kissed
her cheek.
She had been released from her earthly prison ;
at last had she gone to join her affinity — and the
smile on her countenance seemed to say, as though
in triumphant answer to the words, " Seek, and ye
shall find " :
" I HAVE Sought, and I have Found "
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